Search results

  1. chrisr116

    Eating less after exercise??

    I ran across this article on the net. I am personally the opposite, and eat heavily for the rest of the day following a hard workout. But it says that normal men normally eat less calories following intense exercise. People eat less after harder workouts: small study | Reuters
  2. chrisr116

    Testicular Shrinkage

    I hate to even ask this question... Do any of you guys experience significant nut shrinkage when on a strong testosterone? I have had it happen probably 3 times in 10 cycles over the past 5 or 6 years. I just shot sustanon from a sponsor here on anasci, starting 2 weeks ago. The first shot...
  3. chrisr116

    Planning my fall cycle

    Ok guys, I got my gear from Guaranteed Gear that I won in July's contest. Here is what I have from them (all 10ml vials): 2 Sustanon 300mg/ml 1 Eq 250mg/ml 2 tren acetate 100mg/ml 2 primo acetate 100mg/ml 2 deca 300mg/ml 2 mast prop 100mg/ml I also have 50 plus ml of gauls tren enanthate and...
  4. chrisr116

    Training Calves

    Guys, what type of training are ya'll doing for Calves. I have been training them on chest day (once a week), with Seated Calf Raises and Standing Calf Raises. Each is 3 sets of 10 reps. My calves are very vascular, and the veins wrap around my shins. But, I want a bigger calf. I have...
  5. chrisr116

    Prescription Trt plus low dose tren

    I'm thinking about adding 100mg tren to my doctor prescribed 200mg test cyp each week and keeping an eye on lipid levels during my regular blood tests I'm gonna be off cycle till December, and figured this would be a good opportunity to try it. I love tren due the the way it helps keep me lean...
  6. chrisr116

    Memorial Day

    Guys, have a great Memorial Day. Enjoy family time if you are off from work. If your working, I feel for you. I am too. Anyways, please remember the hundreds of thousands of US Service Members that have fought and died for our freedom. We would not have our liberties without their sacrifice.
  7. chrisr116

    Insulin use off cycle

    Any of you guys using insulin off cycle, or are ya'll just running it along side a cycle? Just curious, as I ran humulin r last cycle, but wondering if I can use maybe 10iu 2x a week corresponding with my large muscle group workouts, such as back and legs. Nothing too crazy. I plan on...
  8. chrisr116

    Boots for squatting?

    I have been having some balance problems from my Nike tennis shoes when I go heavy on squats. Instead of spending alot of money on a set of shoes for squats, how about a pair of solid work boots. I have a nice pair of Georgia Boots that have a steel shank in the sole with absolutely no give at...
  9. chrisr116


    Has anyone tried this stuff. I got this from Costco after reading up on it. It is similar to rice, but a little different. The reason I got it to try was because it is supposed to be a complete protein, and has 6 grams per serving.
  10. chrisr116

    Is your Growth Hormone real? A guide to find out

    by: heavyiron HGH is expensive and often faked so about 1 year ago I began testing HGH using HGH serum and IGF-1 testing via blood work. During this period of time the real world experience of testing HGH led me down an exciting road of research and learning. It is my hope to share my...
  11. chrisr116

    How to test Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate

    Ok, this one is for testosterone. There is also a protocol for HGH. Originally posted by Heavyiron: How to test Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate The following protocols must be followed exactly for at least 4 weeks. No other gear or ancillaries may be used during the first 4 weeks. If...
  12. chrisr116

    testing protocols

    I haven't seen it on the board, but is there any information here about protocols for bloodwork testing? I have seen some on other forums that lay out how much of what product to take for how long prior to a blood test and what the range should be in the blood test to show that you are using...
  13. chrisr116

    Unflavored Whey Source- Bulk

    Is anyone buying bulk unflavored whey protein? I found one site that has it for what seems like a good price. Anyone else have any leads...
  14. chrisr116

    Protein Shake for Bulking

    Here is a recipe I got off the internet for a homemade shake for bulking. It is not a sweet tasting shake.... Ingredients: 2 or 3 scoops Whey- to get to 50 grams protein or so 1 Banana 1 tablespoon peanut butter 2/3 cup oats 10 oz skim milk Handful of ice cubes If you want, add a pinch of...
  15. chrisr116

    ghrp2 and cjc no dac

    I am researching ghrp2 and cjc no dac 3x day, probably will run it for a year to see how it does. Are there any other board members that has researched these two peps for a longer period of time, such as a year? If so, what were your findings?