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    GABA Body Fat Inhibitor

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    TB500's Authenticity

    I found this article interesting. Granted it's from 2014, I think it's still worth a look. https://www.ergo-log.com/lgd-4033-in-web-shops-authentic-tb-500-is-not.html
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    Gold's Venice Stories

    Gold's Venice stories with Ed Connors, Arnie List and Dave Palumbo. I loved watching this! It's always fun hearing the stories. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=-UC_n5ISIGQ&feature=emb_logo
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    Your Chance of Buying Bad Follistatin is 50%

    Not surprising at all. I wish I knew who was putting out the real product! https://www.ergo-log.com/want-to-buy-follistatin-chance-of-a-bad-buy-is-fifty-percent.html
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    Funny Berry de Mey Drinking Story

    Dave Palumbo, John Romano, Jimmy Pellechia, Fran Volpe and Chris Clark (Synthol Creator). At 6:38 is the start of a funny, crazy Berry de Mey drinking story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldp-n5SeEks
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    Palumbo - Romano - Priest On Bridging

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    JM Blakely Press

    JM Blakely was/is a monster! Very strong guy. He mentions near the end that he's done triples with 535lbs...WOW!! In the video he's getting ready for competition in the 242lbs class and is doing them with 495lbs. JM used to compete anywhere from 198lb's to over 300lbs...
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    Dave Palumbo Comments On Nasser Video

    This is pretty funny! Saying Nasser was a tough interview would be putting it mildly. What a fun guy! LOL!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8cGRVA4070
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    King Kamali's 5 Craziest Contest Prep Stories

    Some funny and crazy stuff! The classic Preparation H story!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=iGwEgmPxR1A&feature=emb_logo
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    82 Year Old Powerlifting Grandma Beats Up Home Intruder

    Gotta' love this story! https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=74&v=tkpJxCRpqcg&feature=emb_logo
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    IFBB Pro Show Reults

    I was looking up the IFBB Pro Japan show results and this page came up. It's a nice reference page for pro show results! https://generationiron.com/category/competition-results/
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    JM Blakely - The Only Way To Build Confidence!

    For those that aren't familiar with him, he's a retired powerlifter who competed anywhere from 198lbs to 300lbs. Here's Dave Tate talking about the diet to do that... http://www.anasci.org/vB/showthread.php?t=38438 This is a video of Dave Tate interviewing JM Blakely on building confidence...
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    Recent Jean Pierre Fux Interview

    Shawn Ray in his series, Where Are They Now, interviews Jean Pierre Fux. JPR is very honest and open about things. Good interview! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2Jmq-Kb2-4
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    Larry Wheels Diet To Be 300lbs

    About 4+ years ago I made a thread in the Weightlifting/Powerlifting forum called The Secret Diet For Gaining Weight. It's John Meadows asking Dave Tate to reveal his weight gaining diet which he got from powerlifter JM Blakely... http://www.anasci.org/vB/showthread.php?t=38438 Larry Wheels...
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    The 1982 Mr. Olympia

    I was looking at bodybuilding videos and thought it would be fun to put up some classics! The first one is the 1982 Mr. Olympia. The winner was Chris Dickerson at the age of 43 at a whopping height of 5'6". The grand prize...wait for it...$25,000!! Just a cult sport/freak show, so not much...
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    Tom Prince

    There's a thread at PM about Tom Prince. He was phenomenal! Unfortunately his career was cut short before he could really make waves in the pro's. I truly believe he could have been one of the best pro's in history!! I'll get some videos up in a bit but for newer members or maybe some that...
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    Taurine Protects Testes

    Taurine protects the testes and partially inhibits the negative side effects of Nandrolone. Very interesting article! https://www.ergo-log.com/taurine-protects-steroids-users-testes.html
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    Palumbo vs Ray On Ronnie's Current Condition

    This is a debate between Dave Palumbo and Shawn Ray. Shawn blames Ronnie for his current condition and Dave says there are some other factors there. To me, Shawn goes overboard. If it's true Ronnie was doing things too early after surgery, that's not smart at all. I have 14 screws in my...
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    Dorian Says Brandon Curry Wouldn't Beat The 90's Top 6

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND_WeuDkIiA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xws4PjFalPA
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    The 2019 Olympia

    The 212 Winning Ceremony - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-nTgbdqN3A