where the hell si everyone going?

Captain Canuck

Registered User
Oct 9, 2005
Up North
rAJJIN said:
again Kell11, Im not understanding your question?

It's a simple question my friend!!
Look newbie’s will be open for scams.

1 to protect the new guy
2 to protect the source

Its simple open source can only lead to trouble for people in my books!
And what about the member that just paid for his membership?


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Captain Canuck said:
It's a simple question my friend!!
Look newbie’s will be open for scams.

1 to protect the new guy
2 to protect the source

Its simple open source can only lead to trouble for people in my books!
And what about the member that just paid for his membership?

1st question- newbies will be open for scamms?
... What are you talking about?
There will only be the BEST in the community allowed in here as sponsors
No scammers or Any Tom,Dick and harrys Open posting.

2nd question- Protect the source-
Do You honestly think letting ANYONE with 50$ (or whatever you guys were asked to pay) who wants to join up
and access a "private" source forum is REALY protecting the source?


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Thanks cap'n.
I didnt understand wtf was so hard to get.
If even the gist of the question...Post #10 in sources gone thread is my darn question


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
And Again... NO memeber here under the new Owner was asked
to Pay for ANYTHING.. I cant comment or give much input on your previous owner
or IF-WHY he would be charging anyone recently knowing he was selling the site.

Does that help any? ask away, Ill do the best I can to answer for you guys.


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Not really.But thats OK were missing each others points I think.
Post #10 in the "sources gone" thread is as simple as I can put it.
Again, sorry for the editing-


Registered User
Oct 3, 2005
Ontario Canada
The real advantage of a seperate "source" area is for feedback on how a source performed, at least that is how I see it. Once you see positive feedback and have the ability to discuss a source it gives one confidence to purchase from them. Now newbies coming in have no way to know if a source is good or not, feedback is the only measure. Now the question arises, then what is the point of a source being private on one forum but open on another, nada. It takes away the whole point. Lets see how this goes, I already have my favorite source so I am cool anyways! :twisted:


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
mandarb11 said:
The real advantage of a seperate "source" area is for feedback on how a source performed, at least that is how I see it. Once you see positive feedback and have the ability to discuss a source it gives one confidence to purchase from them. Now newbies coming in have no way to know if a source is good or not, feedback is the only measure. Now the question arises, then what is the point of a source being private on one forum but open on another, nada. It takes away the whole point. Lets see how this goes, I already have my favorite source so I am cool anyways! :twisted:

MOst sponsors have been in the BIZ for years and have already established that they are good sources. you wont need to speculate if they perform good.
IM sure the sources will be safe and fine.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2005
Ontario Canada
Ah but will our mods allow criticism if the sponsors are paying for things? At least in the source forum we could give negative feedback (although that was usually edited by the mods anyways). Its like those paid advertisements on tv, a station will play the commercials for a product/service not show an even handed approach to product/service. In other words as long as they are footing the bills, are we going to be allowed to post any negative experience we have of them?


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
kell11 said:
Not really.But thats OK were missing each others points I think.
Post #10 in the "sources gone" thread is as simple as I can put it.
Again, sorry for the editing-

Ok Ill try this one last time,lol
here is post #10 you refer to-

perhaps I shouldnt have used the word "many".
And yes,I know BigA hasnt charged anyone.but there are several who paid a month or so ago and didnt get their sources bookmarked or E addy collected.
That's all.And I would actually have to say thats their fault..However they didnt know they were about to vanish either...Thats all
Not a major deal, A few people lost 50.00 to the previous owner and thats the breaks it seems...Im sure a few wish they could get a refund.
This shit happens in mergers and aquisitions,I was just wondering if the members were informed the list was about to be removed...so gather ye rosebuds if you paid...know what I mean?

KILLA...be careful were in open forum---no names

The only Question I can get out of all that is
You were Just wondering if the members were informed the list was about to be removed.

My Answer-
The members were told to expect some changes and Upgrades from the New owner. This is one of many changes/ upgrades youll see here.. NO More Hidden source forum For paying members. The site will be 100% free to all the memebers and all memebers will be Treated with equal respect.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
mandarb11 said:
Ah but will our mods allow criticism if the sponsors are paying for things? At least in the source forum we could give negative feedback (although that was usually edited by the mods anyways). Its like those paid advertisements on tv, a station will play the commercials for a product/service not show an even handed approach to product/service. In other words as long as they are footing the bills, are we going to be allowed to post any negative experience we have of them?

Thats not how it works.... trust me. BIGA wouldnt be in the postion he is today if he didnt know how to run things.
Source Scamms or Pulls any Shit, They get called out on it.
Now do we Let Anyone Falsly acuse a source? No. Do we Let Just any Source be a sponsor as Long as they Pay for space..HELL NO
Ive seen MANY<MANY try to get in with BIGA and Very few get selected or approved. We do things Fare and honestly so Just calm down Bro and I think youll be very happy with the changes made here at anasci


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
pincrusher said:
im still here :D
i never had an issue with the $50 charge but i understand that not everyone feels the need to charge members for source info. either way i felt it was worth the money for a newbie to have access to a forum that had legit sources on it so they wouldnt have to worry about getting scammed. my only issue with the former owner was that he never put any of the money he earned from the members back into the site in the form of contests, discounts for the mods who were the ones who actually ran the place etc.
everyone just needs to keep an open mind to change and just go with the flow so to speak until all the affects are seen and then make a judgement as to whether this site is for you or not.
Amen to that.

I think the bottom line here is that we dabble in an illegal practice and we all have to do what we can to protect ourselves, most of US would do just fine if we didn't feel the overwhelming urge to brag to someone.

As far as the new administration goes, this is a learning curve for all of us. We will have to wait and see. I'm optomistic.


Mar 5, 2006
Fellas...this whole 50.00 forum doesn't work if the sources are posting everywhere else for free.

So I come here and I pay 50.00 and i think I'm safe because my 50.00 went to a legit source and i should feel I am getting connected with a very safe source. Well I can proabably go to a ton of other boards, outlaw, anabolicminds, etc and see the same guy advertising for FREE. So what did my 50.00 do for me. Save me about an hour of searching other sites to see if this guy is any good? Doesn't make sense. And the thing is, if he is a SUPER secret source with the most strict customer list, guess what - he's not charging 50.00 to join his list. He's not advertiseing period.

So my suggestion to you is that what ever system was in place disregard it because a better one is coming. Big A is the man in this community. And Rajjin has been BY FAR the most helpful person I have met on here and I've known him for years and would give him the shirt off my back.

Things will work out for the best in the end.


New member
Mar 5, 2006
open or closed site...don't you think the government can afford 50 bucks if they wanted to get in? come on...get real...open or closed forum you still have to play it safe. Most of the new sources you guys will see will be overseas I'm guessing and where steroids are legal....And why would it matter if you are a newbie or not? If you don't know your shit or don't know your source and you get scammed...whos fault is that? But again just give it a chance you you will not miss the old site you guys are used to...believe me...we are all bros here and we are all in this life style together....watch and see you guys will like it


New member
Mar 5, 2006
mandarb11 said:
The real advantage of a seperate "source" area is for feedback on how a source performed, at least that is how I see it. Once you see positive feedback and have the ability to discuss a source it gives one confidence to purchase from them. Now newbies coming in have no way to know if a source is good or not, feedback is the only measure. Now the question arises, then what is the point of a source being private on one forum but open on another, nada. It takes away the whole point. Lets see how this goes, I already have my favorite source so I am cool anyways! :twisted:

You won't have to give negative feedback with the sources you see soon...They are top of the line and will take care of you...I think they will take alot of stress off this more than stressful life :)

Big A

IFBB Pro / NPC Judge / Admin
Sep 10, 2005
mandarb11 said:
Ah but will our mods allow criticism if the sponsors are paying for things? At least in the source forum we could give negative feedback (although that was usually edited by the mods anyways). Its like those paid advertisements on tv, a station will play the commercials for a product/service not show an even handed approach to product/service. In other words as long as they are footing the bills, are we going to be allowed to post any negative experience we have of them?

If you have an issue with a sponsor, you contact a mod who will take it with the sponsor. Sponsors will know that if they genuinly screwed something up and they don't take care of it, not only do they lose their sponsorship but what they did wrong will also be made public, which obviously it's very bad for business.

Open bashing of sponsors will not be allowed, until the above procedure has been done. Because a lot of sources, including the ones you guys had on the source forum, hate each other. And it is very common practice for them to use fake usernames in order to 'complain' publically about another source - see it countless times, and always unmasked it, and those sources permanently lose my support.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2005
Ontario Canada
Big A said:
If you have an issue with a sponsor, you contact a mod who will take it with the sponsor. Sponsors will know that if they genuinly screwed something up and they don't take care of it, not only do they lose their sponsorship but what they did wrong will also be made public, which obviously it's very bad for business.

Open bashing of sponsors will not be allowed, until the above procedure has been done. Because a lot of sources, including the ones you guys had on the source forum, hate each other. And it is very common practice for them to use fake usernames in order to 'complain' publically about another source - see it countless times, and always unmasked it, and those sources permanently lose my support.

Good point! Well I am satisfied with your answers so thanks for taking the time, as long as you got our backs I am happy!