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  1. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    I started my new training split today and had an amazing training session. I had planned to train but because I was running late I was going to wait until tomorrow but I was so amped up to train I decided to go last minute. I didn't have that long to train so I decided to start the new split but...
  2. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    I am moving along nicely and everything is pretty much the same. Although I randomly added 20mg dbol preworkout for a few days and even that dose has suppressed my appetite noticeably. I am supposed to be cruising so I shouldn't be adding things in but I felt like it :o I haven't weighed myself...
  3. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    It's not letting me update this log which is strange. It states "Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console."
  4. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    Things are going really good. I am still doing full body training EOD but I have mixed it up a little. One day I felt like doing mainly back work and thickness movements so that's what I done. Lateral raises, rear delt raises, upper back row, loads of stiff leg deadlifts and ham curls. I trained...
  5. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    More of the same. I had a really good date and a day off the diet but was back to normal the next day. I have been meaning to start insulin but haven't yet but I will start it tomorrow. I did start HGH again which I said I wouldn't do but I might as well at least use what I have left. I have a...
  6. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    I have never trained faster in my life. I got to the gym late but I wanted to go through everything so rest between movements was minimal. I was a mess at the end of this but it felt great. Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets (the last being a drop set). Seated Leg Curls... 1 working set. Hip...
  7. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    My plan to be more sensible on holiday was pointless because I was even worse than I used to be years ago when I used to party. It's not good doing what I done at my age especially because I use AAS but I did and I had an amazing time and I am still alive so there is that. I am not even gonna go...
  8. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    More of the same. I have started shaving my body for my holiday and I am looking fairly dry and not too bad. It's back to my usual higher carb diet now but nothing crazy so just a nice amount so I fill out. Although I definitely need to fill out more so I will increase carbs tomorrow. I will...
  9. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    I have finished the DNP. The day after stopping I fasted all day and had a day off the gym but went on a few decent walks. The day I fasted made a massive difference to my stomach and it's the first day it hasn't protruded in ages :D I don't fast regularly but try to fit 1 day in every so often...
  10. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    Since upping to 2 caps of DNP I had a mild stomach ache today. I skipped my AM dose today but will take one PM and one tomorrow morning and carry on as usual. The one night I kept my window shut I woke up soaked in sweat as well so it's definitely staying open tonight. I only shut the window...
  11. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    How have you been? We haven't chatted for ages. I hope you have been well. Yes still killing it but definitely feeling my age now :D I am going away soon so just a quick mini cut for that and as you know I love to experiment on myself. Let me know how you are.
  12. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    I look like shit but things are really good :D My body does not look good on low carbs and I flatten out straightaway. On tops of that I am holding water from the HGH and DNP so I am flat and soft but I am losing fat underneath it all. The changes in 1 week are going to be massive that I can...
  13. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    Last night I started our Euro DNP (200mg). I usually feel the heat pretty fast but this time I was fine in the night and woke up with no sweat. I did have the bedroom window open with the cold air coming in though. I also slept with just a bed sheet and no duvet inside so most people would...
  14. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    I didn't inject my black top hgh for about 4 days and all I have done is piss the last few days. I feel like I have lost a lot of fullness but nothing a push day pump didn't sort out. It was definitely making me hold a lot of water though which I didn't mind. I am not even coming off it I was...
  15. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    I trained legs today and went hard. Same issue with my knees leg pressing but nothing overly bad but I kept it to 6pps because they still hurt a lot so I really focused on form, tempo and done high reps. All other movements felt fine and I pushed everything and went heavy on most movements. I...
  16. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    I haven't updated in awhile but things are good. I have been moving along nicely. Nothing extreme and I am enjoying life and trying to be as healthy before I go away with my mates at the start of Oct. I have upped training volume and incorporated more hard sets (less crazy sets I go extreme...
  17. Elvia1023

    The preworkout thread

    For my next preworkout I really like the look of the new version of Thavage were Raw and Ghost have come together to release Thavage Legend Preworkout. It looks like it's very hard to get and isn't available online now but it looks even better. I love the ingredient profile and it's similar but...
  18. Elvia1023

    The preworkout thread

    I will update my overall list with reviews soon because it's very extensive and will take time and it's late here now. I have forgotten many products but I still have many to add to it. I do love my high stims but as I get older I have moved away from them. I still have them occasionally but in...
  19. Elvia1023

    Can I get some insight as someone whos about to do HGH for the first time?

    Diet will dictate your fat loss but hgh definitely helps over time. I would lower your beer because it will only make things harder especially getting your waist down. It's all in the diet and make sure you drink plenty of water. For HGH start at 2iu and move up 1iu every few days and well use...
  20. Elvia1023

    It's time to get HUGE!

    The test and eq is giving me a really good look. Well I think it's more just dropping the other stuff but my body is definitely liking this combo much more. My back is still bad but it's improving daily and I hope I am acne free in the next few weeks. The isotretinoin gel I have is too strong so...