When I first started I grew like everyone does.
Then I basically stayed the same for twenty plus years.
Now in my late forties I'm making the best gains of my life.
In all these years I've tried everything. Arnolds, Mentzer's, DC etc.
What am I doing now? Well I was doing typical volume up untill a couple month's ago and now I'm doing Phil Hernon's low volume, high frequency.
Both have worked.
What do I think is the difference? FOOD! I have learned that I need so much more food than I always believed was necessary.
Not only am I getting in more calories but I make damn sure I go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning. More or less.
I know this may not help with the original question but I think the #1 requirement is to make sure everything is done right not just the training.
Again this is my opinion on what has worked for me.
Then I basically stayed the same for twenty plus years.
Now in my late forties I'm making the best gains of my life.
In all these years I've tried everything. Arnolds, Mentzer's, DC etc.
What am I doing now? Well I was doing typical volume up untill a couple month's ago and now I'm doing Phil Hernon's low volume, high frequency.
Both have worked.
What do I think is the difference? FOOD! I have learned that I need so much more food than I always believed was necessary.
Not only am I getting in more calories but I make damn sure I go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time every morning. More or less.
I know this may not help with the original question but I think the #1 requirement is to make sure everything is done right not just the training.
Again this is my opinion on what has worked for me.