Very worried about outstanding pckg

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Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
Very worried about outstanding package

Okay, here is the source's current explanation of why I haven't recieved:

"I found out why tracking wasw not showing - the box got wet somewhere enroute and it ruined the address label. It was returned to the PO - fortunately though the PO worker was one of the cool ones and knew (edited) and gave him back the returned box...

...We resent the package today and will have a digital tracking number by this evening. The package never even made it to (location edited) - the whole bottom of the box was wet from snow or water or something. the gear inside was just fine. I will hit you back thursday evening with tracking/DC#."

I don't know whether to believe this or not, but as long as he sends it I figure all is okay. I won't be using him again, though, as this is the second time a "freak" occurence delayed a package. So I don't really trust him, i'll stick to the sources on this board (you guys know who you are :)) that are far better.

Finally, this morning he must've snapped or something. He sent me an email replying to my request for the tracking number. In it, he threatened me and told me I am an impatient newbie, etc. and that any other source would feel the same way, and he is "dropping me" as a customer. Here are some brief excerpts, I wonder how people here would feel about this:

He said he I could look elsewhere, that he is the best source around and has been for 4 years. He told me that he is "bending over backwards" and that I am an impatient newbie with no understanding of the business. He said that any other source or mod will tell me the same thing--i.e. that 2 weeks turnaround time is good and very acceptable for a domestic source. Then he told me to get fucked by other sources because he would'nt do biz with me anymore and guaranteed that I would never find another source that would put up with my "behavior" and would probably get scammed, as QUOTE: Half the sources over the past year have either dissapeared or gone scammer END QUOTE. Oh, he also threatened me.

This reminded me of a psycho girlfriend you may break up with, with him saying "try and find another source like me--you won't because I'm the best, you'll come crawling back, etc. etc.".

I chose not to post the entire email but I can PM anyone with it if they are concerned. Like I said, this guy is the top supplier for a major UG lab.

Finally, I'm now more worried than ever because I know I'm dealing with a crazy person who is prone to flipping out.

Any thoughts?
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USPS was experiencing slow downs for the holidays but don't know of anything right now. if your domestic guy is reputable, i wouldn't worry. however he should have given a DC# right after he shipped it.


Steroid Nazi
Jan 25, 2004
The shadows of your mind
wolfyEVH said:
however he should have given a DC# right after he shipped it.
That's what grabbed my attention. He should have received the tracking number upon sending. There isn't anything difficult about that nor is there anything that would require him to wait 48hours before providing it.

I smell something. Anybody know where that bull got off to?


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Calm Down

The 1st thought that comes to mind is that your source has become scammer.
The 2nd thought that comes to mind is if the law is watching this source,that could be a problem for your parcel.
The 3rd thing is CALM DOWN...You will get it or you will not.
You will not be arrested or go to jail.(I'd bet your $200.00 bail on it any way---JUST KIDDING!!!
NEVER trust a (domestic) source that uses anything other than USPS with Delivery confirmation...Why he did not provide you with that # is suspect...
It's not as if it is a hassle to obtain and give it to you.
It is fine to use UPS or FedEx for supps.But Do NOT ever accept a parcel with contraband inside-Any source will know this.
I know why your username is Powermad...
Good luck and dont sweat it so much.Trust me
Worst case scenario? DENY,DENY,DENY!
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Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
Don't worry--be happy (sung by Bobby McFerron)

I understand why you are worrying. Just make sure your house is clean and you don't accept any package and then you should be safe with denials. Its probably lost in the mail. That happens all the time. Even e-mails get lost.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
Chris, I understand that can sometimes be a possibility but its not a factor in this case. I wasn't overly demanding, I only sent him 4 emails in 2 weeks, the last one I sent (last night) was simply "bro, I need that tracking number for my package".

Thanks for everyone's input/advice.
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Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Be patient

I have a feeling he's got you taken care of, and is growing impatient with your impatience...so he's not addressing you.
You package is probably en route...(or...he's scammed you,and you'll just have to bite it. I hope not though.
be patient, wait another 5 days before you "pester him any more"
And.... I hope it wasn't a 4 figure order.
I had a parcel I had long since written off when it arrived (6 months later!)
needless to say he doesn't get my biz anymore..

P.s. GxGr 6,no more than 10 days.Guaranteed delivery.PROFESSIONAL,COURTEOUS.BEST IN DA BIZ.
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Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
I agree with Kell

Yeah, I will repeat what I said before about mail often gets lost. There is still a good chance that it will come late. Be sure to update this thread to let us know what happens.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2005
First, one worry gone...the pins arrived.

Second, I'm not sure that you are scammed yet. Turn down the knob a bit and go back to the board where he is best known and check for recent postings about him having trouble with getting things out or that sort of shit. One well respected very large source recently posted that he was behind and reorganizing and asked for everyones' patience.

Third, looks like you don't have to worry about the feds ;)



Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
my thoughts

His current "story" is above.

For the record, again, I've dealt with a few of anasci's board sources and they are all so much more professional, courteous, and helpful than this guy it is like comparing the Ritz to a motel 6.

Finally, I have sent him a total of 4 emails in 2 weeks. How is that "impatient" or hounding him? I even specifically stated that I DID NOT care if the package was delayed I just wanted the tracking number so I can keep tabs on it. And he told me at first that this was fine and he'd get back to me in 24 hours, now he's gone insane. Anyway, he's "dropped" me as a customer so now I don't have to worry about dealing with him anymore, but I am concerned about whether or not he's tampered with the contents of the AAS possibly. I don't even know what he's capable of at this point, but he has threatened me so anything may be possible.
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Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
powermad said:
His current "story" is above.

For the record, again, I've dealt with a few of anasci's board sources and they are all so much more professional, courteous, and helpful than this guy it is like comparing the Ritz to a motel 6.

You just solved your own dilemma...Move on
But dont move on to another motel 6
Now,you can go inject grasshoppers with alcohol and other cool kid stuff.
you got a gun an no bullets....
I know, NOT FUNNY...
aaand,you weren't hounding him... He's apparently an asshole who screwed you (at the motel 6) ALWAYS go to the Ritz Powermad.
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Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
kell11 said:
powermad said:
His current "story" is above.

For the record, again, I've dealt with a few of anasci's board sources and they are all so much more professional, courteous, and helpful than this guy it is like comparing the Ritz to a motel 6.

You just solved your own dilemma...Move on
But dont move on to another motel 6

I moved over a week ago, when the source in question started ignoring emails. FYI, I have experience with 3 of Anasci's board sources. So I'm not moving on to another motel 6. I have plenty of sources, and today made 2 orders from professional sources to replace the items that may or may not come from the above source.

That isn't the problem, the issue is that this guy is a major source and seems to be losing it. If he did this to me he'll do it to others, its too bad but its true. You don't seem to grasp this.

Now,you can go inject grasshoppers with alcohol and other cool kid stuff.
you got a gun an no bullets....
I know, NOT FUNNY...[/

A) you don't know the source I'm discussing, that is painfully obvious.
B) your post barely makes sense, so I can't comment on the comedic value
C) If by saying "you got a gun an no bullets", you mean I am between a rock and a hard spot and will let this guy roll over me you're wrong.

I strongly believe in karma. Some do, some don't. Sometime Karma takes much too long to work, though, and in that case taking an eye for an eye is warranted. I believe in taking 2 eyes for an eye. I'll keep this updated.


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
powermad said:
I'll keep this updated.

Please do update Powermad...And please,take no offense with me!!
This thread has been an arguement more or less w/yourself..
And no, you're certainly right.I do NOT know the source you used.I know better.
-good luck.
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Registered User
Jun 9, 2005
At Home
Here's my thoughts powermad....

First off...There are so many scammers out there you need to do a lot of research before or things could get ugly.

If you did do research and this guy is well know, yet he is screwing you over...Personally I would expose him....Go to the board where he is well know and call him out!!!!

There is nothing worse than a source who acts like they are tough shit and send threating emails unless something is said to them which justifies this action.

As far as wait time...Yes sometimes a source can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks at the most...But usually their is good communication between them and yourself...A tracking number or email explaining the delay is not something outrageous to ask for...It is your money and they should respect your concerns.

Now I have no idea on what made this individual so threatened that he felt he may have to drop you as a customer.

Good luck in whatever path you take.



Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
Well put strongman...
I agree with exposing him if he is on this board.Or any board 4 that matter.
And unfortunately these things will happen occasionally.It's just the risk you take.
..Knowing your source,well is the best precaution there is.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
Kell--one thing you say is dead wrong--I'm not arguing with myself. This thread may seem weird because I'm speaking of a guy who I cannot reveal yet.

This guy, as far as I know, has never scammed anyone before. He claims he isn't screwing me over (I sent you a PM giving you details) and has sent the package. But he has done a 180° personality-wise between the time I placed my last order and this one, and it is unwarranted. He has recently (after I ordered) added the following policy: to send ONLY ONE email or it will "piss him off" and he may 'drop' you as a customer if you are too demanding.

I guess he considers 4 emails over a period of 2+ weeks to be "too demanding" and worthy of pissing him off. He seems to be mad at himself/the mail system and projecting, because in every response he talked about adding extra stuff for the undue delay. The 1st time he sent the package, according to him, the post office mishandled it so bad the tracking # wouldn't scan and the label was destroyed so it came close to being caught. I think because of this situation, and his recent behavioral change, that he is taking some frustrations out on me.

Like I said, I'll update when all is said and done.
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