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  1. heavy

    Official John Kerry Sucks Thread

  2. heavy

    Diet Track Sheet

    http://www.mikefrancois.com/diettracksheet.htm Tho he should have put more meal spaces.
  3. heavy

    Jay Cutlers Pre-Contest Diet

    I thought it was cool that he posted it on his site, here is the link. http://www.jaycutler.com/sub/nutrition.htm I was watching his video the other day as well, and he eats 300g simple carbs post training, followed by another carb meal one hour later. Insane. This guy is 297lb off season....
  4. heavy

    Yesterdays diet for Chris1

    Protein Fat Carbs 15 Eggwhites 50 0 0 1 cup (dry) oats 12.6 6 60 1/2 banana 0 2 12.5 500g 1% cottage cheese 65 5 25 1 1/3 cup (dry) oats 16.8 8...
  5. heavy

    What are your current diets?

    Hey bros... Was wondering what your all doing right now...bulking, cutting or maintaing? More specifically, what your diets are like as well...im starting a 6 week cutter. Lowering my carbs from 275g down to 150g by the last week, and upping my protein from 400g to 550g... What are you all...
  6. heavy

    What are you all currently on?

    What are you bros running right now? Im on 500mg test...hope to start tren, and winny on friday, and maybe some clen too...
  7. heavy

    Ms Combat Flight Sim 3

    Paid $54.99...will sell it for $20.
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  9. heavy

    Nose Bleeds

    Am I the only one who gets nose bleeds from steroid usage? This is due to high blood pressure, but even with a VERY clean diet, low sodium and cardiovascular fitness i get them...what about you guys? Currently running 500mg test down from 700mg.
  10. heavy

    where is anasci?

    I haven't seen him post in a long time...
  11. heavy

    Deca-Durabolin-The current best brand?

    Hey bro's, I have never used deca before, and was hoping that some of you who have, could tell me what brands you have used, which was the best, and what type of gains you have gotten from using deca. I have used test cyp, enanthate, sustanon, thai dbol, naposims, winstrol...
  12. heavy

    Human Growth Hormone

    Human Growth Hormone Pharmaceutical Name: Somatotrophin Effective dose: 6-12 IU/day in combination with androgens and insulin for muscle growth, 3-6 IU/day for fat loss purposes Average Street-price: $50 for 4 IU Available Doses: 2,3,4,10,12,16,24,72 IU vials for subcutaneous injection...
  13. heavy

    Methandriol dipropionate

    Methandriol (MAD) is not really an actual steroid. It's more of a prohormone. Its only illegal because it's either esterized or methylated, both practices declaring any steroidal substance illegal by the catch clause for schedule III drugs. But basically its 5-androstene-3beta, 17beta-diol...
  14. heavy


    Methyltestosterone was, well, still is the worlds first oral steroid developed. Using the now infamous 17-alpha-methyl alteration to render the base hormone, testosterone, orally active. However, unlike the whole host of injectable testosterones, methyltest is a rather crude and not very well...
  15. heavy


    MIOTOLAN - Pharmaceutical Name: Furazabol Chemical structure: 17-alpha-methyl-5-alpha-androsta-2,3-furazan,17b-ol Effective dose: 20-50 mg/day Average Street-price: $0.25-0.40 for a 1 mg tab Available Doses: 1 mg tabs Characteristics: Furazabol reminds us of Stanozolol (Winstrol)...
  16. heavy


    Hey bros. I found this site, and thought I would post it. This guy has a great physique, I give him props for that, as he has alot of nice mass on him, but look at this cycle of his; hes using 28 amps of sust a week, 350mg anadrol day! What do you think about this? These doses are insane to...
  17. heavy


    Masteron is a (now discontinued) European injectable preparation containing the steroid drostanolone propionate. Drostanolone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, most specifically 2alpha-methyldihydrotestosterone. As a result, the structure of this steroid is that of a moderate...
  18. heavy


    Halotestin is an oral steroid. Its fluoxymesterone substance is a precursor of methyltestosterone which, through changes in the chemical structure, was made much more androgenic than test-osterone. The anabolic component of Halotestin is only slightly pronounced. Based on its characteristics...
  19. heavy


    Dianabol, Ciba's old brand name for 5mg Methandrostenolone tablets, has always been one of the most popular anabolic steroids available. Dianabol's popularity stems from it's almost immediate and very strong anabolic effects. 4-5 tablets a day is enough to give almost anybody dramatic results...
  20. heavy

    Equipoise- EQ - Boldenone Undecylenate

    or something that is generally injected into cows, horses and dogs boldenone is quite a popular and well-liked drug by most bodybuilders because of its unique make-up. It possesses several characteristics that aren't found in any other substance and its use is so varied its much desired...