The Push for size with JP


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Dyhydroboldenone (spelling)

I'm switching it in and out to keep my body responding at 100%. That and the primo are the POP in the cycle. If you look up DHB it will open your eyes brother. :)
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Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
Man CG, I'm sorry to hear about your setbacks but they're temporary and the weights are in the same place you left them! Dust yourself off and get back at it. I've had to do it more times than I care to remember. I haven't trained in 5 months. Having another neck surgery at the end of October...just had one at the end of June. I only do cardio these days. The last time I weighed myself I had lost 25lbs...who knows, it might be up to 30 now...I was 230lbs. This will be my 6th surgery in four and a half years plus a broken vertebrae. I'm not happy right now but the weights will be there once I'm healed and I'll be back with a focus to rebuild myself!! Hang in there CG! The setbacks only drive us more!!


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Man CG, I'm sorry to hear about your setbacks but they're temporary and the weights are in the same place you left them! Dust yourself off and get back at it. I've had to do it more times than I care to remember. I haven't trained in 5 months. Having another neck surgery at the end of October...just had one at the end of June. I only do cardio these days. The last time I weighed myself I had lost 25lbs...who knows, it might be up to 30 now...I was 230lbs. This will be my 6th surgery in four and a half years plus a broken vertebrae. I'm not happy right now but the weights will be there once I'm healed and I'll be back with a focus to rebuild myself!! Hang in there CG! The setbacks only drive us more!!

That's funny shit BIO.lol My set backs are nothing in comparison to your nightmare. I can only keep saying prayers for ya buddy!

My new concern is the Cipro they have me taking literally makes your tendons brittle. They said it looks like I go to the gym a lot and because of the Cipro I should take it easy for a while. Can you even believe that? How can this get worse?????


Registered User
Mar 28, 2016
I'm just glad the Cipro seems to be working. That is some heavy duty stuff there. My personal experience with it was that I had no issues as long as I didn't train over 80% of my max, but I only had to take it for a couple weeks. I don't know what it does if you have to take it longer than that.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
That's funny shit BIO.lol My set backs are nothing in comparison to your nightmare. I can only keep saying prayers for ya buddy!

My new concern is the Cipro they have me taking literally makes your tendons brittle. They said it looks like I go to the gym a lot and because of the Cipro I should take it easy for a while. Can you even believe that? How can this get worse?????
I have a question.

I'm a believer in heavy weights, progressive overload, lower volume and higher frequency much like Jordan since, I follow Scott Stevenson and he had such a big impact on Jordan from a coaching and learning stand point.

I have always believed that age is just a number and you can still utilize those ideologies but, you have to adjust your mind.

Since you have had so much trouble with joint pains and such, have you thought of just adjusting your rep execution? Not that you're preforming reps that are sloppy, maybe focus on a little more TUT with extra emphasis on the peak contraction and eccentric loads?

You could be doing this already and if so just tell me shut up but, even adding in an extra two count to your eccentric would force you to drop weight to hit the target rep range while keeping the concentric portion explosive which is important.

Load is relative to stimulus.

I don't wanna come off out of line since you're working with a guy who knows more then I'll ever dream of, I just hate seeing you pound yourself into the dirt..... The injuries, the bugs, I bet they're more related then you might think.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Montego, I would never tell you to "shut up". I really appreciate your input. More than you know, I think.
Jordon has me in the 18 to 20 rep range on every lift I do now. My partner is having me do assisted reps on every set also. Every lift is a failure set and then a drop and fail again. Some of the lifts are triple drops.
We fucking killed it tonight! I'm now going three days in a row and one day off. So the three days will be one complete circuit completing a full body training.

As far as the DHB? There is ZERO pip and it has a effect kinda like DNP. I makes you feel warm. Like your sitting in the sun. Should be interesting seeing this play out. Well I have to make a stake and 130 grams of rice and then wash it down with 120 grams of Rice Crispies. Then I still have a huge meal before going to bead. :)


Mar 27, 2014
I my self need to do keep my form strict with rep range from 12 to failure. I go out of form and pay for it big time.
My body just won't do the heavy weights to failure any more. I think if I worked with a power lifter again the strength would come back- but if I gret hurt again I am out.
I can't see fallow these young guys at my age


Registered User
May 25, 2017
Montego, I would never tell you to "shut up". I really appreciate your input. More than you know, I think.
Jordon has me in the 18 to 20 rep range on every lift I do now. My partner is having me do assisted reps on every set also. Every lift is a failure set and then a drop and fail again. Some of the lifts are triple drops.
We fucking killed it tonight! I'm now going three days in a row and one day off. So the three days will be one complete circuit completing a full body training.

As far as the DHB? There is ZERO pip and it has a effect kinda like DNP. I makes you feel warm. Like your sitting in the sun. Should be interesting seeing this play out. Well I have to make a stake and 130 grams of rice and then wash it down with 120 grams of Rice Crispies. Then I still have a huge meal before going to bead. :)

You're a good dude CG!!

Great to hear that on the DHB. I can't wait to get mine to hold when Guaiacol comes in. How much are you running a week now? What has JP said about DHB?


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
TY for the comment!

I'm running 500mgs a week. JP in one of his video's said to stat it at 350mgs. But he wasn't directing that statement at me. I have 2 years to go or blow. Why in the world would I hold back on anything? To me it makes no sense. I'm all in and that's that.


Registered User
May 25, 2017
TY for the comment!

I'm running 500mgs a week. JP in one of his video's said to stat it at 350mgs. But he wasn't directing that statement at me. I have 2 years to go or blow. Why in the world would I hold back on anything? To me it makes no sense. I'm all in and that's that.

Yeah I was just wondering his thoughts on the compound in general since not too many BB'ers talk about it. Seems like about 400-450mg is the average dose I see posted.... imagine how hot you'd feel if you ran a gram lol :D


Registered User
Aug 26, 2010
Have you rotated primo for DHB or have you just added it on top of the primo? Good news you are feeling better. The higher rep range should be better for you if you have been experiencing so much pain with heavier loads. It's frustrating but as you know you can still gain lifting less weight. I am surprised he has you going to failure on every single set. Are you taking many supps to assist your immune system?


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Have you rotated primo for DHB or have you just added it on top of the primo? Good news you are feeling better. The higher rep range should be better for you if you have been experiencing so much pain with heavier loads. It's frustrating but as you know you can still gain lifting less weight. I am surprised he has you going to failure on every single set. Are you taking many supps to assist your immune system?

I'm rotating in and out (in place of the primo)


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I did legs last night and this morning I'm not a cripple. I occluded my legs and went with about 70% of my 1RM for set of 20s. I got way into the muscles and activated them I'm sure. Much more important is I'm up and walking today. One more thing, My PT guy told me to quit wrapping my knees because it stops the knee cap from moving up and down as you bend it. I think this also made a huge difference.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
As the day has gone on my legs are progressively getting sorer. But it's a good hurt. We really got deep into them last night. Straight leg deads are killer.

Going to be adding 50mgs Dbol before training to the program. This is more raws from Anabolicraws. BTW: been getting good service from them. They fly local.

Tomorrow is PULL.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
OK, back was brutal. I finally found an exercise that hits the lower traps well on me. Its a seated cable row with a with lat pull down bar. The trick is pulling in to the lower chest with the elbows way up. I had to add this into the back program because I could see I still wasn't getting what I needed.

BTW: it turns out the DHB does have a little pip and in one shot it really hurt. But it was only one shot TG. Getting all the food down has been tuff for me getting started back up. I just have to do better and I will. My entire back feels like road kill. A good muscle pain but still PAIN. :)

I didn't feel anything from the Dbol before training. No kick of any kind. But I will continue it. I need the Dbol working with the other drugs to grow. It will jack the test numbers pretty good.