Why we juice....the hidden reasons


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
I bet you were the one that pissed in my shaker cup when I was curling in the squat rack! F'n powerlifters, banging weights, chalk on everything....
Love ya man

I started with andro poppers (didn't know what they really where just got them from GNC) when I did competitive jiu jitsu. I was also working in a stone quarry. I realized if I was gonna do jiu jitsu, work, go to school, and take care of my mom I needed a boost.

When I was 28 I made the flip. I could give less of a fuck what I looked like. I wanted to compete and perform at a higher lever. I tapped out where I was "clean". I was 198 class squatting 500, benching 405, and deadlifting 555 all raw. Then I started using single ply gear. And doin untested meets and LOVED IT!!! Started bench for cash meets and invitationals. I want to push my self to the extreme cause I love a challenge, the pressure to perform, pushing my limits, and setting goals and reaching them. I could give to shits about arms or abs or veins. I often say to the younger guys that the pretty boys fuck it up for everyone. I need shit for big meets and can't get what I need cause some little shit fuck wants bigger biceps for beach season...... Lookin good is cool but in my opinion just a side affect just like being able to fuck like a machine. It's cool but not the ends I want.

I hate when people talk about steroids for aesthetic reasons rather than performance WITH ME. If people want to use them to look good fine by me, who am I to tell them no. But don't be fuckin around on the bench doin stupid rows with 95 pounds, when I got my shirt on and I'm planning on working up to a 705 bench!! :sFi_punch:


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I bet you were the one that pissed in my shaker cup when I was curling in the squat rack! F'n powerlifters, banging weights, chalk on everything....
Love ya man

Yeah don't forget baby powder every where to. Since my leg is fucked up I always seem to notice the spots where baby powder is when I'm on my crutches.

It was kinda funny cause I had a moment of self realization like" THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN DOIN...I'M AN ASSHOLE!"


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Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Yeah don't forget baby powder every where to. Since my leg is fucked up I always seem to notice the spots where baby powder is when I'm on my crutches.

It was kinda funny cause I had a moment of self realization like" THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN DOIN...I'M AN ASSHOLE!"
Congratulations, first step is admitting it, next it correcting it! uploadfromtaptalk1443109570788.jpg


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I guess everyone has an opinion so might as well give mine. There are some good reasons in this thread but really I think there just some of the fuel for our drive and not why. All of us here have one thing in common we have the forward vision to see our prize and not only the drive but the ability to obtain that prize no matter what gets in our way. Were a different breed ,it wouldn't matter if it were lifting , breaking speed records or whatever the prize may be. We have the ability to see and conquer our mountains. That's why we start.....we can


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I guess everyone has an opinion so might as well give mine. There are some good reasons in this thread but really I think there just some of the fuel for our drive and not why. All of us here have one thing in common we have the forward vision to see our prize and not only the drive but the ability to obtain that prize no matter what gets in our way. Were a different breed ,it wouldn't matter if it were lifting , breaking speed records or whatever the prize may be. We have the ability to see and conquer our mountains. That's why we start.....we can
Ya. I have that need to conquer. In the gym I do that. At work I get fucked. Lifting gives me my fuel.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
It seems to be the same for me when it comes to work, everybody either wants to fuck me over or do everything in there power to hold me back. But like everything else in my life I won't quit moving forward until I obtain my prize in that part of my life either. Honestly I won't really benefit from that victory but it will make a hell of a difference to my family and that's kinda the prize anyway.
And it will damn sure lead my kids by example to never quit till get what they've worked for instead of being welfair bums.
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AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
my reason was and always has been power. there was always a division between PLers and BBers in my gym and the saying was "do you want to look like you can lift 500 lbs or do you want to lift 500 fucking lbs" all of the PLers were blue collar guys and it felt more natural to me coming from a working class back round. in order to hang i had to juice it was just that simple.



WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
my reason was and always has been power. there was always a division between PLers and BBers in my gym and the saying was "do you want to look like you can lift 500 lbs or do you want to lift 500 fucking lbs" all of the PLers were blue collar guys and it felt more natural to me coming from a working class back round. in order to hang i had to juice it was just that simple.


Fuckin A!


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Registered User
Jan 16, 2014
I like how this thread took off. I wish I could address all the comments because they are all very interesting.


Registered User
Jun 3, 2013
Man, I don't see how you guys powerlift. I went down that road for a bit, but everytime I start benching over 365, deadlifting over 6 plates, my joints and tendons just tell me "NO!" I just gotta stick with real light weights for high reps


Registered User
May 1, 2015
I entered this new lifestyle after I was diagnosed with low T. I have always been blessed (and cursed) with a vey high metabolism. As a youth, I could not gain weight no matter how hard I tried. To give an example of this, one day I came home from work and my 16 year old daughter was walking around in a new pair of jeans. Something odd about them...could not immediately put my finger on it. Then I saw it - the front pockets were square, as if the back pockets were also on the front...she was wearing my Navy Dungarees!! I was 26 when I last wore those and they perfectly fit my 16 year old daughter! Yeah, I had a 26 inch waist and the body of a computer geek.

So fast forward to a few years ago, I turned 43 (I think) and found I had all the same symptoms as listed on the low T commercial, got tested, went through hell with treatment, and finally found myself pinning test. Due to the horrifying pain the next day after my first shot, I found myself on a Body Building / Steroids /TRT forum where I learned a LOT more about TRT than my doctor even knows. This lead me to learn about the other steroids, cycles, etc. I always thought of myself as in shape, and compared to my grossly obese friends and neighbors I was. But I was 190 pounds and 28% body fat...which is not good.

Now that TRT gave me my life back, I realized I only had about half of it left! I decided that I should be the best me I can be and that a safe and respectful use of steroids can help in that goal. I grabbed a personal trainer / nutritionist who put me on a cut from Hell and taught me how to eat and exercise properly. Only after I got under 15% body fat did he even recommend a Test blast and the start of my first bulking cycle. I am never going back to the old me.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
I just like the way I look with more muscle. Maybe my ego and the confidence it gives me. I was always a skinny kid but after I started lifting and gaining weight, I was hooked. A bit later I joined a gym where juiced guys were everywhere and if I wanted to train at their level, well... :cool: And I do think there is that endorphin rush after a good heavy and intense workout that keeps you coming back for more.


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
I just like the way I look with more muscle. Maybe my ego and the confidence it gives me. I was always a skinny kid but after I started lifting and gaining weight, I was hooked. A bit later I joined a gym where juiced guys were everywhere and if I wanted to train at their level, well... :cool: And I do think there is that endorphin rush after a good heavy and intense workout that keeps you coming back for more.

I have to agree with this as well, I do like the way I look now far more than before.

I would have to agree but it has become a double edged sword for me. Anytime I diet down below 225 I have friends and family telling me I look skinny or ask if I'm sick. I couldn't imagine being 190, and that should still be big.


Registered User
May 1, 2015
I would have to agree but it has become a double edged sword for me. Anytime I diet down below 225 I have friends and family telling me I look skinny or ask if I'm sick. I couldn't imagine being 190, and that should still be big.

How tall are you? I ask because I am 5'9" and weigh 192 pounds...and am doing a cut to drop even lower.

Man, I need more muscle...


New member
Oct 6, 2014
32 years, 5'7" here, got from a fast ass 220lb to ~6% 150lb naturally in 6 years.
Full abs and all.
And when the wind picks you up and see all the chicks heavier than you, the 405lb deadlift seams less important.

So started gear, lost abs, lost deadlift, pulled a few muscles, but gained size up to 180lb (no water weight, but barely any abs), got the girl back for 2 years and lost her again, all while on, and right before I was planning to get off. (Tren is a hell of a thing)


Registered User
Jun 9, 2006

I've actually always grown up in small town/country environment with not many big guys/lifters period in the 3 towns i've lived in. I seem to get more "Sirs" "Doors Opened" and even the "wannabe-thugs" given me they Hello Knod they'd never give 90% of the other white guys around here.

I simply reached higher for more of that and to never lose it, never been lot of competition around me but staying wolf on top of mountain, even when it's a small hill is still worth staying on top!