For me i work each body part once a week and on the 8th day i take off. Then repeat the routine. I gain reps or poundage from week to week, i think this is a good indicator. If you aren't gaining strength from one workout to the next, i consider this overtraining. Even with giving my body parts a week rest before working them again, sometimes i don't make gains on a lift, then the following week i won't work that bodypart. I have found that the extra rest on an over worked muscle group will give me really good results when i work that bodypart again. For my deadlifts 2 weeks ago i had a hard time w/265 for ten reps. I did dls again yesterdayw/275 for an easy ten reps, the i put on 315 for an good 6 reps. This is how my body responds and the extra rest does wonders for the overtrained muscle group. Clint