I realy don't want to have to pour out all the vials to re-brew if I can help it. Do you think another 1ml guaiacol will save it? There 10ml vials but there's room for more as there tallish vials, I could squeeze another ml in them...
Iv not made test base yet without it crashing, its a cnut! Lol
Personally though...
WHY NOT MAKE IT concentrated enough that it crashes...
stop adding all the extra solvents and just heat it up before every shot...use a hot plate.
I'm trying to make 200mg/ml too though of base. Best i got with only GSO and BB was 80mg and it crashes every night. But painfree. I heat my shit up everytime anyways so who cares.
its funny to me that people always discount the $ on the shit that crashes but hey, at least you know theres something in there...
20% Guaiacol
22% BB
2% BA
leaves 56% carrier oil...
I guess you could go 25% guaiacol...its not gonna be painful. 25% BB?
If i can cram 200mg in that will hold for at least one hour at room temperature so i can filter it....fuck yes! Dont give a shit if it crashes.
Once its in the bottle, its in. Would love to be able to do .5cc in each forearm or bicep preWO and get 200mg...