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  1. psych

    Carl Yngvar Christensen 1200kg Total WORLD RECORD !!

    Carl Yngvar Christensen 1200kg Total WORLD RECORD !! - YouTube IPF drug testsed monster! 24 years old. Walked out deep squat, this is the cream of the crop! 1067 squat 742.5 bench 830.5 deadlift
  2. psych

    sustanon dose

    Ok.... Been on 600mg a week of tesy cyp. 100mg tren ace EOD. 100mg test suspen 3x a week. Upping it to 150mg tren ace EOD 100mg test susp 3x a week But how much sustanon? 500MG OR 750?
  3. psych

    Road to Nationals

    OK... Squat raw 5x1 390 knee wraps 4x1 460 knee wraps and belt 3x2 530 2x1 600 suit straps down, knee wraps, belt 2x3 685 Bench press 5x1 225 4x1 270 3x2 315 3x1 365 bench shirt 3x4 525 Dumbbell fly 10x5 triceps 10x5 biceps 10x5 Tomorrow I will squat...
  4. psych

    I love crossfit!!

    For all the best crossfit videos 18 Year Old Crossfit Superstar Suzanne Svanevik Is A Beast In The Gym - YouTube
  5. psych

    How to wrap knees

    The braided technique is great but needs practice! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=MCfruLGBv-0
  6. psych

    RUM 7 link

    Juggernaut TV - Juggernaut Training Systems - Juggernaut Training Systems My boy Derek Kendall going tmrw. He's going for a 1,000 raw squat.
  7. psych

    Power Unlimited WHOLE MOVIE

    Power Unlimited - YouTube
  8. psych

    powerlifting documentary

    Carl Yngvar Christensen Documentary NRK1 - YouTube This is a real heavy weight! Alot of younger powerlifiters that don't do USAPL and IPF need to understand that they have a VERY strict rule not only on depth but on round time. If you ever go to a meet and they take a break/intermission...
  9. psych

    IGF and AA

    Reconstituted IGF with AA. Do I need bacteria static water with my shot or can I go igf in aa straight shot?
  10. psych

    Road to State

    OK I'm gonna be setting up my training log for the USPF Illinois state 2014. This is a powerlifting log sooooooo don't ask me diet shit lol :naughty1:. This meet I'm doing push/pull only. I'm trying to focus on hammering my dead and going to the 242 weight class. I'm 235 now and don't...
  11. psych

    What's your training template?

    Every body trains a certain way. Some ways work for others and some don't. I'll start by saying mine... Offseason (2 months) Body building superset routine from Joe Ladnier. I'm always teasing the bodybuilders at my gym, BUT this routine kills me 25 rep/strip sets on hack squats are the...
  12. psych

    Derek going nuts

    Derek Kendall And His Squatting Power! | Powerlifting Watch
  13. psych

    Denim bench shirts

    Does any body still use them? I would like to get one just to train in. Need a break from my katana. Would like some advice on how to use one.
  14. psych

    malanachiev 970x3!!

    Malanichev 3 weeks out from the GPA World Championships | Powerlifting Watch 1,000 pound squat at WPC worlds!
  15. psych

    Derek Kendal squats 937 in wraps

    Derek Kendall 937lbs squat @334lbs power weekend - YouTube
  16. psych

    Psych WPF

    Vincent Liszewski wins WPF Worlds! | Powerlifting Watch Not as good of a meet as I wanted but it is what it is. Squats were easy, wanted more. Bench opened 585 but had a miss load threw me off. Got it the second time. 600 on 3rd but got a SHITTY hand off from the spotters (fuckin spotters...
  17. psych


    Hey guys. I'm a psychiatric nurse student and a doorman. I compete in power lifting and just finished the WPF worlds. I took first in the 220 open single ply men, best lifter, and biggest bench. I totaled the day with a 1992, not quite were I wanted to be but still top 10 on the top 20 list...