winny cycle....need help 1st timer


Registered User
Mar 3, 2005
Deep South
cody84 said:
some of you here sure are cocky. test with the ex. of prop. will add water retention also. you have to remember that this guy is wanting to lose body fat and adding test will only make him retain water. my last thread was just a touch of some chemicals he could use- taking that he will do lots of cardio and work out right and also take noladex-clomid for the class one steriod. do you guys think i'm stupid our maybe i should have explained myself a little better. i come to this site thinking every one here is a hard core bodybuilder or at least knows that if someone types some gear to try it is not trashed away by some one claiming that they know better! The thing for everybody to remember is that everybody is different. just give the guy some things that worked for you and move on, let him deside what to take, let him figure it out with research. don't down what i say, give him a cycle of your own let him choose and come back and say what it was like.
cocky, well ask your fearless leader what he thinks of an eq and winny only cycle. i would not call it cocky i would call it looking out for someone. by the way where are all you newbies coming from with all these bad attitudes and shitty advice???!!!!


Registered User
Jul 15, 2004
at the Gym or pool
jabo1jabo1 said:
cocky, well ask your fearless leader what he thinks of an eq and winny only cycle. i would not call it cocky i would call it looking out for someone. by the way where are all you newbies coming from with all these bad attitudes and shitty advice???!!!!

bump.....If someone is going to cause injury to themselves by taking AAS incorrectly or having misguided advise...mods or senior ppl need to step in and give them the correct answers.....IMO


Registered User
May 18, 2005
cody84 said:
some of you here sure are cocky. test with the ex. of prop. will add water retention also. you have to remember that this guy is wanting to lose body fat and adding test will only make him retain water. my last thread was just a touch of some chemicals he could use- taking that he will do lots of cardio and work out right and also take noladex-clomid for the class one steriod. do you guys think i'm stupid our maybe i should have explained myself a little better. i come to this site thinking every one here is a hard core bodybuilder or at least knows that if someone types some gear to try it is not trashed away by some one claiming that they know better! The thing for everybody to remember is that everybody is different. just give the guy some things that worked for you and move on, let him deside what to take, let him figure it out with research. don't down what i say, give him a cycle of your own let him choose and come back and say what it was like.
C'mon Cody....Everyone here is just trying to look out for our fellow bodybuilder's by giving the safest advice possible. Telling someone to not use test is not smart...end of story. We are men and we need proper amounts of test to function properly. That's what makes us men and whithout it we would turn into women...to an extent of course.....lol

Most of the bro's here bud are just giving advice based on their personal experience. I know some bro's are just parrots and give advice from what they've heard others say or from what they've read browsing forums, or after reading a few articles, other than that most of the advice given is genuine......Well, most of it anyways.....lol
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Registered User
Mar 3, 2006
I've read of people doing cycles w/o test. I've seen cycle protocols laid out with no test in them. Some people that are publishers of anabolic books and articles advise for a beginner to use less adrogenic gear at first and as they progress in their experience that leaves room for more adding stroger more adrogenic compounds.. Most first time users want to use the saffest least toxic and side effect free substance they can..I say most...then there are the other guys whos first cycle is 3x sust 250 pw, 5 DBol a day, and tren..or some A Bombs... Some people dont want to listen.. they may ask... butthey still do what they wanna do..will you get results from an EQ and winny cycle?? Yes... is it a good beginners cycle??? I Guess..would I do it? No Why?? Cause it has no test.. I think every cycle should have test.. even if its just 200mgs pw..that will not aromitize or cause water retention, and with that amount you shouldnt need any anti e's...
I know of 3 people who did Primo & Anavar cyccles and were happy...but if you use anything that shuts down your natural production of test you should replace it with test IMO for what its worth...


New member
Feb 21, 2006
I don't think test is bad- i take 1000mg when in my bulk cycles-he just needs the right kind which would be prop.
this guy said he has been working out for a while so nothing is really new.
i'm going to school to be a biochemist and from what i have been taught is that eq helps protien sys. an helps muslce not to break down- this would be good for him if he is doing lots of cardio because lets face he does want to look like a crack head with no muscle- taking a educated guess he probaly wouldn't want this look since he lifts weights to. Eq also creates red blood cells that can help him with his endurance and ablityto run hard. secondly the clen or even T3 would help him lose the BODY FAT he wants to, not his muslces. his metabolism probaly isn't the inferno like some of ours.

and last but most important i will answer this with a question.

what does Noladex and clomid or hcg do when you take this as part of a cycle?


Feb 25, 2005
cody84 said:
some of you here sure are cocky. test with the ex. of prop. will add water retention also. you have to remember that this guy is wanting to lose body fat and adding test will only make him retain water. my last thread was just a touch of some chemicals he could use- taking that he will do lots of cardio and work out right and also take noladex-clomid for the class one steriod. do you guys think i'm stupid our maybe i should have explained myself a little better. i come to this site thinking every one here is a hard core bodybuilder or at least knows that if someone types some gear to try it is not trashed away by some one claiming that they know better! The thing for everybody to remember is that everybody is different. just give the guy some things that worked for you and move on, let him deside what to take, let him figure it out with research. don't down what i say, give him a cycle of your own let him choose and come back and say what it was like.

You are right Cody. You do not always need test.

I for one did a winny/primo 6 weeker last year with great results.