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  1. Freejay

    BD Averbol 25 (Methandienone)

    Hey bro's....Any insight on this liquid?
  2. Freejay

    Any Coughing from Deca or EQ?

    Bro's...Just wondering if Deca or EQ can cause a cough like tren, etc?
  3. Freejay

    Grapefruit Juice and Orals

    Hey Bro's here's a question for you. Do any of you know if grapefruit juice should be avoided while taking orals? I know some perscription drugs (Lipitor for example) are not to be used with grapefruit juice as it can caus too much of the drug to get into the liver. Just wondering if any oral...
  4. Freejay

    Tren (parabolan) shots painful?

    Hey bro's. Are Tren shots painfull? I was looking into that GL TnT product that has 200mg Test Enan and 150mg Tren Enan per mL. I was told by the source that the shot is painful and that it should be cut with deca or EQ. Any thoughts?
  5. Freejay

    Product Suggestions

    Hey Bro's. If any of you have any contacts at the UG's How about seeing if they are open to making a new "blend"? I'd like to see something like that Profina someone on here was talking about. Or perhaps instead of the short acting version something with like Tren Depot and Test Cyp. Just a...
  6. Freejay

    Deadwood (The TV show not Deca Dick!)

    Hey bro's! Anyone here hooked on the HBO show Deadwood!
  7. Freejay

    Unstable Shoulder

    Well....I got some bad news from my Chiropractor today. I was up north with friends this weekend when I suddenly felt quite queazy. According to my Brother, I passed out and had a siezure. The next thing I remember is being in the ambulance headed for the hospital. So far I believe it was...
  8. Freejay

    Needle Sizes

    Hey bro's! This might have already been asked and answered, so forgive my redundance in advance. What is the smallest pin one could get away with safely for injecting oil based gear? Think I got my little bro past his fear, but I will definately have to use a small pin on him. Also, are 1"...
  9. Freejay

    Turanabol Oral Cycle Help

    O.K. Brothers... I have decided to do a cycle with my younger brother using Turanabol (not looking for huge mass gains but lean muscle, etc.) We are both over 6 feet tall, and over 200 lbs already (he's 205 I'm 230.) Our BF % is probably in the range of 12 to 15 %. If I could add another oral...
  10. Freejay

    PRIMOBOL Tablet Dosage Help

    Hey guys. I was thinking of picking up some BD Primobol tabs, but I can't find out what the effective dosage is. Can someone tell me how much to take?
  11. Freejay

    SAN V-12 Turbo

    Hey my brothers!! Anyone use or try SAN V12 Turbo Creatine? I have been on it for about a week now and it seems to be O.K. but it has a ton of Aspartame in it for sweetness and I really hate that shit. Ane reccomendations? I'm also using AST Ny-Tro Pro 40 shakes for my protien. Anyone like...
  12. Freejay

    Lipitor and Juice

    Hey Bro's. Have or are any of you taking a statin for high cholesterol, and if so can you take gear at the same time?
  13. Freejay

    First Cycle Ever

    O.K. Guys...Thanks to all of you who have already provided me with some advise! Now that I have decided to do a cycle I have a few questions. I'm not afraid of needles, so I was leaning towards an injectable version of somthing. A couple of other forums I was reading on have got me so scared...
  14. Freejay

    Norandrodiol and 1,4 Andro

    Hi all. Before I do a cycle of the "real stuff" I still have some Ergopharm Norandrodiol Select 300 and some Boldione (1,4 Andro). Will these stack well together? Also, if I don't like these, Im going to plaqn a real cycle. So far, I'm leaning towards a cycle of nothing but Deca. Any...
  15. Freejay

    Another Newbie!

    Hi all! As others have stated, the prohormone ban has pushed me in "other directions" as well. I have read some of the posts, and look forward to being part of the comunity. I'm just starting to get back into training (hard) after a pretty bad rotator cuff tear. Can't wait to get back into...