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    Daniel Duchaine 1952-2000 by Shelley Hominuk

    2005 Five years without Dan Duchaine ~ The first words that Daniel Duchaine loudly said to me were, "Big breasts, teeny waist, and wrote a book on steroids - MY KIND OF WOMAN!" in front of a huge crowd of his fans back in the beginning of 1997. This was a time when Bill Phillips, Muscle Media...
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    The GURU: Testosterone

    The Return of Dan Duchaine Interview with Nelson Montana (February 25, 1999) He's baaack! The one. The only. The original "Steroid Guru," Dan Duchaine is, once again, on the loose and talking to Testosterone. It wouldn't be too much of an overstatement to say that talking to Dan was an...
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    The GURU: Testosterone

    The Return of Dan Duchaine Interview with Nelson Montana (February 25, 1999) He's baaack! The one. The only. The original "Steroid Guru," Dan Duchaine is, once again, on the loose and talking to Testosterone. It wouldn't be too much of an overstatement to say that talking to Dan was an...
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    The GURU: Q&A

    Questions and Answers with the AAS GURU: Dan Duchaine Question: I'm a fighter as well as a bodybuilder. I gained 15 pounds using primobolan tabs, and I'm happy. However, next year I'll be competing in kickboxing. Can I pop one or two aggression pills before a fight? I'm normally laid back, and...
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    The GURU: Skullfucked

    Dan Duchaine - Skullfucked Interview with The Sandwich When I was 18 years old, I almost pooped my pants. I had to go really bad and I didn’t know what to do. So, out of sheer desperation, I took a massive poop underneath my parents' pontoon boat in the back yard. The poop was so big I was...
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    The GURU: Skullfucked

    Dan Duchaine - Skullfucked Interview with The Sandwich When I was 18 years old, I almost pooped my pants. I had to go really bad and I didn’t know what to do. So, out of sheer desperation, I took a massive poop underneath my parents' pontoon boat in the back yard. The poop was so big I was...
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    The GURU: Mesomorphosis

    Interview with Millard Baker I interviewed Dan Duchaine in December 1997 for my recently-launched website, Mesomorphosis. The entire text of the “Dan Duchaine: The Steroid Guru Interview” is republished below: MESO-Rx: What is your current “receptor theory”? And what implications does this...
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    The GURU: Hardcore Muscle

    Dante Trudel interviewed Dan Duchaine for the Hardcore Muscle newsletter in November 1995. The entire text of the “Harcore Muscle Interview with Dan Duchaine” is reposted below: HM: IFG-1 … Dan you seem to be standing back on this one. Colgan thinks it will bring on the age of the superfreak...
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    The GURU: Unchained

    DAN DUCHAINE: UNCHAINED By: Scott Harrah Originally published in MuscleZine Dan Duchaine, in the past decade, has lived the sort of life we read about in pulpy suspense bestsellers. Yet there's nothing glamorous about trafficking illegal drugs into the United States, as he'll tell you...
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    The GURU: Unchained

    DAN DUCHAINE: UNCHAINED By: Scott Harrah Originally published in MuscleZine Dan Duchaine, in the past decade, has lived the sort of life we read about in pulpy suspense bestsellers. Yet there's nothing glamorous about trafficking illegal drugs into the United States, as he'll tell you...
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    The GURU: Raw & Uncensored

    Dan Duchaine: RAW and UNCENSORED by: The Sandwich (April '98 IRONMAN) The following interview in no way reflects the beliefs and opinions of IRONMAN magazine. By agreement with the author, we present the interview with very few changes; however, we did have to edit some things out on advice...
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    Muscle Media 2000 of Old

    By: Will Brinks Looking Back On The Muscle Media 2000 days of Bodybuilding Talk about a blast from the past! I was digging through some old boxes of office stuff, and found this Muscle Media 2000 audio tape interview I had done back in the mid 90s. I recall I had done a two or three part...
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    The Dirty Newsletter Issue #9

    Dirty Dieting Newsletter: Number 9: Part #1
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    The Dirty Newsletter Issue #8

    Dirty Dieting Newsletter: Number 8
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    The Dirty Newsletter Issue #7

    Dirty Dieting Newsletter: Number 7
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    The Dirty Newsletter Issue #6

    Dirty Dieting Newsletter: Number 6
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    The Dirty Newsletter Issue #5

    Dirty Dieting Newsletter: Number 5
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    The Dirty Newsletter Issue #4

    Dirty Dieting Newsletter: Number 4
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    The Dirty Newsletter Issue #3

    Dirty Dieting Newsletter: Number 3
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    The Dirty Newsletter Issue #2

    Dirty Dieting Newsletter: Number 2 - Part #1