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    Nathan De Asha Pleads Guilty...Out of The Olympia!

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    Crazy Picture of Juan Morel 5 Days Out From The O!

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    Brandon Curry Nearly Taken Out From The Mr. O!

    Brandon Curry is very lucky this freak accident didn't take him out of the O just a week before the contest! I'm shocked they didn't have the equipment bolted down!! https://www.muscleandfitness.com/athletes-celebrities/news/brandon-curry-pulled-cable-machine-himself-while-training/
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    Study: Walnuts Make Bad Cholesterol Harmless

    Never hurts to learn more ways to help keep LDL at a normal level! There are more studies at the bottom of this story that are similar. http://www.ergo-log.com/walnuts-make-bad-cholesterol-harmless.html
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    Next Day Gear

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    New Follistatin Analogue

    New Follistatin analogue makes muscles 19% bigger in a week. http://www.ergo-log.com/follistatin-analogue-muscles.html
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    Jeff Everson RIP

    https://www.tmz.com/2019/02/26/jeff-everson-dead-cory-everson-ex-husband-bodybuilder/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IIeYDQkCkk
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    Eddie Robinson

    This guy was THICK! An incredible bodybuilder from an incredible era!! Seems like a good guy too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjKH6hn8AN8 I haven't kept up on him but apparently he's the President of NABBA USA. Last year he was training for the NABBA Masters. Unfortunately he was...
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    Dr. Death

    This is off topic but it's an incredible story...you'll be floored! One of my doctors told me about it. He said he debated telling me but most of my surgeries are over and I have a great surgical team. I'm sure some of you know about this story, especially those in Texas. Scroll down and...
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    80's Bodybuilding Stories

    80's bodybuilding stories on Rx Muscle with Don Smith of CraZee Wear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdy6CxgkkR4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7srIMiEjSc
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    Peptide Bust

    A member at PM just posted this up. AA Peptide LLC, a/k/a All American Peptide (AAP) was busted. https://www.justice.gov/usao-nj/pr/middlesex-county-new-jersey-man-and-woman-charged-conspiring-distribute-misbranded-drugs
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    He is a FREAK and from a freak stand point he looks good but for my personal taste, I miss the lines from the 80's and 90's. That said, best of luck to him, he works his ass off! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlBq7Kw3AMY&feature=youtu.be
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    Is Your Name In Green?

    For all of you that have access to the AAS Test Results, this is the place to be and we're glad to have you. There are those of you out there viewing the results by virtue of a minimum post count of 25 and we're glad to have you posting but please consider making a minimum donation of $25 or...
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    Dr. John Crisler Died

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    Kidney Health

    Hey all, we know of supplements that help with specific organ health, except for the kidneys. The biggest thing those in this lifestyle can do is manage BP. It's still amazing how many people don't do this or rationalize having a higher than normal BP. Aside from monitoring and controlling...
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    Is Jon Jones A Rat?

    His managers explanation didn't make much sense to me. https://generationiron.com/former-light-heavyweight-champion-jon-jones-must-provide-all-known-info-on-ufc-ped-users/
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    DeSoto Parish, LA

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    Staying Logged In

    Hey guys, when I log in, if I click on anything, the site makes me log in again. It's the same at PM too.
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    Just Had Neck Surgery

    Hey all, Friday I had a Posterior, Left Side, C4-5 Decompression. Things seemed to have gone well. My surgeon uses a lot of local anesthetic and it wore off about 6pm tonight (Saturday)..LOL! Luckily he prescribed me a good amount of Oxycodone. My left arm is acting a bit weird due to all of...
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    UFC 223 Results!
