thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Trained chest today brothers! Felt great! Shook it up a little and the change was good. Keep moving. Summer is getting very close! Looking forward to better days!

Hope everyone is rockin' and rollin'!


Oct 27, 2012
Brick, glad to hear i can offer a little motivation!

I hope everyone had a good weekend and got to honor their mother in some way..

Tonight was Chest, Shoulders and Tris

Incline Smith bench (15-20RP) did 2 atomic drops: First "set" 9+5+2
Nautilus Incline Bench (15-20RP) 2RP sets 10+5+2, second had a few drops after the RP set
Cable X-Over 1 x WM and then 1 WM drop set
Smith B/N press (15-20RP) 3 RP sets 9+4+2, second was same weight, third was lighter
EZ Bar Upright Row (20-30RP) 2RP sets, 14+7+3, second was lighter
Machine Laterals 1 x WM, 1 x WM drop set
Triceps Dips (20-25RP) 2RP sets, 13+5+3, second was the same weight
Close Grip Smith bench (15-20RP) 2RP sets, 12+5+3, second was the same weight but did two drop after the RP set
Overhead Triceps Ext 1 x WM, 1 x WM drop set


Jun 10, 2013
Well been focusing on work as of late. Needless to say haven't been to the gym since last week. But tomorrow be back in there. Good to see everyone still at it


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Missed the gym today myself... trying to get my workload under control before I'm out tomorrow. I'm ready to get back to my routine!

You guys do an extra rep for me.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2014
Leg and tri day. Last time I did them I ran in the bathroom and puked lol
Another great workout, I left sore


Registered User
Apr 8, 2014
Shoulders, tris, forearm day. Glad the weekend is here but pissed the pool in not ready!


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Phoe, VERY happy for your news! That is awesome and I know you both are smiling!

Going to hit some shoulders and traps today. Going to get back on track and feeling better. Its feeling nice to have that chemo done. Now to recover.

Can I vent??? I had a doctor appt. Friday with my surgeon... I walked in feeling positive and ready to move on to a better life. Months ago he told me that this can come back, here or there, blah, blah. I know that. But Friday he starts again. reminding me they will be watching me close at least the first year every 3 months. I figured that and that's good. Then he tells me AGAIN how this can come back in my bladder, ureters, even kidneys. And how it got in my lymph so it can pop up again anywhere in my upper body. Well fuck, I knew that already! BUT I don't need my nose rubbed in it every time I see you. Can we just cross that bridge if and when that happens? I walked out of my visit ready to crawl under a rock. What's the point? Now I'm thinking I'm just a ticking time bomb. My wife was pissed at him. What's with doctors? I want the truth, but I want it when I need it, not before it happens.... if it even happens! Sorry brothers, I knew you would listen. Just trying to live my life one day at a time and not freak out about the future. Not sure I needed to vent or I am being a bit of a puss.


Registered User
Apr 8, 2014
Phoe, VERY happy for your news! That is awesome and I know you both are smiling!

Going to hit some shoulders and traps today. Going to get back on track and feeling better. Its feeling nice to have that chemo done. Now to recover.

Can I vent??? I had a doctor appt. Friday with my surgeon... I walked in feeling positive and ready to move on to a better life. Months ago he told me that this can come back, here or there, blah, blah. I know that. But Friday he starts again. reminding me they will be watching me close at least the first year every 3 months. I figured that and that's good. Then he tells me AGAIN how this can come back in my bladder, ureters, even kidneys. And how it got in my lymph so it can pop up again anywhere in my upper body. Well fuck, I knew that already! BUT I don't need my nose rubbed in it every time I see you. Can we just cross that bridge if and when that happens? I walked out of my visit ready to crawl under a rock. What's the point? Now I'm thinking I'm just a ticking time bomb. My wife was pissed at him. What's with doctors? I want the truth, but I want it when I need it, not before it happens.... if it even happens! Sorry brothers, I knew you would listen. Just trying to live my life one day at a time and not freak out about the future. Not sure I needed to vent or I am being a bit of a puss.

Cheer up brother. Alot of doctors act this way so when all is over and you are in the clear it kinda makes them look godly


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
No you are not wrong or being a puss. Dude you couldn't be a puss for a million dollars . Fuck him and his high horse. I've had those "god like" docs before.
Not even going to tell you my thoughts on that lest I get called to come bail you out.
Brick stay with the postitive . I'm gonna counter that oil tasters neg shit with this. Looking to do a bbq later this summer with several guys you know.. I'll be waiting til you are ready and it will be on. Life is too short to get wrapped into some assholes cold wet blanket. Want to point one more thing out.. Damn fine woman that wife of yours! That girl has your back. She sees through your eyes and you through hers.
No need too second guess yourself with your other half for confirmation.
You getting on the bike at all lately?
I'll be back in the gym in the am . Had a couple weeks of not feeling right. better now. so a doozy hunting we shall go. T


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Phoe Colette is a pretty name ..
Whats up meatheads.? Brick you know dam well any Dr is like a cheapass car salesman. Dont listen to that shit ..I go to leg Dr for release last week she looks at my leg sees a few veins slightly raised and what do u think she says? Oh now do these bother you ? If they do I can send you down now to get an ultrasound and we will submit to insurance.. I thought u fukn jerk I was just under the knife at first of this month u did work 3/8" away from that now raised vein and u want to do more and put me in more debt? I wanted to grab her head force her lips on my lightswitch and say you can suk it and no insurance will allow since u messed up.. see what im sayin brick.? They wana pad the clinic with more money so why not make a patient stress which causes body trauma and more work for the dr. So..tellem to suk it..puff it and swallow.
Im back fellas as u see im fired up..glad to see youball and custom and lycam welcome to the thread of freedom of speach. Ib