The "10 things you might not know about me" thread



1. I’m a labor and delivery nurse/RN but would like to venture into cardiothoracics.
2. I dislike surprises or not knowing what the surprises/gifts are.
3. I’m very tender hearted.
4. I have two closets, one for my clothes and another full of matching bras and thongs/gstrings.
5. When I’m nervous or upset I pick the cuticles on my fingers.
6. I’ve lived on the beach all my life.
7. I use to date a Blue Angel pilot.
8. I’m an excellent pool player.
9. I’m a redhead (auburn with blonde highlights in the front)
10. My mom died on my 26th birthday.


oh Anasci....

ahem....where is your #10 list! play along :)


Sep 17, 2003
McKenzie said:
oh Anasci....

ahem....where is your #10 list! play along :)

1. im a poor barber/student but i have plans to make alot of money.
2. I like surprises/gifts even if its a new pair of socks.
3. i have respect for some. others i have none.
4. i got a wash basket and a floor and most of it ends up on the floor, although for the most part i do try to get it all organized..
5. when im nervous.. i take my time and really think things through and get a clear thought and rid of the nervousness.
6. i havent travleded much but i would like to.
7. i had a highschool sweet heart but it didnt turn out the way i planned.
8. im not bad at pool.
9. i got a wiffle.


1. I've never been on a motorcycle (dirtbikes and mopeds i have however)
2. I pick my toenails and chew on them
3. I look at porno every single day
4. I hate getting pictures taken
5. I thought about becoming a chef
6. I've never smoked a cigarette
7. my ex girl was related to members of a famous girl band from the 80s
8. geography is my best subject
9. I always talk in my sleep
10. Kenzie and I are secretly married


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
1. was rank nationally in tennis as a junior player
2. never had a hamburger,taco,burrito or lasagna ever in my life.
3. life long dream is to find drug money and keep it without anyone knowing
4. my pet pieve is when someone is sick and sniffs there snot back up in there nose.
5. shot par three times in my life (had 6 handicapp) (I currently havent golfed in 2 years)
6. I have afreind who is 30yrs old and 6'4 300lbs naturally and 10%bf
7. was nearly bitten by the second most venous snake in the world
8. have been both anorixic and bulemic. but was over 4 years ago.
9. I love fly fishing
10. another pet pieve is when guys in the gym stare at themselves inthe mirror more then they work out. or the talk and try to draw attention 24/7. and I hate those guys who do chest and arms every fucking day over aond over again.


OH GOD...this is gonna be awesome ! :rockon:

porn every day...eh wolfy...imagine that

and you pick your toes and chew on them? :eek:

Anasci...whats a whiffle? whiffle ball and bat?


healthfreak said:
1. was rank nationally in tennis as a junior player
2. never had a hamburger,taco,burrito or lasagna ever in my life.
3. life long dream is to find drug money and keep it without anyone knowing
4. my pet pieve is when someone is sick and sniffs there snot back up in there nose.
5. shot par three times in my life (had 6 handicapp) (I currently havent golfed in 2 years)
6. I have afreind who is 30yrs old and 6'4 300lbs naturally and 10%bf
7. was nearly bitten by the second most venous snake in the world
8. have been both anorixic and bulemic. but was over 4 years ago.
9. I love fly fishing
10. another pet pieve is when guys in the gym stare at themselves inthe mirror more then they work out. or the talk and try to draw attention 24/7. and I hate those guys who do chest and arms every fucking day over aond over again.

the brown snake or the taipan???

and never had a hamburger, taco or lasagna?!?!? what!?!?!?!?!


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
just looks disgusting to me and its unhealthy and smells bad. I was a picky kid and now that im serious about bbing Im really extreme. Ive pissed alot of people off with my eating. I will go to a freinds house and wont eat there food so I bring my own all the time. Its kind of amusing


Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
1 I like to live abroad because it makes me feel unique.
2 I love tacos, hamburgers, and lasagna and eat them but I respect people who suffer to eat healthy.
3 I want to fuck my wife in the ass but she won't let me. She finally said I could on my next birthday.
4 I wish I could go back in time (what a geek!) so I could take my current knowledge of hit songs and pretend they were mine to become a rock legend.
5 I just can't enjoy playing video games even though I have tried many times.
6 I'm a family man who lives for his children. This is a problem with scheduling enough workouts.
7 I am prone to depression but have found that healthy living (nutrition & exercise) is the best way to prevent/combat it.
8 My wife told me that I could have another woman in a trio with her but I can't do it because I'm afraid that someday she might want the same thing for herself (even though she swears she wouldn't).
9 I still dream about my father quite often even though he died long ago.
10 I tend to take revenge too far. I figure if they started it I get to get back twice as hard.


Great list Andrew.....and good luck on your present for your next birthday ;)


Registered User
Jun 11, 2005
birthday present

McKenzie said:
Great list Andrew.....and good luck on your present for your next birthday ;)

Yeah thanks! I hope it is a happy birthday.