I've had good success of 1.5 grams per pound. I aim for 2 g per lb., but usually fall short. the worst that can happen is that you eat a little too much and your body uses the excess for energy or you piss it out.
If nothing else I got a good laugh. Hey bro, the product you are selling is shit, or you wouldn't be resorting to the same bullshit advertising that the "report" started off bashing. Hypocrit selling shit. That's you bro.
Of course not. He was banking on the hopes that we were just a bunch of meatheads dying to try the next new thing to get big. Another lame pencil neck who believes in the stereotype that bodybuilders have pea brains. HA,HA, whos the fool now! LOL!
By performing BUN and albumin tests they can actually determine how much protein is not being used. So if you want to score really high on these tests, specifically the albumin test, just eat a ton of protein and the excess your body can't use is excreted via the urine. This is how they determined what a bodybuilder could actually utilize. Protein synthesis was highest after a workout.
actually the majority of protein that is left over after it is synthesized is stored as fat......that's why too much protein can cause major fat gains...and in men it goes right to our midsection because as we get older fat storage becomes more localized in the belly...