Search results

  1. Freejay

    Homebrew Question?

    Well Bro's....I'm planning on trying to homebrew sometime in the future, and as always I intend to fully research the subject before jumping in. My question is with regards to sterilization. DR posted several "recepies" for coversions, but one of the steps mentions heating the oil in an muffin...
  2. Freejay

    Test Prop Pain

    Hey bro's....Does all Prop cause pain? If so, how would you describe the pain, and is it something you can work through?
  3. Freejay

    Injectable Forms of Oral Steroids

    Bro's....It occured to me that perhaps some of the more popular orals should be made in an injectable form, and I see that there are some (D-bol for example.) My question is, are these still liver toxic, or is the 17-alpha alkylation removed? I would love to see Oral T as an injectable, but...
  4. Freejay

    Tast Your Injections?!

    Taste Your Injections?! O.K. So I did my fourth pop today, and I swear I could taste something briefly! Has anyone experienced this?
  5. Freejay

    Travelling With Your Gear?

    Bro's....I have a dellima. I have to go out of town on business tomorrow for a week, and I need to transport my gear along with me. I'm not worried about the orals, as I can put them in a pill bottle, but what do I do with a vial and a few syringes? I know that sometimes the TSA even goes...
  6. Freejay

    Freejay's First Pop!!

    Well bro's I just did my first poke! And all I can say to those who have aprehension about needles is....GET OVER IT! I used a 23G 1" pin and injected into my delt. I didn't even feel the needle go in at all!! I got my pins through ryvmed, and although some have said they aren't as sharp as...
  7. Freejay

    Some more Info on Oral Turinabol

    Here is a link to some of the medical research actually performed by the East German doctors on some of the atheletes they used O.T. on. This AAS in my opinion is very good, and will probably replace other oral compounds in cycles more and more in the future now that UG's like BD and IP are...
  8. Freejay

    Injectables That Cause Site Irritation Or Pain

    Bro's....Here's one for you to mull over and respond to based on your experiences. What injectable gear is painful and/or routinely causes site irritation? I know sometimes these things have to do with who made it, so I'm purely interested in what compounds cause these effects (regularly.)
  9. Freejay

    T-Bol Cycle update

    I figured I'd update you all on my controversial T-Bol cycle. To recap, I'm 31 years old, 6'1" and weigh 225 at 12% BF. I have been taking T-Bol (Oral Turinabol or Turanabol) at 60mg ED for nearly 4 weeks now. So far I have had no sides to speak of. I have noticed a marked increase in...
  10. Freejay

    Got the Car Ready For Summer Cruzin!

    Well....I just spent about $800.00 in new car audio! I drive an 04 Mazda 3s Hatchback. I changed out the stock speakers with Infinity Kappa's, added an Infinity 4 chanel amp, and then added an Infinity Basslink (powered 200W sub). Now I'm ready to do some serious driving! I love pulling up...
  11. Freejay

    Steroid Classes

    Bro's....Can someone explain the classes steroids are put into (IE: Class 1, Class 2, Etc.)
  12. Freejay

    Deffinately feeling something!!!??

    Well, I'm finishing up week 2 of my cycle, and today I deffinately feel different. I have what I would describe as a "light sweat" going right now. Kind of the same as a low grade fever might give you (without the fever of course.) It's not uncomfortable though. I have already noticed some...
  13. Freejay

    Orals...With Food or Empty Stomach?

    Hey Bro's...Quick question. Can orals be taken with food, or is it better to injest them on an empty stomach?
  14. Freejay


    Anyone use this stuff..Opinions? Picked some up just as added protection from the orals. Looks like a good supp regardless.
  15. Freejay

    Dissipointed in my Pecs! Need advice

    Hello Brethren! Just got back from the Gym, and was doing a little self critiquing. I'm really not too satisfied with my pecs. They look disproportionate to the rest of my torso. Part of the problem might be I have naturally broad shoulders and large arms. I really need help getting the...
  16. Freejay

    Favorite Supplement Websites

    Bro's....Here is your chance to give a bump to your favorite nutritional website. Just wanted to see who you order from online (if at all.) I use DPS Nutrition.
  17. Freejay

    Isopure Protien

    Anyone use Natures Best Isopure? Just looking for an opinion.
  18. Freejay

    Suggest a cycle for me

    Hey bro's... Just wanted to let some of you suggest a cycle for me given the following criteria... Cycle length...10 to 12 weeks Training goals...Lean mass I was thinking of combining Test Cyp with Primo. Do you think these two would work well? I really want to stress the lean mass goal...
  19. Freejay

    ECA Stack

    Bro's....Do many of you use an ECA stack for cutting, and if so, please elaborate as to the dosages of the compounds in the stack. Is this very effective?
  20. Freejay

    Shoulder Problems

    Well Bro's...I want to the orthopedic surgeon today, and he gave me the all clear!!! He said I definately had some trauma in both shoulders, but no torn RC, and no unstable shoulder. He said that if I'm careful, I will make a full recovery!