Ok i will buy a camera and post my report once I get it and the decas and the liquid inside. Bro u started calling me a little punk first, why do u get so pissed when I make a comment. I could have wrote the order in my ass, I am willingto give people my sn and pw to check my order history. I dont have any fun posting all this crap, I dont do it for amusement. I Am paying 100 to get it tested, plus its not even the same place he did it. And as for the Armex I am talking to Jeff right now, they want my business back, dont know why. Its like saying u could have lied that I never ordered yellow tops, dont be a stupid and say I wrote that in when I didnt. whoever mr.X told that he would replace the Armex with BD, he still hasnt. And those that he did promised were told that in Decemmber, I am pming and keeping up with all of them. U need to lay off your hostile posts, and acting as if I dont know shit. WHen I paste a comment that has no negative connotations and u cant stand it, then stop reading them. scroll further, U GOT THAT?