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  1. psych

    This is fuckin crazy!

    LOL TRANSformers - YouTube
  2. psych


    Any body else suffer from insomnia? What do you do to fix it? I'm cutting out soda and caffeine. Also got a script for klonopin.
  3. psych

    video game DOOM ripped off metal bands

    I always heard that the game DOOM had a sound track that ripped off famous metal bands. I found a video that actually compares the songs on the soundtrack with the supposed songs that were ripped off. https://youtu.be/4H3BB2gKKeY
  4. psych

    test suspension as a base

    Any one ever run test suspension or tne as a base?
  5. psych

    If you love prowrestling, watch this, fuckin hilarious

    LOL https://youtu.be/VYvMOf3hsGA
  6. psych

    injectable clen???

    Is that a thing? I heard about it today and was just :eek:
  7. psych

    South Carolina cop/roid rage from creatine?!?!?!

    Are you fucking kidding me!!!! https://youtu.be/oO0QCQF97uM
  8. psych

    Back at it

    Ok so I'm gonna start posting my training as I get ready for a January meet. Today bench raw barx20 135x15 225x10 315x5 shirt no boards trying to get use to new shirt 405x3 455x3 495x3 545x3 rack lock outs 315x5 405x3 405x3 455x2 floor press 225x5 245x3 265x3 as I start to get use to the...
  9. psych

    Confused as fuck

    I keep reading online all these different protocols on peptides. "take this with no food, it can be taken with food, only at certain times, protein only, only when the moon is full" (made that up), etc.... So I am convinced now that igf lr3 is best prewrokout with carbs. But before that...
  10. psych

    karate kid movie twist

    I almost shit my pants watching this. https://youtu.be/C_Gz_iTuRMM
  11. psych

    awesome point on Cecil the lion

    I liked this video. If you are going to watch it...PLEASE watch the whole thing! I'm pro hunting. https://youtu.be/rp0i0UI5idg
  12. psych

    AA to recon cjc and ghrp

    Ok I KNOW I FUCKED UP! I recon with both AA for some dumb reason yesterday. I contacted a few members and they said it would destroy the peptide. I AGREE... But I'm not going to waste it either. I was taking it yesterday and was still getting flushed in the face with every dose. Today as...
  13. psych

    Jason Genova

    Does any body else watch him? I can't understand if he's trolling, has a problem, delusional, or all of the above. I use to be like good for you man. But after seeing him blow off sponsors, lie lie lie, scam money, be an idiot, do dumb shit, and just go nuts I'm like this guy is really...
  14. psych

    How Are Bodybuilders Judged?

    How are they judged? Is there a system that they all follow like a sheet with points? Or do they just give points on what they think subjectively? I keep hearing people say " The judges don't like that." Or "I did bad at pre-judging so i''m notg going to the night show." So are you given...
  15. psych

    first try at mk677

    Just got some mk677 for my off season hypertrophy training block for powerlifting. Running 50mg test suspension ED 250mg test cyp every 10 days 50mg turinabol ED 25mg mk677 before bed. MK677came in today with the sale at a sponsor site. Tried it before gym just to taste it.......WTF!!!! It was...
  16. psych

    left over crystal goo in test susp

    Been doin water based test susp. Always done oil based test susp, but there was a sale :). Any way, Pain doesn't bother me. But when I'm done with the vial their is some sludge left in the vial. I put the vial in hot water and shake it up. Added some bac water to it and shook it up. I always...
  17. psych

    IGF after water cut to bloat back up

    Has any one ever used IGF lr3 or peg, to help put water weight back on after a water cut? I'm cutting water weight this week and will be low carb for a bit to get a big carb load before contest and just get stupid bloated, and have heard guys use insulin to help load up. I always just slam...
  18. psych

    Injury in chest tendon

    Ok this is fucked up. I had a pec tear awhile back in the middle of the pectoral belly. REALLY minor not a big deal. Gott some great advice (Magnus ;)) HEALED GREAT. Now i'm training for another meet. Took my 10 weeks off for base building. Came back stronger and leaner. Nursed my pec and...
  19. psych

    cycle help for meet/front load deca

    Ok here's the point Meet in December. Starting cycle soon and wrapping up conditioning phase of training. Been on a cruise for past 8 weeks of 50mg of test suspension a day with 1 cc of Sustanon every Friday.....(I have a TON of suspension that's why) Heading back to bread and butter...
  20. psych

    superset me movie

    Superset Me Feature Film - YouTube