Why we juice....the hidden reasons


Registered User
Jan 16, 2014
Kind of a strange topic, but I tend to believe that a lot of people that cycle do it for other reasons than "they just wanna be big". When I was in college I did a sociology report where I conducted anonymous interviews with steroid users, and read into the history of some famous known steroid users. I noticed that most of them had some kind of back story that seemed to link to the reasoning for them using steroids. Whether it be bullying, abuse, sexual abuse, insecurity, drug abuse, etc.

This led me to look into my own reasoning...

While it may not be as extreme as some cases...I discovered the reasons deep in my subconscious for my steroid use, that I didn't even know were the reasons behind it.

I was always a small, skinny, goofy kid. Always had aggression. I had to overcompensate with aggression for my lack of size and strength. I watched my mother (divorced) date a few guys...some who were real assholes to her in front of me and even pushed her around a bit. I had a sister 2 years younger who would bring home scumbag after scumbag. She'd come home with bruises, she got into drugs, etc etc. Having a single mom and a younger sister...I'm supposed to be the protector. Everytime i'd confront one of my sisters boyfriends I'd get my ass handed to me...and they were 2 years younger. It got to me that I was 130lb wimp who couldn't even protect my family. I started lifting at 19....packed on a good 40lbs...and plateaued. Still wasn't big enough to scare people (which is what I wanted to do)...and gains were slowing wayy down. So at 23 I ran my first cycle...and life has improved tenfold ever since.

If anyone would like to share their hidden reasons for cycling...I'd love to hear it. This thread my be a flop....but I found it interesting that sometimes you don't even realize the real reason motivating your life decisions.


Sep 17, 2003
In my years I have seen very few reasons why people use steroids:

1) Ego
2) Insecurity
3) Bigorexia


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
Good post, thanks for sharing. That's probably not an uncommon scenario.

I'm from a different generation, so when I was in my 20's and really into training it just wasn't around at all, rare as dinosaur eggs or as expensive as diamonds (at least where I was living). So for me no back story, just lifted to get bigger and stronger. Got to TRT age and then made some progress again :)

Should add the reason I even lifted would probably fit under the bigorexia category. Had nothing athletic to do after high school sports ended and went to the gym with a buddy. Got into it, made progress and 30 years later still always feel small and like a wimp !
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Sep 17, 2003
In my years I have seen very few reasons why people use steroids:

1) Ego
2) Insecurity
3) Bigorexia

While stating the reasons that I have seen why people use steroids I did not bother to include my reason for using them. Note that I only use TRT now.

I would say my reasons for using would be #1 and #3. I have never been an insecure person but have always had an ego and always had bigorexia. Could never be big enough and always liked to be naked.

I still have both those things and never felt and never will feel I am big enough but now the only reason I lift is to look half was descent naked so that I can still feel comfortable while having sex with my wife. My days of trying to impress people with my body and having people stare are long since past. Now it's good enough to not have to wear a sex shirt:p


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Lol, sex shirt!!! Kind of like the fat kid in the pool that always wears a shirt

While stating the reasons that I have seen why people use steroids I did not bother to include my reason for using them. Note that I only use TRT now.

I would say my reasons for using would be #1 and #3. I have never been an insecure person but have always had an ego and always had bigorexia. Could never be big enough and always liked to be naked.

I still have both those things and never felt and never will feel I am big enough but now the only reason I lift is to look half was descent naked so that I can still feel comfortable while having sex with my wife. My days of trying to impress people with my body and having people stare are long since past. Now it's good enough to not have to wear a sex shirt:p


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I think it's a great thread. I've always tried to keep this part of my life in check. I was always a big kid. Taller and broad shoulders. Easily put on weight. But chubby. And insecure with my body. So I started training and took the next step. I went from 210 to 285. I've managed to stay 285 for a few years with trt doses. But now I'm trying to drop weight. I was at 305 last year but went down to 280. If it wasn't for iv gear I'd be 260. I just can't imagine going from curling 50lb dumbbells to 35s. Guess I'm still got some growing up to do.


Registered User
Jan 16, 2014
I think it's a great thread. I've always tried to keep this part of my life in check. I was always a big kid. Taller and broad shoulders. Easily put on weight. But chubby. And insecure with my body. So I started training and took the next step. I went from 210 to 285. I've managed to stay 285 for a few years with trt doses. But now I'm trying to drop weight. I was at 305 last year but went down to 280. If it wasn't for iv gear I'd be 260. I just can't imagine going from curling 50lb dumbbells to 35s. Guess I'm still got some growing up to do.

That's a normal feeling for any age i think. If you're going to put everything you've got into something....you want to progress. I'm not gonna spend all that time lifting, meal prep, money on gear and food, etc....to back track. I want to get better and better.


Registered User
Jun 3, 2013
I am 5' 10" 245 lean and i still got my ass kicked last friday. Being big doesn't really make you tougher in a fight


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
That's a normal feeling for any age i think. If you're going to put everything you've got into something....you want to progress. I'm not gonna spend all that time lifting, meal prep, money on gear and food, etc....to back track. I want to get better and better.
Yup. But it may be insecurity. I'm a big boy. Got to move heavy weight. My age is 49. So that is becoming a factor. And my motivation has changed. I'm looking at longevity more now. I don't know many 280 lb 70 year olds!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I am 5' 10" 245 lean and i still got my ass kicked last friday. Being big doesn't really make you tougher in a fight
I just got done telling my co worker that just because I'm big doesn't mean I can't get my ass kicked. Years ago some Dominican kid busted my nose. He punched me 3 times and I didn't even see them coming. I had to tackle him.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Some of the most bad ass people I've ever known in my life were little wirey fuckers. .. ass kicking machines for sure. Lol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
My main reason for starting was I got up to 300 lbs (and not a good 300). Had a buddy that was a bodybuilder hadn't seen him in years when I ran into him first word out his mouth was "Jesus your a fatass...what happened?" Lol he's well known for being blunt. He offered to train me and help me get back in shape and I've been going ever since


Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
I just got done telling my co worker that just because I'm big doesn't mean I can't get my ass kicked. Years ago some Dominican kid busted my nose. He punched me 3 times and I didn't even see them coming. I had to tackle him.
Without knowing his background, look at how many people would mess with this guy. I've put much bigger guys in their place and wouldn't think twice to try and do it to a guy looking like him. Chuck would hand your ass to you on a platter!



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
Without knowing his background, look at how many people would mess with this guy. I've put much bigger guys in their place and wouldn't think twice to try and do it to a guy looking like him. Chuck would hand your ass to you on a platter!

View attachment 21302
Lol. People are more polite cause I'm big. But that only gets you so far.


Registered User
Dec 10, 2014
One of the reasons I started on, and I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this yet, is because of sexual dysfunction. I was 39 pushing 40 and my sex drive was just gone. My wife would practically have to drag me to the bedroom once a week just so she could get satisfied. Even then my dick didn't want to work half of the time. Since I started she is getting more than she can handle, and she is one horny ass woman!!

The other reason is to get stronger. Some fucking cocksucker almost strangled me to death (no joke) when I was 5 years old. Ever since then I've wanted to get strong but was just to damn lazy until a few years ago.

I started working in a psych hospital a few years ago and realized that if I wanted to reatrain these crazy ass bastards without getting hurt, it might help if I got strong. From working there I realized the same thing that srd1 said: It's not the big guys you have to worry about so much, it's the wirey little fuckers that will give you a run for your money every time!


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
I played football in the 80's, for those who don't know you could not compete in div 1 with out it. Period. Secondly, as I grew older and out of "it" I came back to the gym and realized ONE THING, it feels GOD DAM good. I enjoy my levels at the puberty level most of the year.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I played football in the 80's, for those who don't know you could not compete in div 1 with out it. Period. Secondly, as I grew older and out of "it" I came back to the gym and realized ONE THING, it feels GOD DAM good. I enjoy my levels at the puberty level most of the year.
Ya. It feels good. That's important.


Registered User
Oct 27, 2012
For me, I've always been fascinated with bodybuilding at a young age. Always wanted to be as big as my body could get to get to their level. Also I always took things to the breaking point and then analyzed why it broke and what can be done to correct it from happening again. But I was always natural until I hit that dreaded 30 and felt like ass. Then I went to the doctor and then I was introduced to TRT. After a few months, gains were awesome. Still today I still live by "breaking point". Just use a LOT more TRT dosages.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I started with andro poppers (didn't know what they really where just got them from GNC) when I did competitive jiu jitsu. I was also working in a stone quarry. I realized if I was gonna do jiu jitsu, work, go to school, and take care of my mom I needed a boost.

When I was 28 I made the flip. I could give less of a fuck what I looked like. I wanted to compete and perform at a higher lever. I tapped out where I was "clean". I was 198 class squatting 500, benching 405, and deadlifting 555 all raw. Then I started using single ply gear. And doin untested meets and LOVED IT!!! Started bench for cash meets and invitationals. I want to push my self to the extreme cause I love a challenge, the pressure to perform, pushing my limits, and setting goals and reaching them. I could give to shits about arms or abs or veins. I often say to the younger guys that the pretty boys fuck it up for everyone. I need shit for big meets and can't get what I need cause some little shit fuck wants bigger biceps for beach season...... Lookin good is cool but in my opinion just a side affect just like being able to fuck like a machine. It's cool but not the ends I want.

I hate when people talk about steroids for aesthetic reasons rather than performance WITH ME. If people want to use them to look good fine by me, who am I to tell them no. But don't be fuckin around on the bench doin stupid rows with 95 pounds, when I got my shirt on and I'm planning on working up to a 705 bench!! :sFi_punch:


Sep 17, 2003
I hate when people talk about steroids for aesthetic reasons rather than performance WITH ME. If people want to use them to look good fine by me, who am I to tell them no. But don't be fuckin around on the bench doin stupid rows with 95 pounds, when I got my shirt on and I'm planning on working up to a 705 bench!! :sFi_punch:

I guess I won't be lifting with you:naughty1::p