Out of breath on tren/test cycle


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Ah thanks IB...so it's a type of immune response/allergic reaction going on...so if you wanna reverse the broncho-constriction a common broncho-dilator such as albuterol should do the trick....and a leukotrine inhibitor such as singular or a corticosteroid like advair or pulmicort might prevent the constriction in the first place...I'd stick to albuterol tho

Digging the critical thinking here bro! But just as a side note, Corticosteroids will weaken tendons by not letting them get inflamed and protecting themselves, therefore leading to easier tears and rips. They also eat your immune system...


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
Digging the critical thinking here bro! But just as a side note, Corticosteroids will weaken tendons by not letting them get inflamed and protecting themselves, therefore leading to easier tears and rips. They also eat your immune system...

true but inhaled corticosteroids are in the microgram range and deposited in the lung tissue only, po or iv corticosteroids like solumedrol is in the mg ranges and effect the entire body systemically....


Feb 7, 2013
Well u know the feel when you inject tren and its in the lungs and lucky ones get the cough? This is the result of Trenbolone’s effect on the body in increasing amounts of the prostaglanding F2Aplha. What results is bronchial constriction, making it more difficult for the user to draw large amounts of oxygen into the lungs, especially during aerobic training

Thanks for ripping off my research and previous post's asshole!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Just pulled this off of AlinBoard. Seems to be thinking along the same lines. Not sure whom the original author is, as the poster lifted it off another board without due credit.

Beating the cardiovascular impact of tren
Long read, not my personal experience, but lifted off another forum, thought it might be of interest to others around here.

Hello everyone!

Anyone who has taken tren before knows that it fucks with your cardiovascular system.
Inject or nick a vein? Hope you enjoy dying for the next couple of minutes.
Distance running? Forget it.
Sprints? You're a funny guy.
Sex? Fuck it, I'm on bottom.
Now what if I told you, the reason tren does this, is because tren triggers an asthma like response in the body?

What the fuck, you're crazy! Tren doesn't cause asthma.

There are two main theories behind tren's cardio issues.

Pulmonary oil microembolism, where some oil is making it's way to the lungs. This possibly answers for the "tren cough" when you inject or nick a vein.

Leukotrienes are a major contributing factor of asthma.
Tren causes rises in prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are still sort of a mystery in terms of formation and role in the human body. They are made by two different pathways, cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase. Cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways, compete to form prostaglandins; as well as thromboxanes, AKA leukotriene. Thromboxanes cause constriction of vascular smooth muscle and platelet aggregation. Leukotrienes are made in leukocytes and macrophages via the lipoxygenase pathway.

They are potent constrictors of the bronchial airways. They are also important in inflammation and hypersensitivity reaction. Because tren increases production of prostaglandins, the corresponding rise in leukotrienes causes inflammation in the lungs. This is why tren causes cardio effects such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and the in-famous "tren cough". This is the actual reason.

I originally began looking into this because I'm primarily a powerlifter, but also participate in dragon boat and enjoy dabbling in gymnastics. I've found that a leukotriene modifier, like Singulair (Montelukast), a common allergy medication, blocks leukotriene receptors in your lungs. After researching different interactions and sides for it, I deemed it safe and ordered a couple packs of it.

How did you do the experiment?

My initial testing method was I would do 3x 300m sprints using a Concept 2 rower/ERG twice a week. I would then average my times and use that as the score for the day, coming out with two scores per week. Here are the numbers:

Week before injections:
D1 - 41 seconds
D2 - 42 seconds

D1 - 41 seconds
D2 - 41 seconds

D1 - 40 seconds
D2 - 39 seconds

D1 - 37 seconds
D2 - Untested (After seeing the trend, I didn't bother.)

As you can see, I actually IMPROVED my cardio on tren. I've found that dosing Singulair/Montelukast 10mg/ED (standard adult dose) is enough to keep any cardio impact at bay. I'm able to climb more than two flights of stairs, run with dogs (boarder collie, they run forever), and fuck forever. I've yet to notice any sides from it or any possible negative interaction with anything else I'm taking.

But what about tren cough?

It's not a problem with this. A couple weeks ago I believe I nicked or injected through a vein. Immediately post injection I saw bright red start flowing out of the injection site, not the slow trickle, but a decent flow. I felt my throat tighten and it started to feel uncomfortable, but no cough. After a couple minutes the feeling subsided and all discomfort went away.

Closing thoughts:
I'm sure Singulair isn't the only thing out there, any kind of inhale-able corticosteroid or bronchodilator could work in this situation. Anecdotal evidence supports the use of an asthma inhaler as a reactive measure to tren cough, which would also go to support the leukotriene theory. I'm sure my experiment could have been designed better, but I just went with simplicity as the biggest question to me was "Will this even work?"

Long read, but generally decent info. Would a medication like Nasacort be effective for combating the cardio affect of Tren? It says it modulates prostaglandins, and I really don't feel like going to my doctor to get a prescription like Singulair.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Doubt it sully.. Tren is just something people really like but also having to deal with the common side effects is a personal question "is it worth it for what im trying to achieve?"
Have you used Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate ? Never caused me any sides to me but finding true hex can be tricky..


Mar 8, 2014
I just had to stop my tren cause it was flaring my gyno up. Once it gets to the point where I can visually tell, that's it I'm done. IDT me and tren get along, this happened last time too. I do know one thing, I got more than 5 hours sleep last night, and I feel great! Tren works wonders, but man what a bitch it can be :mad:


Nov 20, 2012
Equipoise kills my cardiovascular capability. I doesn't happen overnight, but slowly kills it over a month or two. I know its not tren, but I wonder if it is caused by the same thing. I was thinking with EQ, it was from the raised RBC count, higher blood volume, or just thickened blood. Just an observation. I'm running tren e, drol, and trt test two weeks into a cycle of 8 weeks...I'm waiting for the lack of lung capacity to start...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Equipoise kills my cardiovascular capability. I doesn't happen overnight, but slowly kills it over a month or two. I know its not tren, but I wonder if it is caused by the same thing. I was thinking with EQ, it was from the raised RBC count, higher blood volume, or just thickened blood. Just an observation. I'm running tren e, drol, and trt test two weeks into a cycle of 8 weeks...I'm waiting for the lack of lung capacity to start...

I would have thought the increased RBC count from EQ would have helped your cardio instead of hurt it. Almost the same function as EPO, right? That's weird.


Nov 20, 2012
I was suprised too. That was about 4 years ago. But, who knows...maybe there were other, unrelated reasons for the cardio issues. Funny thing is...isn't eq designed for race horses?


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Equipoise kills my cardiovascular capability. I doesn't happen overnight, but slowly kills it over a month or two. I know its not tren, but I wonder if it is caused by the same thing. I was thinking with EQ, it was from the raised RBC count, higher blood volume, or just thickened blood. Just an observation. I'm running tren e, drol, and trt test two weeks into a cycle of 8 weeks...I'm waiting for the lack of lung capacity to start...

Correct eq raised blood hemocrit means less oxygen flowing In blood making you puff and stuff ..

See the blueing of the lips? Fuker is about to need a cardioversion..:)


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Registered User
Jan 28, 2014
Beta alanine will also help out with muscle fatigue. Cardio...it's like taking adderall....your heart rate will artificially be raised by at least 10 maybe even 20-30

Think of Tren as doing cardio with a weight vest and sweat suit on. If you can push through and handle, you're going to get veins all over.
I'm basically in the same boat as most of these guys and havent done shit for cardio in the past 13 weeks...
BUT IT"S FUCKING STUPID. im just being lazy even though i look ripped as fuck.
Proper cardio post workout 45 min minimum at a rate of just under or around 150 will give you hugh strength and rep gains in the gym.
I also remember that when i would play basketball post workout something like 2x a week...i always got stronger in the gym. Some weird shit, but hey, it's reality. Chekc the kinesiology books.

the inhalers...ya, albuterol is better for you then clen. it'll help but just try and get your VO2 max up as much as youcan.

now that i posted this shit...i better get my ass on the program too.

for the guys taht are skeptical...seriously play 2 games a week of pickup basketball after weights and see if you dont have strength gains.
or swim burnouts in the pool someshit.