101st Ranger

Registered User
Aug 29, 2013
So, been on cycle since Feb 27. Test prop @ 100 Mgs eod. Anavar @ 25 Mgs/wk 1-4 and 50 mgs week 5-present. Also, exemestane 25mgs a day and 25 a day of moo a due to onset of itching

Strength gains tremendous. Up 10lbs lean muscle and down 2% bf.

Problem is my shoulders. They are killing me. I have one old rotator cuff injury but I work around. Both are really sore and fatigued ALL the time and have now become the muscle that is preventing me to lift at my potential. I'm being weight limited by them. Feel like I'm going down in certain lifts. Even have some mild grinding in them.
I am at the point where I cannot lift 20lbs for shoulder swings without some significant pain.
I've also been adding additional rest days in the mix. Also started to back off the poundage and do more high rep/intensity training.

Besides the obvious that I've already stated, how can I train to improve this. And if need be, around it. Without sacrificing continued size gains.
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WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Some people hurt tendons on anavar, kinda like winstrol. To me anavar is never a good mass builder. But if you're dropping bf then lifting heavy that will fuck you up too.

So did u drop 2% or you are at 2%? I would say stay away from what hurts it and do recover exercises after shoulder day.

Which part of cuff hurts out of the 4 parts? Some times an imbalance over works it.

101st Ranger

Registered User
Aug 29, 2013
Some people hurt tendons on anavar, kinda like winstrol. To me anavar is never a good mass builder. But if you're dropping bf then lifting heavy that will fuck you up too.

So did u drop 2% or you are at 2%? I would say stay away from what hurts it and do recover exercises after shoulder day.

Which part of cuff hurts out of the 4 parts? Some times an imbalance over works it.

Thanks for the advice!!!

It's the anterior, closest to pec.

I will chill on the anavar and see what comes. Dropped 2% overall. Sitting at 11%.

You think that it could also be the exemestane and added joint pain occurring? This certainly crossed my mind.

101st Ranger

Registered User
Aug 29, 2013
Also, in the interest of debate and finding out what is going on here, anavar SHOULD be helping my tendons. Research shows it promotes collagen synthithis.

But, I admit I never gave much thought to the drop in BF while going up in strength training. It seems logical when you are talking about lower single digit percentages and the increased risk of injury, but at a level such as mine, I'm surprised to hear that it could be a risk factor at all. Not discounting your theory brother; it just has me thinking!

I definetly appreciate the response!


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
anavar can help tendons but can lead to micro tears in muscle putting an imbalance on tendons.

Aromasin not so much for dry joints. It effects new estrogen being formed through aromatase enzyme. not existing forms and other natural path ways.

Shoulder pain lighten load that hurts is and up the reps and range of motion. Tendons dont get a lot of blood flow avascular. So trying to get SOME more blood flow helps so do peptides. Ask around and read the peptide section.


Nov 20, 2012
I just happened to make a post about my shoulder issues and what has helped in Chicken Hawk's thread about posture. I will copy it here. Maybe it will help-

I have been working with a coach lately. I have had bench pressers shoulder for 5 years or so now from heavy benching. What he told me immediately upon watching me that I was using my front delts when doing anytype of chest work. What he has been working with me on is pinching together my scapulas and pushing my chest up and out when pressing anything. It has made a huge difference in my shoulder pain. For the last two chest sessions, using that form, I have no shoulder pain whatsoever, and get a much better isolation of the pecs. When I pinch the scapula together and push out and up on the pecs it totally takes my frontal delts out of the equation and it is all chest at that point. I just thought this might add to what your thread is talking about.

101st Ranger

Registered User
Aug 29, 2013
I just happened to make a post about my shoulder issues and what has helped in Chicken Hawk's thread about posture. I will copy it here. Maybe it will help-

I have been working with a coach lately. I have had bench pressers shoulder for 5 years or so now from heavy benching. What he told me immediately upon watching me that I was using my front delts when doing anytype of chest work. What he has been working with me on is pinching together my scapulas and pushing my chest up and out when pressing anything. It has made a huge difference in my shoulder pain. For the last two chest sessions, using that form, I have no shoulder pain whatsoever, and get a much better isolation of the pecs. When I pinch the scapula together and push out and up on the pecs it totally takes my frontal delts out of the equation and it is all chest at that point. I just thought this might add to what your thread is talking about.
I really appreciate this advice! Thank you.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I have been working with a coach lately. I have had bench pressers shoulder for 5 years or so now from heavy benching. What he told me immediately upon watching me that I was using my front delts when doing anytype of chest work. What he has been working with me on is pinching together my scapulas and pushing my chest up and out when pressing anything. It has made a huge difference in my shoulder pain. For the last two chest sessions, using that form, I have no shoulder pain whatsoever, and get a much better isolation of the pecs. When I pinch the scapula together and push out and up on the pecs it totally takes my frontal delts out of the equation and it is all chest at that point. I just thought this might add to what your thread is talking about.

Oh you mean doing it correctly like a power lifter...:D


Silly bodybuilders....

101st Ranger

Registered User
Aug 29, 2013
^Thats funny!

Usually don't care for that guy, but his advice is solid and he's actually kinda funny at times in it.


Nov 20, 2012
Oh you mean doing it correctly like a power lifter...:D


Silly bodybuilders....
Lol. I'm not sure if he got it from powerlifters. But it works. My pecs are sore and my shoulder isn't hurt. I hurt my shoulder originally from flat pressing stupid weight with no actual knowledge of how to do it properly. I wish he'd been my coach 7 years ago. I'm sure powerlifters have to have perfect form to avoid injuries. Stay tight.....
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WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Lol. I'm not sure if he got it from powerlifters. But it works. My pecs are sore and my shoulder isn't hurt. I hurt my shoulder originally from flat pressing stupid weight with no actual knowledge of how to do it properly. I wish he'd been my coach 7 years ago. I'm sure powerlifters have to have perfect form to avoid injuries. Stay tight.....

tight like a virgin midget :cool:


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
i have to make a comment here. I had shoulder 3 weeks ago and im in a sling for 6 weeks. Rotator, biceps tendon and arthritis. Two of which have been re-attached (partial tears) I cannot lift upper body for at least 6 months! Im 48 I highly recommend good form and if your not a competeing power lifter, lighten your presses and use %'s to meausure you max lifts. If you loose the shoulders you damn near dead in the water, and you will be working out like Jane Fonda. TAKE CARE OF YOUR SHOULDERS


Nov 20, 2012
i have to make a comment here. I had shoulder 3 weeks ago and im in a sling for 6 weeks. Rotator, biceps tendon and arthritis. Two of which have been re-attached (partial tears) I cannot lift upper body for at least 6 months! Im 48 I highly recommend good form and if your not a competeing power lifter, lighten your presses and use %'s to meausure you max lifts. If you loose the shoulders you damn near dead in the water, and you will be working out like Jane Fonda. TAKE CARE OF YOUR SHOULDERS
Dsmn brother..that sucks. I feel bad for you. Have you already had all of the surgeries done?

I went through an ACL reconstruction on my knee and learned then.... listen to and trust your physical therapist. I was basically out of commission for quite a few months and it frustrated the hell out of me.

101st Ranger

Registered User
Aug 29, 2013
i have to make a comment here. I had shoulder 3 weeks ago and im in a sling for 6 weeks. Rotator, biceps tendon and arthritis. Two of which have been re-attached (partial tears) I cannot lift upper body for at least 6 months! Im 48 I highly recommend good form and if your not a competeing power lifter, lighten your presses and use %'s to meausure you max lifts. If you loose the shoulders you damn near dead in the water, and you will be working out like Jane Fonda. TAKE CARE OF YOUR SHOULDERS
Brother, I know it! But it's always good to be reminded. I was out of commission for a bit when I had back surgery after Iraq. I couldn't lift shit lol!!!


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
My Ortho is a solid, he told me forget the MRI when I go in I know what I need to do....Oh and he did, repaired everything in 3 hours....the nurses told me he was cussing alot because my shoulder was so big and had to use longer tools. I laughed and thought my boys on ANASCI will like this one...


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
i have to make a comment here. I had shoulder 3 weeks ago and im in a sling for 6 weeks. Rotator, biceps tendon and arthritis. Two of which have been re-attached (partial tears) I cannot lift upper body for at least 6 months! Im 48 I highly recommend good form and if your not a competeing power lifter, lighten your presses and use %'s to meausure you max lifts. If you loose the shoulders you damn near dead in the water, and you will be working out like Jane Fonda. TAKE CARE OF YOUR SHOULDERS

I tell people that if i didn't compete I wouldn't bench


Donating Member
Dec 18, 2013
Honestly, the first thing I would check is my estrogen levels with 100mg prop eod 25mg exemestane is a lot. I realize everyone is different and I am sensitive as well and I am running 750mg test and 10mg exemestane per day crushes my estrogen levels. If it is too low your joints feel like crap. Just saying.

101st Ranger

Registered User
Aug 29, 2013
Honestly, the first thing I would check is my estrogen levels with 100mg prop eod 25mg exemestane is a lot. I realize everyone is different and I am sensitive as well and I am running 750mg test and 10mg exemestane per day crushes my estrogen levels. If it is too low your joints feel like crap. Just saying.
This was a suspicion from the onset. I mentioned it as such in my first post.

It is alot but I had to ramp it up to that level due to symptoms. On a side note, I haven't used anavar for two days and fwiw, I'm seeing improvements. As a correlation, I've also been able to decrease my exemestane dose.


Aug 28, 2005
So, been on cycle since Feb 27. Test prop @ 100 Mgs eod. Anavar @ 25 Mgs/wk 1-4 and 50 mgs week 5-present. Also, exemestane 25mgs a day and 25 a day of moo a due to onset of itching

Strength gains tremendous. Up 10lbs lean muscle and down 2% bf.

Problem is my shoulders. They are killing me. I have one old rotator cuff injury but I work around. Both are really sore and fatigued ALL the time and have now become the muscle that is preventing me to lift at my potential. I'm being weight limited by them. Feel like I'm going down in certain lifts. Even have some mild grinding in them.
I am at the point where I cannot lift 20lbs for shoulder swings without some significant pain.
I've also been adding additional rest days in the mix. Also started to back off the poundage and do more high rep/intensity training.

Besides the obvious that I've already stated, how can I train to improve this. And if need be, around it. Without sacrificing continued size gains.

If your hearing a grinding sound you might want to get that looked at. I'm afraid it may get worse if you don't take action.