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    Supplement Ban 2006

    http://www.bsnonline.net/bsn/pressrel.htm Dont let them do it! Contact your rep!
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    DRveejay's comprehensive ASSAULT on cholesterol

    Cholesterol...the “other” silent killer all members should be concerned with! WHAT IS CHOLESTEROL Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like compound that belongs to a class of molecules called steroids. It's found in many foods, in your bloodstream and in all your body's cells. If you had a handful of...
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    DRveejay's comprehensive ASSAULT on cholesterol

    Cholesterol...the “other” silent killer all members should be concerned with! WHAT IS CHOLESTEROL Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like compound that belongs to a class of molecules called steroids. It's found in many foods, in your bloodstream and in all your body's cells. If you had a handful of...
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    Who stole Oracle?

    Okay, who took him? He's missing. It sure is quiet without him here. Kinda boring though. :)
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    New HBO Sports special

    Anybody catch the new HBO sports special about Dr. Shortt prescribing AAS to NFL players? If this doctor goes down, pretty much all men that are on HRT therapy might as well forget about their doctors ever prescribing testosterone for them again. When will this fucking government of ours get off...
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    One Lift a Day

    One Lift a Day -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "One Lift a Day" Program by Dan John The Anti-Fitness Magazine Workout When I was a teenager, I turned from comic books to "men’s magazines." Not just the notable one with Hugh Hefner at the...
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    One Lift a Day

    One Lift a Day -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The "One Lift a Day" Program by Dan John The Anti-Fitness Magazine Workout When I was a teenager, I turned from comic books to "men’s magazines." Not just the notable one with Hugh Hefner at the...
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    She's back

    NEW Janet Jackson video. She must need the cash to pay off Michael's lawyer fees. http://boss.streamos.com/wmedia/virg001/young_fly_flashy/video/jd_gotta_getcha_uncut_hi.asx
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    Eating Eggs Okay for the Healthy Heart

    Eating Eggs Okay for the Healthy Heart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nice to hear it confirmed... Eating Eggs Okay for the Healthy HeartReuters Health By Anthony J. Brown, MD Friday, March 25, 2005 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - In...
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    Eating Eggs Okay for the Healthy Heart

    Eating Eggs Okay for the Healthy Heart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nice to hear it confirmed... Eating Eggs Okay for the Healthy HeartReuters Health By Anthony J. Brown, MD Friday, March 25, 2005 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - In...
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    Undercover steroid sting snares pro bodybuilder

    Undercover steroid sting snares pro bodybuilder Tuesday, March 29, 2005 By CAROLYN SALAZAR STAFF WRITER PARAMUS - A professional bodybuilder who competes in national events stole a doctor's pad, wrote his own prescriptions and then stashed thousands of dollars' worth of stolen steroids...
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    Placebos considered for larger role in medical therapy

    http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/ethics/2005-04-07-placebo-effective_x.htm?csp=N007&RM_Exclude=Juno Placebos considered for larger role in medical therapy By Gregory M. Lamb, The Christian Science Monitor Most people think of placebos as harmless "sugar pills" given in clinic trials to...
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    The Steroids Witch Hunt

    Kind of a lame read, but Im still in the hole so I better keep posting :D THE STEROIDS WITCH HUNT By Michael Smith ESPN.com If you've ever had a teacher scold an entire classroom because two kids wouldn't stop talking, then you know that the many often suffer for the few. And if your...
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    HBO Real Sports

    This is the link to what aired. Its the best show I have seen regarding AAS. Copy thanks to bodybuildingdungeon.com http://rapidshare.de/files/2572196/HBO_Steroids.wmv.html second link The Contrarian View Virtually everybody from sportswriters and talk-show hosts to league executives and...
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    Too Much Water Can Kill You

    Athletes warned to watch water intake LINDA A. JOHNSON / Associated Press Runners, hikers, bikers, even soldiers on long maneuvers should think twice before reaching for that water bottle: A study confirms that drinking too much can be dangerous, even deadly, for endurance athletes...
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    Ill effects can't be proven unrepentant 40-year user says

    http://www.ergogenics.org/clapp.html (Included is "Roid Warrior" as well) Kent Somers The Arizona Republic Feb. 27, 2005 Before the interview starts, Robert Clapp has a few things to get off his chest, which ripples underneath a T-shirt hanging by two thin straps. He's 69, he says, and...
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    Girls are abusing steroids too, experts say

    http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7633384/ Girls are abusing steroids too, experts say Teens hoping to lose weight face dangerous health risks Updated: 6:02 p.m. ET April 25, 2005 TRENTON, N.J. - An alarming number of American girls, some as young as 9, are using bodybuilding steroids — not...
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    Can Drug-Busters Beat New Steroids

    http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/04_24/b3887096_mz018.htm Can Drug-Busters Beat New Steroids "The arms race is bound to intensify. Many drug testers believe that within a few years, desperate athletes will try to alter their genes so that they don't need designer drugs. It's not...
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    When Cops Use Steroids

    http://abcnews.go.com/Health/US/story?id=775659&page=1 May 24, 2005 — Amid the furor over steroid use by superstar athletes like baseball's Jose Canseco and Jason Giambi, another story is quietly unfolding in small towns and big cities across America — cops on steroids. From New York City to...
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    New complete muscle grown in the lab

    New complete muscle grown in the lab Medical Science NewsPublished: Sunday, 19-Jun-2005 Printer Friendly Email to a Friend A multinational team of researchers has grown new muscle complete with its own network of blood vessels in the laboratory, and implanted the new muscle in a living mouse...