Pincrusher and Captain Canuck experiment!!!


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
I'd like to see his gains on the 250/200 Test/Deca. I really like the idea and think it can be effective for a lot

As I said before, I know more than a couple of guys who take "insignificant" (to AAS vets/"experts) doses and grow faster than a forrest fire. Most times , it is the first cycle phenomena. Ex-a guy gets a 10mL vial of test and MAYBE a small amount of dbol or winstrol or if he's lucky another injectable like deca. Then they proceed to blow up in ten weeks. Some (seems Captain Canuck is one) guys can do low dose all the time and get good gains.

I firmly believe that your gains come mainly from diet, training, rest and recovery. Drugs are less important than any of those. Of course genetics matter, but that is the ONE variable that cannot change/improve.

In my opinion, most guys (including juicers) who lift weights are not putting 100% effort into all aspects of their routine. They are slacking on one or more of the key elements. This is what keeps them from making great gains despite the drugs their taking. I see guys with crappy (or simply very low/moderate dosed) drug cycles do amazing things with their physiques, athletic improvements, etc. More common, however, are the guys with great drugs and crappy programming and/or diet and/or recovery make so-so gains. Again, genetics help/hurt individuals to a degree but I firmly believe that a lot of smart, hard, consistent work will allow someone with decent/average genetics to achieve greatness.

Here is the heirarchy as I see it (1 being worst, 6 being best):

1. No drugs + poor diet/training/etc.=piss poor gains
2. Low dose/subpar drugs+ poor training/diet/whatever=poor gains.
3. High dose/good drugs+ poor trainig/diet/etc=minor to avg gains.
4. No drugs + great diet/training/etc.=very good gains.
5. Low dose/subpar drugs+ great diet/training/etc.=great gains.
6. High dose/good drugs+ great diet/training/etc.=spectacular gains

Of course these are all generalizations as I see them, and I would LOVE to go into further detail and include examples for each one but I don't want to hijack this thread any more than I already have. And each category can always have variations or there could be a much more diverse group/greater variety of trainees and their habits. And individuals can always jump from category to category. Of course this is not highly scientific as many variables (such as age, genetics, training history, gear types and goals, genetics and response to different types of AAS) are not included.

I suspect Captain Canuck falls into the #5 category, more or less based on the history that was posted.

Sorry for the rambling, I've got a slight case of insomnia, I'll probably read this tomorrow and edit it after realizing how non-sensical it is. Until then the joke is on me.


welsh-beast84 said:
For those who suffers with acne, with low dose cycle 250/200 will the acne be less servere?
most likely it would because the main factor that is causing the acne is the conversion of test to dihydrotestosterone which has the main receptors for it located around the hair folicles thus creating an oily skin and acne. the lower the dosage of test the less you will experience conversion to DHT so you should not have as bad a case of acne.