Very worried about outstanding pckg

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Registered User
Jun 11, 2005

IMO it is better not to revise the first post in a thread after so many people have commented on that first post. Just update in the proper chronological order. That way the following comments will make sense.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2005
Ask Katrina. She knows
POWERMAD - - both of you need to call each other up on the phone and repeat the verses below and everything will be just "PEACHY"

It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood,
A beautiful day for a neighbor.
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?...

It's a neighborly day in this beauty wood,
A neighborly day for a beauty.
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?...

I've always wanted to have a neighbor just like you.
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.

So, let's make the most of this beautiful day.
Since we're together we might as well say:
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?
Won't you please,
Won't you please?
Please won't you be my neighbor?


Registered User
Jun 9, 2005
At Home
Wait a minute...I get it .....Mister Rogers is the source!!! That's why he had the trolly.....and Mr. McFeely ran the "Speedy Delivery"...It all makes sense. Maybe Mr. McFeely is sick or something.


i feel the need to step in here and add my .02 worth. i am in no way defending the source but i do think people should be enlightened to what a source goes through with customers and i thing i should KNOW what im talking about ;)
here are just some of the things a source deals with on a daily basis:
1)sources get numerous emails from potential customers claiming that they want to order something or even more specifically that they definately are ordering something but after payment options are sent out they never send the funds
2) sources will sometimes get up to 3-5 emails per day from anxious customers about their impending order and are constantly asked ( where is it at)
3) sources have to deal with the ineptness of the usps and its inability to perform its job properly and in a timely fashion. the source always feels the heat when the post office doesnt deliver on time.
4) sources sometimes unexpectedly run out of stock due to large volumes of orders coming in during a very short timeframe. they need to replenish supplies and it sometimes takes longer than expected.

all these things plus a few others i didnt mention all add up to a tremendous amount of emails going to the source which he is expected to instantly respond to. this creates a large backlog of emails and can sometimes get a source on edge if he keeps getting emails from impatient customers.

this post is in no way accusing anyone of anything but i just want to try and enlighten members of things that can cause extra grief betwen a source and his customers. customers sometimes need to exercise a little more patience than they do but on the flip side some sources also need to be more gracious with their customers when problems arrise. there are some good examples of how sources should act in the source section on this site.
remember above all else a source can go bad at any time, a source if his intentions are good will ship all orders even if it doesnt seem like he is trying to. things actually do happen to cause shipments to get delayed and sometimes the sources are afraid to tell the truth because they know the customer will give them a rash of shit if they are told that their order will be delayed for whatever reason comes up even if it is a legit reason. it is just part of a vicious cycle that can happen if a source falls behind on orders.

if anyone gets upset with me for this post i do apologize. my only intention is to try and show some things that sources go through daily that may get them out of wack mentally and become irritable. :)


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
Pincrusher, all of what you say is true. In no way do I expect anything to go through like its ordering from "Amazon.com", LOL (That's what this source told me). He also told me "I'm spoiled", maybe I should tell him that is the fault of Anasci's board sources?

LIke I've said numerous times, I don't mind a delay/delays. I'm fine with a 3 week turnaround AS LONG AS I'M UPDATED AND NOT LIED TO. I didn't harrass the source with emails (only sent 4 over two weeks, that includes one email telling him the MCTN info, one email a week later asking if it was shipped (he swears by a 48hr t/a time guaranteed), one email asking for a tracking number several days ago, and then a last email asking again for the tracking number). Interestingly, only the MCTN email was replied to in a timely fashion. The rest took 4-6 days to get a reply.

The source decided to get high-and-mighty on me, threaten me, call me names, etc. after failing on his end. He turned from a nice guy into an elitist prick. I don't even care if the package comes now, I've blocked his emails, and I'm done with this thread. If it gets here, good, if not--who cares? My blood pressure will thank me and money comes and goes.

I've decided from here on out I will only deal with a certain board source here that operates overseas for pre-made stuff and powders from the rest. Domestic guys are too risky, prone to running out/delaying stuff and turning into mad dogs (not saying all are, but this guy went from A+ golden boy to a schizo/psycho in a very short time).

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Registered User
Jun 9, 2005
At Home
I will have to admit though....and this is the honest truth!!!!

There are sources that "produce" and those that make "excuses"

Yes there is a great amount of work that a "source" has to go through to get products to their customers................BUT....That's what defines a "good" source and an "excellent" source. I mean sources can have problems here and there, that is definitely understandable....But "communication" and service plays a big role.

And I will be straight forward on this.....An excellent source is one that is very consistent...One that delivers on time in a reasonable fashion, communicates what is going on, and limits excuses.

The source I deal one (one that happens to be on this board as well as others) has ALWAYS provided excellent gear and keeps up with communication.

Hey, a football player can complain that they have to practice all week, learn plays, train, and diet........But a GREAT football player proves it on the field...No complaints....Just Action!!!!

Keep that in mind when choosing a source....You want one that comes through and can communicate effectively when something isn't going as planned.

A good source is like a good woman!!!!! Once you find one don't let em go!!!!!


Registered User
Sep 26, 2005
Pin, thanks for injecting some sanity into this dialogue. As I recall from the first post we, which has been wiped, we were dealing with postal paranoia, neighbour paranoia, et al. Way too much drama for this old dog.

Kel, you know you like weird, at least visit "the neighbourhood." YOu might like it. LOL



Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
Let it die, bros. I've said my peace, there's no need to respond or complain now. I never named the source b/c he isn't discussed openly on any boards--I would have gone straight to the mods if he was a board source. I've never ever had a problem with a source ever in my 9 years of dealing with guys on the boards.

My first experiences were with a domestic remailer of a popular old asian source who recently went down. I was a member of the ORIGINAL anabolix (not the newer anabolEx, elite fitness (before they revamped their board design in 98), the original Meso, animalkits, etc. I've been around at least as long as 95% of the vets here. I'm a long-time member of several other boards, PM me if you want me to verify that.

Never have I posted anything like this about any source so I'm not the type to be paranoid or cry wold. Ask any of the sources on this board who i've done business with. Ask me anything about my dealings, I'll point you to any/all sources I've used and prove to you that I've always been good to my sources.

But this is over and done, i've moved on and so can you. Let it rest and stop beating a dead horse. If you have a problem or question PM me or ignore this thread. Its that easy.




Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
powermad said:
Let it die, bros. I've said my peace, there's no need to respond or complain now. I never named the source b/c he isn't discussed openly on any boards--I would have gone straight to the mods if he was a board source. I've never ever had a problem with a source ever in my 9 years of dealing with guys on the boards.

My first experiences were with a domestic remailer of a popular old asian source who recently went down. I was a member of the ORIGINAL anabolix (not the newer anabolEx, elite fitness (before they revamped their board design in 98), the original Meso, animalkits, etc. I've been around at least as long as 95% of the vets here. I'm a long-time member of several other boards, PM me if you want me to verify that.

Never have I posted anything like this about any source so I'm not the type to be paranoid or cry wold. Ask any of the sources on this board who i've done business with. Ask me anything about my dealings, I'll point you to any/all sources I've used and prove to you that I've always been good to my sources.

But this is over and done, i've moved on and so can you. Let it rest and stop beating a dead horse. If you have a problem or question PM me or ignore this thread. Its that easy.



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