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    First NPP Run

    In my 3rd week. The sex drive reminds me of Tren. I mean I had to have it today. Somehow, some way, I was fucking. Ida fucked a rock pile hoping for a snake if I wouldn't have found a vagina.
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    NPP - Caber/Bromo

    I started a cycle of 1050mg of sust and 750mg of NPP. I am running 25mg of Aromasin daily along side. Do I need Caber or Bromo? If so, how much/frequency. I have both on hand. First time running NPP. Never ran Deca. Thanks
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    Is it pharma grade?
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    NPP shipment

    Got a batch recently that has cloudy/crystallized crap on the bottom. Is it out of solution from traveling in the cold? What should I do?
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    Could someone ballpark the: Calories Carbs Protein Fat In this diet, please. I am going to follow this religously as soon as my meal prep containers and lunch bag arrive. Thanks
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    Gyno Surgery

    Not sure what section to put this in, so......sorry if I chose poorly. Anyway Got referred to a plastic surgeon since I'm tired of the little boobie on my right pec. Question is, any negatives to the surgery? Recovery time until I can workout again? Should I just do both while I'm there even...
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    Successful Tren Run Thus Far

    Well for any of you who may remember my posts on pancreatitis over the last couple years, I may have figured it out. Keep in mind this is no scientific study. It is just my experience. So the two times I tried Tren, I got pancreatitis. The first time was very bad. The 2nd time was mild because...
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    Poor stamina - tren

    All right I am severly depleted, huffing, and puffing after any set. I got some nasacort. Do I just hurt it once a day as one would for allergies, or just prior to any workouts?
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    Currently Running

    Test e 500 Eq 600 Tren ace 100-200 Just started winny at 50 a day Looking to add t3/clen. Dosage suggestions?
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    All right Tren guys, how bout this

    Any of your women ever complain about your seaman burning there vagina? I know it's the tren, cause it's every time I try it. Her gyno's words were "what the hell did you do" I do mean burn, eat away, etc. Obviously it makes it very acidic, and maybe it has to do with the girls natural PH. Any...
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    bodyfat %

    How much can one expect to decrease in a month's time. Is 1% reduction a month respectable? Can much more be achieved? I know the lower you are that every percentage point becomes more difficult. Any thoughts?
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    So I remember all the hype when this came out. What is the general consensus on it now? Anyone give it a shot?
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    Looking at this from the surface, it looks like you get estrogen kept somewhat in check while getting a little more steroid kick to boot. Digging in however, many had switched to aromatose inhibitors. Am I correct in saying: if you don't have much of an estro problem, proviron is the perfect...
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    Going to start incorporating this in my cycle. I am good on the Clen dosage, but unsure on the T3. Been reading anywhere from 100-250 a day. That sounds high though.
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    eq and appetite

    So I am giving eq a run for the first time. I am curious as to how long until I feel the increase in appetite that many others have reported. I am currently less than 3 weeks in. Thanks fellas
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    Is it exactly the same thing as d-bol? Some claim it is better, but maybe their d-bol was junk... Thanks
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    nandrolone for joint care

    Looking for recommended dosage, frequency, and how long until you feel a difference for either deca/npp. Male/female Thanks
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    Does one of the sponsors sell them. I tried the link, but looks like the lab's website. Thanks for any guidance.
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    Pancreatitis from Tren

    Here's my story... Last year I ran a prop and ace cycle. A couple weeks in I developed some nausea and discomfort in the left side of my stomach. It slowly progressed and eventually turned into sever pain. I ultimately ended up in the er in the middle of the night one Friday. Aftr waking up from...
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    Flying out overnight. What are the thoughts of visiting a pharmacy and mailing myself a package?