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  1. M

    Anabolic Research Update Oct 2005

    Drive, Chinese GH and Arachidonic Acid Question: Is my bottle of Drive real? Thanks! Answer: Unfortunately, no. It’s a counterfeit. There are currently a number of very good-looking fakes of the RWR line (Australia) circulating on the black market. The first thing you should notice is the...
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    Anabolic Research Update Sep 2005

    The Steroid Sopranos - Wadler’s Whining Gets High-Pitched No, HBO will not be returning this fall with a juiced-out cast of muscled-up mobsters. Although if you ask me, it might not be so bad, as a little extra lean mass would only make Tony’s threats that much more intimidating...
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    Anabolic Research Update Aug 2005

    The Truth About Aromatase Inhibitors Question: Is it true that taking aromatase inhibitors with testosterone will make it less effective? If so, why? Answer: Bodybuilders have long understood that aromatizable steroids like testosterone and Dianabol, as well as the...
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    Anabolic Research Update Jul 2005

    Anabolic Arimidex? I've been giving some thought to legal drug options for building muscle. I have a good job and don't want to jeopardize it. I want something strong that won't land me in jail. I want to know about aromatase inhibitors specifically. Since these raise testosterone, can they be...
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    Anabolic Research Update Jul 2005

    Question: I have regular back pain and take Tylenol daily, usually three or four pills. I want to do a cycle of Anadrol. This would be the first time I try steroids and I am just a little worried about my liver. Will the Tylenol make Anadrol more toxic? Answer: Tylenol does exhibit some...
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    Anabolic Research Update Jun 2005

    Long-R3, BD and Kyno Questions: What do you think about IGF-1 long-R3? I've been hearing a lot about it, both good and bad. What is it, what does it do and is it safe? Answers: IGF-1 Long-R3 is a new synthetic form of the human IGF-1 hormone, patented and owned by...
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    Anabolic Research Update May 2005

    Prostaglandins and Protein Synthesis 2 (Arachidonic Acid Loading) In a previous article we investigated the role that prostaglandins play in muscle growth (see: “Prostaglandins and Protein Synthesis,” March, 2003). In it, we discussed how these hormones are among the most vital regulators of...
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    Anabolic Research Update May 2005

    DMT (Desoxymethyltestosterone) New Designer Steroid (correctly) Identified In December, 2003, Canadian sprinter Derek Dueck was crossing back into Alberta when Canadian customs officials flagged his vehicle for inspection. Perhaps he was acting suspicious when answering the routine...
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    Anabolic Research Update Apr 2005

    Boldenone Acetate? Q: I have come across a new form of Equipoise lately. It’s called boldenone acetate. Can you tell me anything about this? Is it a good steroid? Why would I want to use this instead of regular EQ? Answer: Boldenone acetate is a relatively new steroid, but one that makes...
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    Anabolic Research Update Mar 2005

    Oral Trenbolone? Question: I was shopping for roids in Cancun last month and came across a really odd steroid. The pharmacists let me take an empty box of the stuff, which I have enclosed. It's called "Acetrenbo" and is an oral tablet of trenbolone. This has me very confused. I though...
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    Anabolic Research Update Sep 2004

    Gear and BeerA New Look at Steroids, Liver Toxicity and Oxidative Stress It is one of the most fundamental pieces of advice the steroid novice typically gets from those more familiar with these drugs: Don’t drink a lot of alcohol when you’re on a cycle. This little bit of counsel usually stems...
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    Anabolic Research Update Aug 2004

    Testosterone and Prostate Cancer Cancer of the reproductive system is frequent in both men and women. In females, it’s commonly breast or uterine cancer, while we males have to worry about the dreaded “Big C” in the form of prostate cancer. This disease occurs in men with such alarming...
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    Anabolic Research Update July 2004

    Black Market Update This month we’re going to take another close look at some of the recent happenings on the steroid black market. This can be an extremely volatile and uncertain place to purchase drug products. Fakes and “basement-made products” are everywhere and purchasing from “real” drug...
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    Anabolic Research Update June 2004

    A New Understanding of Steroid Action Anabolics and Gene Transcription Steroids have two very distinct sides to the way they work in the human body. On the one hand, they have anabolic activities, a term that relates to the lean tissue building effects of these agents. This, of course, is the...
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    Anabolic Research Update May 2004

    Black Market Update We’re going to take another close look at some of the recent happenings on the steroid black market. This can be an extremely volatile and uncertain place to purchase drug products. Fakes and “basement-made products” are everywhere, and purchasing from “real” drug companies...
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    Anabolic Research Update Apr 2004

    Eight Rules for a Safe AAS Cycle It’s that time of the year again. Spring is about to hit, the air temp will be increasing and we will all start to focus on what our “beach physiques” will be like for summer. This is the time of year steroid dealers are constantly out of stock. It’s the steroid...
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    Anabolic Research Update Jan 2004

    The Search for Site Enhancement The quest to bring up a lagging body part has to be one of the oldest and most common in the sport of bodybuilding. Rarely is one’s body in such perfect proportions that adding a little to the peaks of the biceps, or some width to the delts, would not be...
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    Daniel Duchaine 1952-2000 by John Romano

    “Ahhh, but wait until you ride one.” -Dan Duchaine When he first coined that little phrase, he might well have been referring to a big, veiny muscled chick, or perhaps a post-op transsexual, or a dwarf – even then nothing would have surprised me. But, really, he was talking about recumbent...
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    Daniel Duchaine 1952-2000 by Will Brink

    Jan 14th 2000. I sit looking out the window of my office watching the snow fall and write this article with a heavy heart. Dan "the steroid guru" Duchaine passed away in his apartment in Southern California January 12th, 2000. He was 47 years old. The very word enigma was designed with Dan...
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    Daniel Duchaine 1952-2000 by Lyle McDonald

    I can't say that I knew Dan extremely closely, but more so then a lot of people who claimed that they did. I did get the opportunity to hang out with him a few times (stories below) and feel privileged to have experienced what I consider the 'real' Dan (i.e. not what most people saw in his...