Search results

  1. chrisr116

    Bad injection

    They do sell it. This was $7.99 at tractor supply. But you may have to use a 14 or 16 ga needle. An 18 didn't work. I'm gonna look around and get a couple dozen Bactrim for a rainy day. But even a 16 ga needle is better than a raging infection. I'm stopping my cycle and gonna trt for a while...
  2. chrisr116

    Bad injection

    Hey guys. I've been pinning for 6 years now. Never one problem. Right now, I have an infection in my right quad from a bad pin last week. I always follow sterile procedures, but after thousands, I got bit. Quad was swollen all week. Tonight after work, I drew probably 6 ml of puss, blood, and...
  3. chrisr116

    1 Test Cyp aka DHB

    Anyone have any experience with dhb? I just dropped my tren and I am switching to it at 700mg a week along with test cyp at about the same amount. I've heard good things about it, but haven't seen anyone on Anasci or Alinboard talk much about it.
  4. chrisr116

    No more Tren killing your cardio

    I've got a couple bottles of this stuff, is it the same? I think it's Flonase generic
  5. chrisr116

    Water based test suspension

    Haha formula. Just for you. Chrisr116 post workout carbs
  6. chrisr116

    Water based test suspension

    Question...does anyone know why water based suspension has such a whallop to it? I have been cutting it with liquid drol in EO and it helps a lot, but straight up without cutting it is brutal..and I am not one who really is bothered by pip. Just wondering why?
  7. chrisr116

    People having enough......

    And that's why I reload my own, hard to control this. I've got enough raws for about 20k high powered rifle rounds. Most of it is pictured here, but not all. And I buy more raw components as I can afford them. My grandson should be set for life. Lol
  8. chrisr116

    What's your favorite weight training exercise?

    I was thinking about this today at the gym. I am curious what you folks favorite exercise in the weight room is. Mine is dips. I have been doing them twice a week for 6 years now, and can damn near do them forever, it seems. I remember on my 42nd birthday a few years ago, I set out to do...
  9. chrisr116

    Winter cycle

    I am starting my winter cycle on Dec 1. I have everything I need...finally. I keep records of all of my other cycles, and my best cycle was my last one this summer. It was a 12 week cycle- 450mg Test Enanthate 450mg Deca 450mg Equipoise 300mg Mast Prop I am going to run the same cycle...
  10. chrisr116

    Back Scratch Problems

    I am ashamed of the fact that I have gotten big enough that I can't scratch my back at all. I use a corner wall in my kitchen or at work to scratch an itch, the same way a bear scratches his back on a tree. Am I the only one, or any of you other meatheads have this problem? :banghead:
  11. chrisr116

    Equipoise and Deca together?

    Hey guys, quick question.... Has anyone used eq and deca together in one cycle. I know that are similar, yet different in the fact that eq doesn't raise prolactin levels, and deca doesn't raise estrogen levels. I have enough of both for my next cycle, but was wondering about the feasibility of...
  12. chrisr116

    Fat Boy then and now....

    Here is a comparison pic of me. The pic in the shirt is early 2008, when I started weight training. The shirtless pic is me at the end of my last test/deca/eq cycle. I am bloated up in the last pic (deca), but I think there is a noticeable difference over the past 5 years or sol. I weigh...
  13. chrisr116

    Venison Loin aka backstrap

    I know this is a recipe section, but I just had to brag on some deer loin my wife cooked. I just ate the whole batch of it. I couldn't stop till it was gone. The loin was butterflyed, and she seasoned it with olive oil, garlic powder, pepper, and soy sauce. She wrapped the loin in foil and...
  14. chrisr116

    End of cycle pics

    Ok Guys, I ran 12 weeks of test, deca, and mast. I changed my diet some and cut down from 245 to 222lbs. I also ran t3, and clen for the final few weeks. Here are some pics. I wish I had some before pics, but don't.... I have a pic that shows my legs, but I think my wife has it. My legs...
  15. chrisr116

    deca during trt

    Guys, I know there is a recent thread on adding low dose deca to trt. This damn Samsung tablet im stuck using in the motel won't let me search the forums. Anyone know the thread Im referring to? I just ended a cycle that included deca and it did wonders for my old ass joints. My trt is 200mg...
  16. chrisr116

    GetRoids Fat Burning Cycle Received

    Got my fat burning cycle in today. This is perfect timing, as I am cutting weight right now. I am going to start in the morning and then post up a review on how it does. Thanks GetRoids.....
  17. chrisr116

    Steelgear Product Received

    I received my promo package from Steelgear. The products look great, and were professionally packaged. Communication and shipping were both very prompt. Once I use the products, I will update as to how they worked...
  18. chrisr116

    Okra everywhere...

    I planted some okra seeds this year for the first time. Those damn plants grew like crazy and I have okra coming out of my ears. It's growing faster than I can pick the stuff. I can only eat so much boiled okra. Any of you guys have any other ideas on how to prepare it.
  19. chrisr116

    Peptide Calculator site down

    I have always used http://peptidecalculator.com/ for figuring out how to reconstitute and dose my peptides. I cannot get it to come up. Does anyone know of an alternate site that does the same thing??