The preworkout thread


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
So much to update I will have to do it in stages. I was rotating all my pre workouts for approx 1 month. Although I most often found myself going with Redcon1's Total War. It's a great overall pre workout that gives great pumps, energy and sense of well being with no negative side effects. It definitely helped me push the intensity. I also used Musclemed's NO Bull a lot too. As mentioned above I liked the fact that contained creatine (I hadn't used it in ages) so aided in strength endurance. Although I recently ordered creatine alone so can dose it how I please pre/intra/post workout now. I ordered a lot of supplements but here are the new pre workouts I decided to get...


First I tried the sample NO-XPLODE XE Edge from BSN. It was a 1 serving sample and felt great. It contains a lot of useful ingredietns. Whilst some may not be dosed high enough the final effect is a very good one. It performs in all areas and I felt great from it. The taste was fine not that it matters. All in all about 8.5/10. I would buy this to experiment with higher dosing but 1 serving contains 325mg caffeine so a nice dose.

I received a free goodie bag with the Scivation Quake product. It includes a 42oz blender bottle so I was made up. On paper Quake sounds incredible but I have yet to try it. It is not pictured but I also have a 7 serving Dymatize MPACT Energy Ignitor to try out too.

heavy hitter

Registered User
Mar 18, 2006
I don't think it gets much better than 10iu insulin with some carbs, 6 grams of citrulline,200 mgs of caffeine, 20mgs of Cialis. And if you have it...throw in 50 or so mgs of test base. Helluva preworkout


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I don't think it gets much better than 10iu insulin with some carbs, 6 grams of citrulline,200 mgs of caffeine, 20mgs of Cialis. And if you have it...throw in 50 or so mgs of test base. Helluva preworkout

Definitely hard to beat that combination. I think cialis added to a good pre workout and you are on to a winner. Then add slin and synthetine with an intra shake and you are getting optimal performance and results :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Out of my new preworkouts the one that looks the best is definitely Quake 10.0. Although I have yet to try it but I will do fairly soon. It's funny because this brings me onto probably the worst ingredient profile... Hyphy Mud 2.0. It contains...


Granted it is still more of a mental product but still 3.82g total per serving. On paper that is one of the worst you could ever find. If I had to guess I would say about 1.5-2g beta alanine due to feel. So you are talking approx 2g's from the rest so they are all underdosed by large amounts (cm, taurine, agmatine sulfate etc). But how does it actually perform... I love it :D I have used it about 6 times so far and it's great for upping the intensity in the gym. The first time I used it I thought no wonder he acts so mental all the time in his videos.

Hyphy Mud 2.0 tastes fine (tropical fruit), gives good pumps but the main thing is the focus and energy. It is more fast acting so you sometimes feel it drop off. Moreover as I have used it most of the week the effect do lower so I recommend frequent breaks when using this one. Perhaps rotating it and just using it on the days you want a big mental boost (legs etc). It states on the front to use 1 scoop max and on the back 1-2 scoops. So far I am up to about 1.5 scoops and I would rather have breaks then up it more as I can tell it contains a decent dose of caffeine/stimulants. Unfortunately I can't find specific amounts online so it's all guess work. I would rate it a 9/10.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just tried Universal's Shock Therapy. It states 1-2 scoops so I tried just over 1 1/2 scoops first time. I had the peach iced tea flavour which tastes really nice. In fact if you filled your shaker with water it would probably taste just like a regular peach iced tea. It's a weird one as I thought it was good but nothing that stood out too much. I didn't expect it to be great but I am a fan. Good pumps and energy but nothing too much. The main postive for it is I feel great on it and post workout I am feeling energetic. I am usually very tired post workout so that's a welcomed change. Plus I trained really hard so overall an 8/10 so far but I will try 2 scoops tomorrow. I think this would be great for the beginner to pre workouts and you can move up in dose through the days/weeks.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Havent read the whole thread, but have you used Redcon1's Total War yet? Im loving it myself

Yes I have and posted about it. I loved it too. I used it recently but gonna try my newer ones out now. There are a group of pre workouts I have that I consider very similar in performance and they include:

Savage Roar by Dynamik
Ronnie Coleman's Yeah Buddy
Redcon1's Total War

Those 3 I have in my cupboard and I will go back to each one occasionally as they are all solid 9/10 rated to me. Musclemed's NO Bull is in that list too if you dose it at 1.5 scoops. Those 4 are some of the best I have ever used.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Today I tried 2 scoops of Shock Therapy. Although my review is flawed due to MK-677. My energy levels are so low through the day I am going to open up the 20mg caps and half them. Usually I can still get in the zone for training and a pre workout definitely helps. Today I struggled getting ready but figured like the day before once I get in the gym I would be gtg. I struggled through my entire workout and my energy was very low. This is the first time it's happened whilst training so I am halving the caps as I can't be like that again in the gym.

I will try 2 scoops again before the next time I train to judge it better. I could literally dose any pre workout when MK-677 has built up and nothing would help my energy so it's unfair to review the product in this circumstance.

After I am done with Shock Therapy I have Quake 10.0 to try out. As mentioned above the ingredient panel looks great to me. I am obviously looking at this as a 2 scoop formula. So anything with 6g citrulline malate and 350mg caffeine should be a winner if they are dosed accurately. Added to those you have some great ingredients such as 1.5g arginine nitrate, 1.5g l-carnitine l-tartrate and 3g l-tyrosine. Below is the full list...



Registered User
Apr 13, 2015
Yes I have and posted about it. I loved it too. I used it recently but gonna try my newer ones out now. There are a group of pre workouts I have that I consider very similar in performance and they include:

Savage Roar by Dynamik
Ronnie Coleman's Yeah Buddy
Redcon1's Total War

Those 3 I have in my cupboard and I will go back to each one occasionally as they are all solid 9/10 rated to me. Musclemed's NO Bull is in that list too if you dose it at 1.5 scoops. Those 4 are some of the best I have ever used.

Thanks for the insight man. Seen Savage Roar, but hadnt heard of Ronnies. And I agree on the solid 9/10 for Total War and its one of the best Ive used as well. I will have to try the others you mentioned. Thanks!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
If you watch Redcon1, they will have some pretty good deals pop up that you can take advantage of to get ahold of Total War.

You US guys are very lucky you can get most of them for next for nothing. I remember seeing Total War for buy 1 get 1 free on muscle and strength. It seems to have got back up in price though. You can still get very good products for very cheap prices. If I order them locally I pay double the price.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I tried 2 scoops of Quake 10.0 the other day and I was disappointed. I had no caffeine that day or the day before either. Obviously the pumps were good but the energy and focus wasn't really there. But you can never judge a pre workout on 1 day as there are so many variables. I will try it again soon and hopefully it only gets better.

I haven't been able to train for about 4 days due to lower back issues. I trained earlier for the first time but still haven't recovered so I picked a pre workout that wouldn't give me great pumps (lower back). I went with 1 scoop of Nutrex's Hemo Rage Underground (Black Series) and it felt great. I learnt in the pass my sweet spot for this product is about 1.25-1.5 scoops but just used 1 today. Great energy and the pumps were better than expected too. Although I did train chest and arms which always get pumped up easily for me. It's definitely more a stimulant based product and I give it about a 8/10.


Dec 19, 2013
id like to try these preworkouts but ii end up getting blood pressure issues. well, i use caffeine ephedrine combo and it shoots my bp up around 170/100.
would this stuff be better to try or would it max my bp also?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
id like to try these preworkouts but ii end up getting blood pressure issues. well, i use caffeine ephedrine combo and it shoots my bp up around 170/100.
would this stuff be better to try or would it max my bp also?

Any stimulant will likely increase blood pressure. Although you could use a pre workout with a sensible caffeine dosage and that should be fine. It will be much better than ephedrine/caffeine in regards to bp.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I tried Quake 10.0 again yesterday and again nothing outstanding. Granted I was rushing and took it on a fairly full stomach. Next time I will try it on a fairly empty stomach as that can make a big difference in regards to stimulants and pump ingredients.

Today I was in 2 minds whether or not to go the gym and decided last minute to go. I wanted more of a stimulant based product and not something to pump me up too much so I took 2 scoops of Hyphy Mud 2.0. I was literally flying :D This stuff is like rocket fuel. The focus and energy is fantastic and it really helped push me through my high rep leg training as I was feeling tired before using. You know those days you leave the gym feeling made up you ended up going. It's definitely my favourite pre workout at the moment.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It's been out ages but I finally tried 5% Nutrition's 5150 today. I planned to order it ages ago but then I kept hearing it's not as good as you think and not that strong etc. My mate gave me 1 scoop to try which I kept in a container and used before. Taste is not important to be but it tastes really nice. I think I had the pomegranate flavour but not 100% sure on that. But for a pre workout the taste is 10/10.

I had it on a fairly empty stomach so it hit me hard. Fuck it's not that strong I was flying. I called my sister back on the way to the gym and I was finding it hard to concentrate talking to her :eek::D I got to the gym and was thinkign this is too much. But once I started training and focused it was great. But this is 100% not for the sensitive user.

I trained back and finished with some fast arms and had a great workout. After face pulls I done pull ups purposely due to the pump. If my arms get too pumped I struggle with pull ups. After them my forearms were so pumped I was struggling to grip the bar for seated rows and close grip pulldowns. So in many ways this could work too good in regards to pumps.

After the gym I was full of energy but had no crash at all. I will definitely buy this to experiment more. So far I would say a 8.5-9/10.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The other day I tried Grenade's .50 Caliber Pre-Workout for the 2nd time. It's fireball flavour and some will love this whilst others will hate. I don't mind it and it's the first time I have ever had a hot/chilli flavoured preworkout. It's profile is good and includes 4g pure l-citrulline, 2g beta-alanine (as Carnosyn), 50mcg huperzine a plus a 4 stage energy profile including 400mg caffeine from 3 forms and 60mg P-Synephrine. The energy and pumps are great with this product and it delivers in all areas. I would probably give it an 8.5/10.

The rest of the week I have mainly been using Hyphy Mud 2.0. It's definitely my current favourite pre workout. I have been mixing it with 1 scoop of Dynamik's Gamma Ray. GR contains no stimulants and is just a pump product so the combination is amazing. I might even try HM 2.0 and 5% Nutrition's Full as Fuck as that is much better than Gamma Ray for pumps. I will be ordering both of those again so can experiment with dosages of each. Pretty much 1 scoop of FAF is all you need and add that to 1-2 scoops of HM 2.0 and you should have a winning combo.

Today I will be swopping over to 2 scoops of Universal's Shock Therapy.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should have updated this thread more. I have experimented a lot recently so I may miss a few things. I want to start with 2 disappointing products. Firstly is The Quake by Scivation. On paper to me this sounded great but it does not deliver for me at all. I would give 2 scoops a 7/10 at most. I never even tried 1 scoop as it would have been a waste for me. My friend doesn't mind it but doesn't rate it either. This get great reviews all over so some may love it.

Next is Shock Therapy by Universal Nutrition. I never expected this to me amazing but I am a fan of the company so tried it out. Again it's pretty ordinary in every sense and I would give it a 6.5-7/10.

I used Grenade 0.50 calibre devastation again and that is a good product. Nothing spectuclar but it out performs the above 2 by a long way. I would now give it about 8/10.

As the above mentioned I really like 5%'s 5150. I need to use it more to fully judge but both times I felt great from it.

I bought BSN's no xplode 3.0 and have used it a few times. Good product and well worth a try. It does stay with me awhile though. I used it the other night quite late on and was well awake at 5:30am :eek::D I need to use this a few days running to know more but so far I would say about 8/10.

I have rotated the above products in but I am pretty much using Hyphy Mud 2.0 every time I go to the gym. My tub is nearly gone and I will be buying more which is rare for me. It feels great to me. The ingredient list is well poor but it gets me so amped up. I feel like a machine on it. 1.5 scoops and I have the most amazing workouts. I could feel like complete crap and struggling with HGH fatigue barely able to move. I take hyphy mud 2.0 and I am excited to get to the gym and full of energy wanting to break PR's :D It's fairly short lived so I can sleep after it too. So even when I take it later on I am ok getting to sleep but it is strong so many may be different. I would give it a 9.5/10.