Search results

  1. heavy

    Your favourite steroid

    I'd like to see which steroid is everyones favourite, out of what you have used. Personally, mine is tren. I get back pumps within the first 3 days, and it always kicks in hard...what a great drug!
  2. heavy

    Orbit Labs

    Excellent Canadian UG lab...
  3. heavy

    The Official "being off SUCKS" thread

    Yeah...I said it. Being off SUCKS... :( :D
  4. heavy

    This is just wrong!!

  5. heavy


    If any of u bros (and sisters) are canadian, post up!
  6. heavy

    New year cycles and bodybuilding plans

    Whats up bros Was wondering what your bodybuilding, strength goals are for this next year? What u plan on cycling, that sort of thing.
  7. heavy

    Article on Giambi and steroids

  8. heavy

    WTF is up with cyber-rights?

    I cant seem to load the hush encryption engine, and so I cant check my emails...does anyone know why this could be?
  9. heavy

    Bulking Diet for Newbies

    Meal1- 8 eggwhites, 1.5 cup oats, 1 scoop whey, Glutamine, Multivitamin Meal 2- 2 Roast beef sandwhiches on whole wheat, large glass skim milk, 2 scoops whey Meal 3- Brown Rice, Veggies, 2 chicken Breasts Workout Post workout- Meal 5- Gatorade, Whey Isolate, Glutamine Meal 4- Whole Wheat...
  10. heavy

    grrrrr dont u hate it when....

    You fuck your diet up? Fucking brownies piss me off. :sniper: :D
  11. heavy

    cool O/T link

    http://www.kiddofspeed.com/chapter1.html Go chapter by chapter...this chick rides her bike thru the abandoned city of chernobyl, and she takes pics of abandoned buildings, houses, streets...very cool.
  12. heavy

    any CANADIAN clen suppliers?

    If there are any canadian clen suppliers out there please pm me. thx
  13. heavy

    Mass without fat-good read

    http://www.nutramedia.com/nutrition.cgi I will be doing this next bulk up...jay cutler uses this guys plans.
  14. heavy

    Too much protein=muscle loss?!?!

    Hehe, I posted this here cuz otherwise nobody would give a shiite. I was reading in muscular development (dont laugh, i like that magazine), they said that eating too much protein makes your body release more enzymes to break the protein down, and your body ends of making most of it useless...
  15. heavy

    Happy B-day Dragon Rider

    Happy birthday bro :) Now go inject some test and pound some weights :D
  16. heavy

    Long term Nolvadex therapy for gyno

    Do any of you guys have gyno experience, or using nolvadex for a long while? I have been using it for 30 days now, at 25mg per day to get rid of existing gyno, but I am noticing very little in terms of reducing my pre-existing gyno. How long can one safely use nolvadex? And is it possible 25mg...
  17. heavy

    Cutler 3 days out

    Cutler is coming in at 285lb for the show...looks like he will place 2nd.
  18. heavy

    215 By christmas...or death!

    Im gonna post my diet each day, as I am having trouble packing in the cals, and this will motivate my ass a bit. My goal is to get from 200lb to 215lb by Christmas. I will update this as much as possible. BTW, I am on 250mg test, and 50mg tren EOD. I am gonna stop the tren in 2 weeks and take a...
  19. heavy

    Tren is messing with my head

    Wow....I am taking 100mg tren ED, and the moodswings are almost unbearable. I am never happy, always on edge and I haven't slept a good nigh in 2 weeks......does everyone else feel like this, and how did you deal with it?
  20. heavy

    Mr.Olympia predictions!

    What you all think? The O is on the 28th of October, and rumours of Ronnie being dethroned are coming left and right. I really think Ronnie deserves a 7th title, to beat Arnold and Haneys record. Ronnie is a once in a life time bodybuilder....you wont see someone like him come around again for...