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- Jan 8, 2013
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You guys are too nice...let this know it all jerk shoot himself full of terriyaki sauce and wonder why it hurts. lmfao
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I create a topic here explaining some situation and in the #2 thread I'm called ridiculous, and after a dumb... Guy says that test E NEED BB do be converted, man, who started threating here wasn't me.
My main point was to talk about carboxilic acid and try to solve my problem and possible others' guys problems, but soon my topic take another direction for judging me and telling me some stupid things like throw it away or calling me a dumbass... Is the same thing one come here telling his gear crashed and people telling him to throw it away... You don't do that because you have the solution to that, everybody knows it. Maybe my problem has a solution, but since I started the topic all I got was judgement and be called ridiculous and dumb by some guys that swear that test E aways need BB...
I know every gear needs BA, but I'm taking the risks for my own, and I know that it's not infection because some other guys over the internet had the same problem with some unpurifyed chinese test E.
If some guys don't want to help, please don't post here. I'm looking for a good and constructive discussion, nor judgement or be called as a dumb.
THREAD IS ClOSED. If ba or either Bb isn't needed then why do major pharmaceutical companies use it.? Why is there organic food grade benzoate in the soda pop,.coca cola, or whatever u call a fizzy drink? Reason ..bacteria grows...u standing over a pan of test e and hair dander falling in is OK? As for your carbolic acid theory toss it out too. All test e is made with same chemical makeup..impurities cause the pain reaction.. .how did u sterilize the container you made it in..many vague parts are left out of this situation..ib
Lol. ^^^^ ..well shoulda coulda woulda is trolling.
How much eo do you guys suggest to reduce pip 20-30%?
How much eo do you guys suggest to reduce pip 20-30%?
depends on what you are brewing. you shouldn't need eo for te.
Of course i've filtered it... 0.45um
Test enant doesn't need BB at all... And the BA is used to stop bacterial growth, but unfortunately I didn't have some.
I've pinned this recipie for more than a year and didn't got any infection, just site pain, please just comment if you know what you're talking about and don't misjudge me just because I'm new here.
I've tested it with soy and sunflower oil, both very painfull... In fact, they're both very thick, but I think that's not the problem... As I said before, probably is the carboxilic acid.