Wifes/girlfriends and gear


Registered User
Apr 5, 2005
DragonRider said:
My wife (20 years) is the only one who knows I cycle. I showed her what I was reading and different things about safe use and based on our history and other decisions I've made, she trusts me.

I would never tell a girlfriend.

Personally, I don't share this with ANYONE else that I know or am related to.

What he said!!!!!!!! I have found that in marriage being upfront and honest with your wife about something like this will make all the difference in the world. When they think you are hiding something from them their imaginations go wild!

max lift

Registered User
Feb 24, 2005
SuperFly said:
I started bugging my wife 2 years ago (a week before a shoulder seperation). I have to go through her because she has the money. I just have to give her a good reason, and I guess I finally hit the nail on the head.

She is pretty cool, considering the crap I have put her through. ;)

lol , I wasnt going to admit to that but ya my wife also handls the money and its a good thing or their would be a vet parked next to a harley parked next to bently and a forclosure notice on the front door,


One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
Well as some of yall know, i learned the hard way. SHe found out on her own. She is a nurse so gives me the lectures and all that crap. she would notice a bruise here and there and ask and i brushed it off. then we talked about it during the news media of roids and she seemed ok with it, so i planned on telling her after the cycle. well she kept asking what are u getting in the mail, and i was like presents for you, lol. one shipment she opened it and saw and gave me a couple chances to answer if i ever did and i said no. and then one night after the bar, we started arguing and she brought it up if i did it and i said no and she says liar and said she opened and i lied to her face. well she said im leaving if you dont give me your stash. i was on week one, and i had a huge stacking cycle, i gave them to her. but she kept them in her car trunk, so i go down there and take them and put them back. i finished a month ago, and she hasnt brought it up. she is mainly pissed because she wants to have a child and this may have lowered my count.i think she'll come around, she hasnt mentioned nothing since, but once i get on and bulk up, it will be a hot topic, i havent lost much, but i plan on hitting it hard. summary to this long topic, dont lie , but now i got a p.o. box to hide it, lol.


Registered User
Mar 24, 2005
Bro, asking some one to give their stats weight, height etc, is unique it helps figure out that persons situation and what best fits their criteria of goals. We certainly cannot ask stats of your relations ship like how much you trust her or how much she loves you. That is not a physical thing. If it was your wife than it would be different but as a girlfriend she needs to know about as much as you need to know what type of tampon she uses. Shes putting that in her not you and the same goes for your steroids. Secrets can be shared with the person your spending your life with not the person your spending you nights with.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2005
Dam, looks like i opened a can of worms. This was just a curiosity on my part. Its good to read that i'm not the only one with a very understanding wife, when i tell her i don't think it'll be a big deal. Clint


Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
brocklanders said:
i'm speaking from first hand experience when i say this. your girlfriend or wife should never no about ANY illegal activities. I served time in prison after my fiance' called federal agents telling them i was receiving AAS through the mail. The first time you piss her off she as ammo to totally fuck your life up.

I can't say I agree with your comment bro. I agree SOME wifes and girlfriends should not know, but not all. I myself would not be in a marriage where I couldn't trust a wife 100%. I can honestly say their is nothing I could do to piss my wife off to the degree where she would report me to the authorities. She has my back through thick and through thin. I'm not trying to create an argument, I just would like to stress to the young unmarried bro's that their are women out there you can trust, and that is what a marrige should be based on.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
I can't say I agree with your comment bro. I agree SOME wifes and girlfriends should not know, but not all. I myself would not be in a marriage where I couldn't trust a wife 100%. I can honestly say their is nothing I could do to piss my wife off to the degree where she would report me to the authorities. She has my back through thick and through thin. I'm not trying to create an argument, I just would like to stress to the young unmarried bro's that their are women out there you can trust, and that is what a marrige should be based on.
I agree with you to a point. You should be able to trust your wife 100%, but there are things I could do that she would report me for. Rape, murder, cheating on my taxes, stealing, using recreational drugs, Michael Jacksoning (oops, I meant messing around with children) just for example, and I wouldn't have it any other way. If she had no morals, I couldn't trust her. Not saying anyone here is in that type of relationship. I'm just making a distinction where I would expect my wife to draw the line.
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Registered User
Apr 1, 2004
DragonRider said:
I agree with you to a point. You should be able to trust your wife 100%, but there are things I could do that she would report me for. Rape, murder, cheating on my taxes, stealing, using recreational drugs, Michael Jacksoning (oops, I meant messing around with children) just for example, and I wouldn't have it any other way. If she had no morals, I couldn't trust her. Not saying anyone here is in that type of relationship. I'm just making a distinction where I would expect my wife to draw the line.

Yes, I agree with you. I was speaking more of doing something she disagree's with, screwing her over, calling her a bitch, flirting with another woman, even cheating, she would never involve the law, she would just pull that Loraina Bobbit on me. (I would never do any of those things of course)!


Registered User
Aug 26, 2004
My fiance actually knows about my plans for my first cycle. She was a little nervous about it at first but she knows how much research I have been doing and she trusts and supports me. Shes a good woman.
If she didn't like it id grab her by the throat!!! and.............


AnaSCI's Ivan Drago
Apr 3, 2005
The only girl I ever told was my ex-fiance. I broke her in slowly and told her I was popping some tabs, the after a year told her I was "taking shots". We were very close and trusted each other with alot of secrets so it wasn't a big deal. Once we broke up, when I was acting in anger she would say "get off the drugs" (BTW she works for me LOL don't ever DO THAT EITHER!!) But she knows better than to ever tell.

New GF's, I never tell them. They see all the NitroTech, CellTech, and many other containers and think that's what does it for me ';)

My training buddy knows about tabs only, I don't confess to anyone b/c as someone pointed out - the uneducated don't understand gear. They think you shoot up and instantly you're Arnold and that it's sooo dangerous. They don't understand the hard work, nutrition, and dedication that it takes to grow.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2005
I told my wife tonight, she didn't make a big deal. I didn't disclose the fact that needles are involved though. Its a first step, i had to feel her out first. Clint


Registered User
Feb 9, 2005

congrats on talking & having a receptive wife. I have been married for 6 months & together for 4. I aint telling my wife shiate!! lol...I realize the honesty/trust card, but she just wouldnt understand...& their is way too much downside than upside in telling her. Maybe one day but right now the 1st yr of marriage is tough enough-

If anyone sees the pins then I will tell them I on a cycle of b-12 & left over andro :D


Mar 31, 2004
nomad05 said:

congrats on talking & having a receptive wife. I have been married for 6 months & together for 4. I aint telling my wife shiate!! lol...I realize the honesty/trust card, but she just wouldnt understand...& their is way too much downside than upside in telling her. Maybe one day but right now the 1st yr of marriage is tough enough-

If anyone sees the pins then I will tell them I on a cycle of b-12 & left over andro :D

Last night I tried to trick my girl into trying clen but she wouldn't go for it. That would've been cool, dammit! She can't blackmail me if shes doing it too. lol
Oh well - guess she may never find out and I'll have to keep hiding shit like some damn teenager sneakin around smokin cigarettes. :mad:


Registered User
Mar 26, 2005
The sad thing is this thread has seen more hits than the beginning steroid faqs. Clint