- Feb 1, 2008
- 748
- 0
- 0
Fina pellets ground into a powder and mixed in DSMO... Then add 200mg of TNE with it! Yea... Try that shit
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Now ive heard the secret.! ↑↑↑ Thanks fuse!!.
I take it this is some rub not for chickens....
Now ive heard the secret.! ↑↑↑ Thanks fuse!!.
I take it this is some rub not for chickens....
not to sound like a druggie...bc its not like that....but...
Adderall, cappacino/coffee mix, asprin, and of course TNE and daily vitamin of Proviron and which ever oral im runnin....dbol..tbol...etc.
back in the day, I would take an oxycodone before gym and wow, never wanted to leave...BUUUUT...that led to a horrible cpl years so I DO NOT RECOMMEND!!!~!
so I guess ECA or some GNC shit alongside your gear works fine.