I hear ya bro. Hey if its workin for you all the power to ya. I was just one of those "cases" you hear about. Seriously ready to suck on a shotgun, honestly had to fight it off. That shit rewired me, no joke. Not at first, years down the road. Just be safe brother, all im saying and asking. I try and talk everybody out of it i guess, horrendous experience my friend.
I understand that you had a bad experience, but I honestly find it irresponsible for you to warn people off of meds that can potentially have the ability to improve people's lives. Not everyone is likely to have the same experience that you had. In fact, many people have very positive experiences from anti-depressants. No, they are not a perfect drug, and can and do have serious side effects. But, some people genuinely NEED these drugs to have a chance to live a normal, productive life. For you to tell people not to use these drugs because of your bad experience, especially when you don't have an intimate understanding of their medical history, would be no different that me telling people to never drive their car again because I had a bad car accident once. Just because it happened to you does not mean it will happen to them.
I have first hand experience with people that have seen drastic improvements in their quality of life from those and other drugs. People that seriously needed them and responded very well to them. It was sometimes a bumpy road, and they frequently had to vary doses and even change meds. But, under competent medical supervision, they were able to get things sorted out and have seen excellent long-term results from the administration of anti-depressant drugs.
I understand what happened to you, and it's not my intention to minimize your experience. People do have negative issues with anti-depressants, and they can be very serious. Unfortunately, one doesn't know if they will have a good experience with any medication before taking it. It's always a bit of a gamble when a doctor writes you a prescription. It's unfortunate, but it's just how it is. It could potentially do just as much, or more, harm for someone to not take a prescribed anti-depressant than if they did take it. A lot of the onus falls on the patient and their relationship with their doctor. They need to be candid and open and forthcoming. The more they communicate with their healthcare provider, the better the potential outcome should be.
Not trying to bitch at you or give you shit bro. Just think you might need to appreciate that there are more sides to the story than just yours.