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mightymo51 said:I always see these guys at the gym with huge traps. When I ask them what they do, they just give some normal excersises like shrugs and other things for shoulders. I've tried very hard to get my traps looking discustingly huge with little success. Although my traps are decent in size and definition, I feel like they could be a lot bigger. Can anyone give me some advice on building discustingly huge traps? Thanks.
bigguns said:Deadlifts bro.... Heavy intense deadlifts!! They put a lot of strain on the traps and in conjunction with the other regular exercises you should see excellent development. Try it - hit 3-4 sets of 10 reps HEAVY deadlifts and then see how your traps feel the next day.
mightymo51 said:I always see these guys at the gym with huge traps. When I ask them what they do, they just give some normal excersises like shrugs and other things for shoulders. I've tried very hard to get my traps looking discustingly huge with little success. Although my traps are decent in size and definition, I feel like they could be a lot bigger. Can anyone give me some advice on building discustingly huge traps? Thanks.
Yeah, I don't do flatbar shrugs anymore.. with the test. I'm running I don't need anything rubbing on my dick.