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    Steroids Are Blamed in Suicide of Young Athlete

    http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/10/s...d=all&position= By DUFF WILSON ACAVILLE, Calif. - Brenda Marrero came upon her son Efrain surfing the Internet one day last October. When Efrain hid what was on the screen, she asked what he had been looking at. He turned and said he wanted to tell her...
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    Swimmer Lied but Wins Lawsuit Anyway

    Ultimate Nutrition Product Testing Finds Negative Steroid Results 2005-06-03 - Ultimate Nutrition http://www.npicenter.com/anm/templa...12617&zoneid=18 (FARMINGTON, CT) June 2, 2005 – Independent, third-party laboratory testing at the University of Southern California (USC), found Super...
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    New Jersey creates High School Steroid Task Force

    ......and more of your hard earned tax dollars WASTED! :rolleyes: http://sports.espn.go.com/sports/news/story?id=2111624 Updated: July 19, 2005, 2:53 PM ET Gov. Codey: Steroid use is 'public health crisis' Associated Press TRENTON, N.J. -- Acting Gov. Richard J. Codey signed an...
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    Ex-soldier blamed steroids for homicide

    What a dickhead. Cant anyone take responsibility for their own actions anymore??? Ex-soldier executed for shotgun slaying http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/07/20/oklahoma.execution.ap/index.html McALESTER, Oklahoma (AP) -- A former U.S. soldier who said steroids turned him into a killer was...
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    E-books galore

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    Interesting steroid article

    http://www.laweekly.com/ink/05/36/features-kotler.php The road to the future is paved in blood — my own. Not too long ago, a nurse went a little crazy with my hemoglobin. Somewhere in the middle of the second vial, I got too dizzy to pay attention, but it felt like she took pints, quarts...
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    Beware of the Dark Side of Tamoxifin

    This is interesting for men as well: Beware of the Dark Side of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) by Sherrill Sellman There has been much ado in the press recently about the wonders of the drug tamoxifen (nolvadex). It has been heralded as a major breakthrough in the treatment and possible prevention...
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    Beware of the Dark Side of Tamoxifin

    This is interesting for men as well: Beware of the Dark Side of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) by Sherrill Sellman There has been much ado in the press recently about the wonders of the drug tamoxifen (nolvadex). It has been heralded as a major breakthrough in the treatment and possible prevention...
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    Beware of the Dark Side of Tamoxifin

    This is interesting for men as well: Beware of the Dark Side of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) by Sherrill Sellman There has been much ado in the press recently about the wonders of the drug tamoxifen (nolvadex). It has been heralded as a major breakthrough in the treatment and possible prevention...
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    Beware of the Dark Side of Tamoxifin

    This is interesting for men as well: Beware of the Dark Side of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) by Sherrill Sellman There has been much ado in the press recently about the wonders of the drug tamoxifen (nolvadex). It has been heralded as a major breakthrough in the treatment and possible prevention...
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    School teacher in Florida

    Anyone see the latest school teacher to screw one of her students? This one is in Florida and she is hot. Where the hell were these horney teachers when I was 15 years old???? :confused:
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    HGH vs Testosterone

    HGH vs Testosterone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Growth Hormone vs Testosterone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by Karlis Ullis, M.D. and Joshua Shackman, Ph.D. I was one of the first...
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    HGH vs Testosterone

    HGH vs Testosterone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Growth Hormone vs Testosterone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by Karlis Ullis, M.D. and Joshua Shackman, Ph.D. I was one of the first...
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    How To Squat For Huge Arms

    HOW TO SQUAT FOR HUGE ARMS By Stuart McRobert Adapted from his best-selling book BRAWN To build muscle mass, you must increase strength. It’s that simple. You will never get huge arms, a monstrous back, a thick chest, or massive legs without lifting heavy weights. I know that probably...
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    How To Squat For Huge Arms

    HOW TO SQUAT FOR HUGE ARMS By Stuart McRobert Adapted from his best-selling book BRAWN To build muscle mass, you must increase strength. It’s that simple. You will never get huge arms, a monstrous back, a thick chest, or massive legs without lifting heavy weights. I know that probably...
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    Rick Collins' Testimony To The United States Sentencing Commission

    This is a few months old, but I dont think it has been posted here previously RICK COLLINS' TESTIMONY TO THE UNITED STATES SENTENCING COMMISSION On April 12, 2005, Rick Collins testified before the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC) on behalf of the National Association of Criminal...
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    Rick Collins' Testimony To The United States Sentencing Commission

    This is a few months old, but I dont think it has been posted here previously RICK COLLINS' TESTIMONY TO THE UNITED STATES SENTENCING COMMISSION On April 12, 2005, Rick Collins testified before the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC) on behalf of the National Association of Criminal...
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    Ab Training-by Ironaddict

    Ab Training -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are three main categories of guys in the gym relative to ab training. The guys that never do abs because “what the hell, ya can't see ‘em anyway”. Those guys that give them the cursory 3 sets of...
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    Dealing With Love Handles

    Dealing With Love Handles Exercises to help you slim your silhouette By Michele Stanten and Selene Yeager Q: Please help! No matter what I seem to do, I cannot get rid of my "love handles." I want to firm up my middle! A: The "love handle" area along your sides above your waist is...
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    Training with Maximal Weights

    Training with Maximal Weights -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Science Behind a Very Heavy Subject I'm going to let you in on a little secret: a large percentage of professional bodybuilders are about as weak as a one-armed, octogenarian...