why do we juice?



just curious as to why members here started juicing.
for me it was because i wanted to improve on my appearance and also to help me develop a power game with my bowling. i had reached a certain level and was bowling in pba regional tournaments and wanted to reach the next level which is the national tour which you see on tv. it has helped tremendously and i now have that desired power game and am hoping to make it on the big tour very soon.

so why do you juice and what do you want to accomplish?


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
uh......my name is oracle and i'm a juice-a-holic.....actually i started because i always wanted to do it since i was younger. Now that i'm 30 i thought well what the hell why not. On my first cycle my friend said he knew someone who could get it for me and i did it. I watched myself grow amazingly big in such a small amount of time. Now that i know alot more in this cycle I plan to grow but towards the end to get cut. I started this because i've always had this aspiration of being huge with definitions...so that's my goal....and the rest is history....


One Cocky S.O.B.
Oct 6, 2004
i think this thread is non stop and show it should me made a sticky. Mine is that i have always worked and played sports and been big, but you plateau after a certain time. and it was always an option. researched it a while back and been on and off for a while. My sole reason is just for being bigger, and lifting more, as well as more self confidence and attention.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
pincrusher said:
so why do you juice and what do you want to accomplish?

When I started 29 years ago, I wanted to look like Schwarzenegger with at least 20" arms. After working out more than 20 something years naturally and not making any progress past 16" arms nor increasing in strength for years, I decided it was time to push the envelope. I am an extremly hard gainer.

I still want to accomplish the 20" arm goal.


DragonRider said:
I still want to accomplish the 20" arm goal.

so how close are you to the goal, and will you stop once you hit it?


Feb 6, 2004
Im stuck at 18 1/4" arms. Thats when Im cycling. When I go off, they drop to 18 or slightly less. I guess I could up my doses, but I like to keep them as low as possible and still try to make gains.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
tee said:
Im stuck at 18 1/4" arms. Thats when Im cycling. When I go off, they drop to 18 or slightly less. I guess I could up my doses, but I like to keep them as low as possible and still try to make gains.
What kind of doses do you do Tee?

Upping the dose really doesn't seem to help me.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
Heard a weird rumour at the gym...I know this is a newbie question, but as i'm still new to this stuff, i'd like to get some more "clarety" on the subject...They say that if you STOP using gear, you loose it ALL PLUS MORE.......if this is true......why use gear and what benefit is in it...i mean...what is the use of it to only look BIG when you are on gear, and back to normal when you're without it?? doesn't make sense... :confused:


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
hmm....do you believe everything you hear? just kidding. My first cycle was in the beginning of this year. It ended about march. i hurt my wrist afterwards so i didn't train again until roughly october. Personal issues kept me away from the gym as well. As far as strength wise i didn't lose much. I just started back about 3 weeks now. I'm still able to push almost the same as i was on the gear. Size wise yes, i did lose some but mostly the puffy look.

When you work out your building muscle and it's really hard to lose muscle that you've built. When your on gear it's not a perpetual pump or temporary muscle in fact when your on gear you have to train harder to make your gains.

I'm not saying that gear is a magic potion and that everyone benefits from it. But if you train hard you'll reap what you sow.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
oracle said:
hmm....do you believe everything you hear? just kidding. My first cycle was in the beginning of this year. It ended about march. i hurt my wrist afterwards so i didn't train again until roughly october. Personal issues kept me away from the gym as well. As far as strength wise i didn't lose much. I just started back about 3 weeks now. I'm still able to push almost the same as i was on the gear. Size wise yes, i did lose some but mostly the puffy look.

When you work out your building muscle and it's really hard to lose muscle that you've built. When your on gear it's not a perpetual pump or temporary muscle in fact when your on gear you have to train harder to make your gains.

I'm not saying that gear is a magic potion and that everyone benefits from it. But if you train hard you'll reap what you sow.

thx Oracle.....you made me see the light again..I know the PCT is for Gyno etc, but never knew it was to KEEP GAINS??...Thing is, a buddy of mine that use to do juice, told me ( this was after my first cycle so far ) that my muscles didn't over-intake water and that i had solid muscle....to me this is good news..I'm starting my 2nd cycle in Feb...Test and Deca again..and i can promise you...i work my ARSE off at the gym, so hopefully i won't be TOO dissapointed, although i know that i might lose +- 20-50% muscle size...


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
Robin Hood said:
thx Oracle.....you made me see the light again..I know the PCT is for Gyno etc, but never knew it was to KEEP GAINS??.....

ROBIN.......Read the stickies at the beginning of this forum. They will tell you a lot. For example, PCT has NOTHING to do with Gyno. Post Cycle Therapy is designed to kickstart the Hypothalamal Pituitary Testicular Axis so that your body begins producing testosterone naturally again. If we get our own test production back on line, IT HELPS PRESERVE GAINS.

Basic PCT doses & duration by Lawnsaver


I have had many questions about PCT (Post Cycle Therapy). Here is an excellent thread on the subject.

Basic PCT doses and duration. - By Lawnsaver

The first thing that needs attention is the testicle. HCG is needed to prevent testicular atrophy. 300-500ius every 4-5 days throughout a cycle will do the trick. IF you have waited until the end to fix the problem, take 500ius ED for the last 14-21 days of your cycle. After the testicles are taken care of we can work on restarting the HPTA. Here are a few ways in which you can address the problem.
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Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
DR, i havn't got any HCG, but only nolvadex.....will this help if i use Nolvadex instead of HCG?? Another thing i've read somewhere on the sticky's, is that you must only use nolvadex when GYNO appears...This came from one of the sticky's ---> POST CYCLE THERAPY (PCT)

PCT can be run a few different ways..... I will outline on of the most common ways that it is run. If you don't want to do it this way, then it is easy enough to find an alternative way, by doing research.

2 weeks after your last shot of Test. Enth. you should be starting your PCT. The most common combo is to use clomid and nolvadex together. Clomid is run at 300mg day 1, 100mg day 2-14, and 50mg day 15-30. Nolva should be run with it at 20mg for the whole 30 days you are on clomid.

During PCT you should keep your caloric intake at or above the amount you would use for bulking. This will help you keep your gains, and stop you from going catabolic. Also you should train hard, so that you can keep your gains. Remember that you are not on any anabolics now, so you may have to bring your
volume down, and up your rest a little, so that you don't overtrain.
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reasons for loosing gains when you come off:
1) make severe changes to diet and stop consuming enough proteins to even consider the intake at a maintanence level.
2) did not properly cycle and a large majority of the gains were water weight which will come off when you stop
3) cut way back on training intensity with the thought that you should only train hard while on gear
4) do not do a proper pct to restart your natural test production
5) stop taking supportting supplements like multi vitamins and amino acids.
6) lack of muscle maturity. people start juicing without having already developed maturity within the muscles meaning you havent worked out for long and reached your natural peak before you start juicing. the quality of muscle being build will not be as good.

you must realize that you will loose some gains when you come off. the amount will depend on the quality of gains you made when on cycle and also how long you were on.

Robin Hood

Registered User
Sep 18, 2004
Well, im off the juice now for 3 weeks, and still no gyno......i also still have my gains, without doing a PCT ( i used a mild combo of Deca and Test for 6 weeks only )..I still have my Nolva just for in case...Is it correct if i say i should ONLY do a PCT if i had a LONG cycle??


Registered User
Aug 30, 2004
im not even going to do my PCT....its been about 3 weeks and im fine. no depression no nothing...makes me feel like i injected crap...where can i ship a sample of my juice to find out its real???