Want To GET HUGE !


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007
Ive done 6 cycles but this time I want to go all out any advice
im 5'9" 27 years old 185lbs 18% bf


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Ive done 6 cycles but this time I want to go all out any advice
im 5'9" 27 years old 185lbs 18% bf

What weight did you start on? Thats not alot considering you have done 6 cycles (and are aiming to be huge). Changes need to be made if you want to get huge like you state. What cycles have you done again? How long were your last 2 bulking cycles? What percentage of gains did you retain... when I say this I mean months after the cycle finished. Your bf is fairly high too. Like most I think you need to look at diet before you look at next cycles. Diet is the most important factor. What is your current days eating... and please be completely honest. When I say this I mean most will eat lots in one/two days but are not consistent throughout the week. We can advice you best if you include this info. Because it appears your putting the weight on then losing most of it all after cycles (I think I remember you writing you were about that weight ages ago).


Aug 28, 2005
Ive done 6 cycles but this time I want to go all out any advice
im 5'9" 27 years old 185lbs 18% bf

One of my favorite MASS and SIZE cycles:
Getting in calories is very important when
trying to add size.


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007

I just get big for the summer then deflate lol ... this year I just want to get bigger lol I do one good cycle then by this time my body weight comes to 180 185

but alin how much of the stuff should i take ?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I just get big for the summer then deflate lol ... this year I just want to get bigger lol I do one good cycle then by this time my body weight comes to 180 185

but alin how much of the stuff should i take ?

I know you have asked Alin but just thought I would chime in. I don't mean to be rude but I would have thought it is fairly obvious what range of doses you should take. You have been on this site for awhile. Your dose should largely depend upon your stats and your past cycles. But it would be easy to throw numbers at you but whats the point in doing it wrong. I guess if your you don't mind going big then deflating everytime then thats cool. But wouldn't you rather be big 4 months after your cycle. If your happy going forwards and back then it's up to you. I guess it's good to feel that big even if you just lose it in the future... even if for just a few months. But personally I wouldn't want to be doing heavy bulking cycles during the summer. I would rather keep my weight then cut it up and add or atleast retain muscle during the summer when cutting.

Aren't most of your cycles dosed at 500-700mg test? Have you taken tren before? If it was me I would do

Test (Test C or Sust) at 1g per week
Tren E at 400mg per week
Anadrol at 50-150mg per day for 4 weeks

Your guaranteed to get huge of that. But you would even on 500mg test per week. If your highest dose of test is 650 go with 750. If you haven't taken tren before don't take a high dose. I would start of low (100mg) and go up in 100's to a max of 400mg per week. If your unsure about tren go with deca as that bloats you up... 400mg per week max imo. To be honest a large dose of test and some adrol is all you need to get huge.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
By the way I am not recommending anyone do 1g test weekly... just what I would do


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I hope you don't take that personally. Your a cool guy. I am just surprised you are asking what dosages to take when you know better than anyone what dosages you have used in the past and how effective they were. And what works for us might not be right for you. And test, tren, adrol/dbol cycles have been mentioned loads in the last 2 years. Sorry to go on. It's just the people I have met in the past who need to be spoon fed are always the ones who lose all their gains cos they don't research whats important and tend not to have the needed drive/determination to reach their goals. But again if your happy to lose everything I guess you can stick to your old ways. Just makes me think what is the point in taking many toxic/potentially harmful compounds if you don't even get sustainable results from them.
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Registered User
Mar 16, 2007

Yea I was just seein if I can take 1000 of test if that was a good idea, yea I dont mind deflating, I feel I would not get the bad side effects if I keep doing 3 on 3 off so I do a cycle a year idk guess its an ocd thing lol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Yea I was just seein if I can take 1000 of test if that was a good idea, yea I dont mind deflating, I feel I would not get the bad side effects if I keep doing 3 on 3 off so I do a cycle a year idk guess its an ocd thing lol

What do you mean when you say you do 3 on 3 off? So you do 3 months on 3 off? That is a good approach. But that would be 2 cycles per year... ok just over if you don't count your pct's in your 3 months off.

What is the highest dose you have done before? If you do it smartly I don't see the harm in upping your dose. All you would need is a decent dose of test and some dbol and/or adrol. Trying something different would be good. Maybe 50mg adrol and 30mg dbol per day for the first 3 weeks. Then have 3 weeks off (no alcohol etc) and do another 3 weeks of dbol and adrol. Those controlled dosages tend to give you many benefits and limit the bad sides you may encounter if doing a high dose of say adrol.


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007
good idea

yea my highest dose was 700 of test, but that dbol Idea sounds good. where can I get the androl, ive been looking but havent seen it?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
yea my highest dose was 700 of test, but that dbol Idea sounds good. where can I get the androl, ive been looking but havent seen it?

Any of the board sponsors... excluding synthetek of course


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007

ok this is the cycle what do you think?

1-4 50mg androl 30mg dbol
1-4 sust 500 tren 100 deca 200
4-8 sust 750 tren 100 deca 200
8-10 sust 250 deca 200
10-12 deca 100

then pct of cousre

war nerve

Registered User
Feb 9, 2004
ok this is the cycle what do you think?

1-4 50mg androl 30mg dbol
1-4 sust 500 tren 100 deca 200
4-8 sust 750 tren 100 deca 200
8-10 sust 250 deca 200
10-12 deca 100

then pct of cousre

That is a very poor cycle kingleo. I think your making things too complicated. The compounds and dosages you have listed will not make you huge, if anything I see more side effects than gains. You have done six cycles and now you want to go all out...summer's 5 months away and you want to blow up, I get that. First things first, the whole dbol & drol together. This is not a bad idea, personally I have ran that combo several times with OK results, but over the years I have found that I grow and gain more strength with dbol alone. Running deca at 200 mg for 10 weeks then 100mg for 2 weeks...couple that with tren 100mg for 8 weeks, again your making this way too complicated brutha. Deca takes like 4-5 weeks to peak...and tren enanthate is a great idea but I don't see no value for it now, especially at that dosage. I would toss the sust and go with enanthate...I have ran sustanon many times. The BEST way is 250mg everyday, not 500-100mg week, and especially not the way you have it ramping up and down. You have to use the fast acting esters to your advantage.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
ok this is the cycle what do you think?

1-4 50mg androl 30mg dbol
1-4 sust 500 tren 100 deca 200
4-8 sust 750 tren 100 deca 200
8-10 sust 250 deca 200
10-12 deca 100

then pct of cousre

As stated above you are making it alittle too complicated. Although I should say taking a small dose of deca throughout a cycle can be good but only for certain reasons. The above is right but you only find out what works for you with personal experience. It's all an individual thing. Some people love adrol more than anything others hate it. I blew up the first time I ever took adrol. I put on 20 pounds in 2 weeks on only 1 tab per day (granted it was all water). I recommended both as I have had great results from doing the combo. But again you may take it and don't like it. But again there is only one way to find out if you like something... try it. Moreover say you don't respond well to the adrol you still have dbol there which you know you respond well with. I like to try new compounds out all the time otherwise I wouldn't know what worked for me.

I would do 12 weeks of Test at a min of 750mg per week (he has used that much before)... upto 1g. With 4 weeks of dbol and adrol at 30mg and 50mg. Thats all you need. I wouldn't put deca in the same cycle as tren. If you want to do one then add that in but it isn't really needed. Tren at 300mg would do wonders or deca at 400mg would add to that bulky look you crave.

If you do deca there is no need to stop the test early. Just do them the same time at an effective dose for as long as possible. If anything deca should be stopped before test but no need to get too anal about it. Tapering down is good and if you do that do it over the last few weeks. No need to change your test dose in cycle. Sure many start of low and go up to prevent possible sides but try to be on your max dose for as long as possible in your cycle and keep it steady so don't complicate things too much. Let us know what you decide to. But again I would defo try and adrol for a change as you have taken dbvol every cycle. Androlics are good and available on the site I showed you.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Yeah go with naps and androlics (green tabs). 30-40mg naps and 50mg adrol. I would do 10mg x 4 for the dbol and the one adrol about 1 hour beofre the gym... pumps insane.


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007

So does the cycle look good to u Elvia? Do u think I should do the dbol an anadrolics 50 mg in weeks 7 - 10


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
So does the cycle look good to u Elvia? Do u think I should do the dbol an anadrolics 50 mg in weeks 7 - 10

Weeks 1-12= Test at 750mg per week (up to 1g if you want)
Weeks 1-4= Adrol at 50mg and dbol at 30mg per day

Thats all you need. You could add in deca at 400mg for 12 weeks or tren e at 300mg for 9 weeks. Or even something like mast e at a fairly high dose with the test (frees up test and acts as a mild anti estrogen). The cycle I write will give great results (MASS). Adding a 2nd inj is entirely upto you.

Although if it was me I would defo do

Weeks 1-12= Test at 750mg per week (up to 1g if you want)
Weeks 1-3 and 7-10= Adrol at 50mg and dbol at 30mg per day

If you do the above get your liver tested in the final week of your break. I decided to do the above approach on my current cycle and it worked wonders. This because I tend to make most my gains off bulking orals in the first 3 weeks and liver toxicity issues. I would much rather have a break in between then do 6 weeks straight like most do. If you just want to do one set of orals defo do them at the start and not later in the cycle.

Just adding I can't express how good naps are. And the green androlics too. On naps now and feel great. Let us know what you decide to do.
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