Friday I went to the orthopedic surgeon for my shoulders. This was recommended by my PT. They feel maybe getting some shots could help loosen the left joint enough to hit a double bi. So I got two shots one from the back and one from the top. That's ALOT of fun and I would recommend that over cutting my own leg off with a hacksaw. Or maybe even pushing my hand into a woodchipper. That fucking hurt to my core. The biggest mistake I made was looking at the size of the harpoon he was using. The good news it it not only made my shoulder feel better than it has in years but some how the stuff he injected made my knees feel much better too. No I'm not crazy. I'll be back hitting it hard Monday. I'm starting with LEGS. That will be a breeze to get machines. No one works there legs. I see these jacked dudes with no legs and just have to laugh. Who the fuck does that?????