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  1. B

    what happened to my "in trouble" thread?

    I can't find it anywhere, even searching my own posts. I dont think I broke any rules for it to be deleted. If so I apologize but would like to know. I really need the advice that was coming. Thanks
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    females and deca

    A man uses 150-200mg a week for its healing effects, but uses 600mg a week for growth. A woman uses say 100mg a week for growth. Would the female "healing" dose follow the same ratio...30mg? Or is the "healing" dose need to be what it is for a man?
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    Appetite gone

    2 1/2 weeks into cycle and appetite suddenly gone. Feel full and bloated right away when eating. Test e - 250mg e3d winny - 50mg ed aromasin - 25mg ed I was eating like a horse prior:(
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    joint care for woman

    my girl is considering gear for joint relief/repair. i know a lot of women use primo, but i assume deca would be the better option in this case. problem is she has been prone to some hair loss in the past when taking anavar, winny, and t bol. anybody have some insight on compound and dosage?
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    Merry belated xmas to me

    Packages 1&2 of 6 have arrived. I feel like a kid:D
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    the "Shop"

    Is anyone else having issue with getting an answer to emails to them? I have not ordered in a while...is anything going on?
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    direct labs

    For those who have used the...which package did you go with? I remember people saying $49 for what they ordered, but the way I see test and estro, it will be 2 packages and a lot more money:eek:
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    some tren cycle help please

    Ok so you know its been fucked up from a couple of weeks in due to 2 unrelated hospitalizations. Been doing 75 tren ace ed and 50 test prop ed. I had a couple weeks off during both hospital stays so its been 12 weeks from the beginning but not total. Originally I was taking half a tab of t3 ed...
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    in the hospital

    Well my stomach issues that I described in my ace prop cycle thread turned into severe stomach pains. Thought I was blocked up and tried every over the counter laxative I could find. Came to er early this morning and turns out I have pancreatitis. They admitted me immediatly to try and find the...
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    I got some test a few months ago and finally decided to use it pre workout on my ace & prop cycle. It all settled to the bottom. I kept it in a hot sink for about 30 minutes and it finally broke loose and I was able to mix it up in the amp. As I drew it in it was settling back down, so I shot...
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    ace & prop

    I had this all figured out weeks ago on alinboard but, injured my shoulder and don't remember the dosages. Gonna pin both daily. I think it was something like this: Prop - 25mg Tren - 37.5mg T3 - don't remember at all Aromasin - 12.5mg 30 day pct with nolva and clomid Please advise...I...
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    like it says. :banghead: