need some girlfriend advice guys/girls


Registered User
Feb 3, 2013
Out there
I met my current girlfriend over a year ago and from day one shes lied to me about various things. Not cheating but small things. Small things that are a big deal to me. I grew up in a broken home where my parents lied to me daily. Lying is a bigger deal to me than others probably. I would go into detail about the relevance but its too long to type. Tonight I caught her in two more lies. Shes been lying to me about money. She says she dont have any so we spend my money the ln all of a sudden in a matter of hours she has money to buy buy several expensive shirts. Then I found out shes been talking bad about me to her sister. Normally I wouldn't care. People need to vent to coworkers friends family etc. No big deal. However she had call3d me very ugly names that were uncalled for. When asked about it she lied and said no such thing had been said. Minutes later she claimed she said those things but it slipped her mind. Which I do not believe.

In my opinion had she never began this relationship on lies, I wouldnt see this as a big issue. I feel like the mutual trust and respect is long gone. I doubt every word she says. Ive never lied to her or cheated. Thats one thing she wilp admit on my behalf. For some reason she doesnt trust me. Guilty conscious Im guessing.

This is just the tip. Shes very childish. Never accepts fault. Its everyone else problem. Shes never wrong. Very disrespectful. Has slapped me twice in the past. Pulled my own gun on me. Never pointed it but she did walk towards me with it in an aggressive manner. Denies that was ever her intentions. Threatened to break my phone. Took it from me and locked herself in the bathroom and said she was going to flush it. I get so scared or her out of control temper that I hide all my guns and knives when shes mad. I feel like im a prisoner in my own home.

At this point I will never trust her or feel comfortable around her. And im beginning to wonder what is wrong with me for keeping her around. In the past ive requested her to move out of my place and its always a lecture from her for an all day event about how right she is and how much of a fu*k up I am. And then she never leaves. So I just dont even bother anymore. I dont know what im asking anymore. I know this is unrepairable. I guess im looking for a "what do I do now" answer because im so mentally manipulated that I doubt my own self.


Feb 7, 2013
Let me put it very simply-

Aside from all the details of what she's done, you're not comfortable and probably never will be. That's enough and you need to see the writing on the wall. You'll never be happy with a girl like her cause of who you are and that's okay to admit.

But the choice is yours to make, just y thoughts on it.


Nov 20, 2012
Yeah man, that sucks. I would get rid of her. That type of behavior usually progresses over time. Sounds like she has anger problems also. Her slapping you should be enough to get you to leave her.


Registered User
Jan 21, 2012
Yeah dude, been there, done that. Get out while you can. It's just going to get worse. You don't deserve that shit. I waited too long to get rid of the one that did that shit to me and worse and now we have a kid together and I'm stuck woth her forever. Run away.. Fast.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2013
Out there
I agree with you guys. Im in very much belief that it will come to her doing something really bad like getting so mad she does try to shoot me or poison my food. I can very much see her doing that, just by seeing how out of control she gets when mad. She does a fantastic job of making me feel beneath her. If I dont get her out I fear something bad may happen. Shes nutty enough that it scares me. I keep all my guns locked up bc of her and I been sleeping on the couch, not in MY bed . Its almost like I sleep with one eye open.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Dude make that chick kick rocks and soon.....aside frome the lying she pulled a gun on you WTF!!! Let here be some other dudes problem child seriously its only gonna get worse...just my 2 pennies brother.


Oct 25, 2012
Change the locks when she's gone one day. And if you goto church or at all believe start going to functions there. You will meet someone more like you. And don't worry religious women can still get freaky....I know for sure:headbang:


Donating Member
Jan 21, 2013
And im beginning to wonder what is wrong with me for keeping her around.

My brother, this is the most important thing to answer and solve.
I was married for 16 years to EXACTLY the same shit you are describing. I had 4 sons that I would not leave. That is why I endured it even after I answered the big question you asked, that I quoted above.

I too came from a broken home with an alcoholic father (24 beers a night every night). He was a humiliator. I grew up being told I was a worthless POS, so I married someone who would continue to tell me the same thing every day.

YOU can get out of this and get yourself fixed before it is too late. You must taken action today. There is no slow down here. You must immediately put an end to it.

There is hope. I married a great lady who is my friend, supporter, mother to my sons, and believes in me 100%. You will find one, too.

But what you have to accept right now, is that you are not and have not been in a good state. By definition this manipulative bitch was looking for someone with low self esteem who she could fuck with. Until you get comfortable with all of your GOOD points, and viscerally believe that you are a valuable man for whose existence the world is blessed, you will continue to attract manipulative bitches.

Please by all means feel free to pm me. I swear I totally get what is going on. Its true that you will have to decide to help yourself, but if I can help you help yourself, I will.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Bull, you are in a toxic relationship and you know deep down you want better. Don't get "comfortable" with this. Don't let her guilt you. She is manipulating you and people like that are usually good at it. Sit down and have a firm talk with her. Let her scream, cry, what the fuck ever, but stand your ground. She has got to move out now, and its over. Period. Give her a deadline and if she doesn't move out of your place, when she is at work put her shit outside and change your locks. She is using you.

PS: and hide your gun too when you have that talk. Not saying anything will happen, I just believe in covering my ass in stuff like this. It can bring out the worst in people and she sounds unstable.
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Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
Agree with all the above. You need to get out now.

Your past is your past, but you can't let it define your future. Many of us have very difficult histories that plague us still as adults, but it's unnecessary.

Be strong and respect yourself. She will use you up completely if you let her.

It sounds like you're headed for something really bad that will be out of your hands if you let her stay around, like some bullshit involving the police. Would hate to think of her manipulating them against you, man.

Protect yourself. She is not and never will be on your side. She is out for herself only. You will be the loser in this game.

Good luck!


Registered User
Feb 3, 2013
Out there
I really appreciate all the positive support here from you guys/girls. Im waiting until she leaves for work Monday and im packing her things and taking them to her grandmothers, that is where she was staying when I found her. Today she is home all day and its a job just avoiding her. Again thsbj you guys for the support.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
I really appreciate all the positive support here from you guys/girls. Im waiting until she leaves for work Monday and im packing her things and taking them to her grandmothers, that is where she was staying when I found her. Today she is home all day and its a job just avoiding her. Again thsbj you guys for the support.

Great idea Bull. If she has a key to your place, change the locks. Once this is done, you open the door for better things to happen in your life. Good luck and hang tough. You are a good man and you deserve a good woman.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2013
Out there
Thank you that means alot. The emotional support really helps. I did try to sit her down and speak like two adults but as usual in a matter of mins she started to behave her typical way. Rolling her eyes telling me to fuck off. Im called everything under the sun. Everything she has done is justified but my doings are wrong. Basically turning the tide onto me in order for her to not accept fault for anything. We lost a baby about 6 months ago and she threw that up in my face saying that was the best thing to happen. I dont deserve happiness etc etc. I truly hate her and just want her gone. I asked her again to move today but she said she will leave when she gets ready. So tomorrow she wont be ablt to get in. Im taking all her things back to her gmothers. Im changing my cell number and my locks and if she xomes here im just not gna open the door and call the police if I have to im physically sick of her and her attitude. I cant even enjoy my days off of work at home bc of this. She constantly tells me she hates me and I say "well leave then no one is making you stay" I get some fk yous, eye rollings, and then "im working on it" her working on it has been 3 months now.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
The saying for a reason , season or a lifetime make sense? In this case -reason.That being reiteration of your distaste for lying.
Made you unhappy in your youth and will as an adult.I know exactly where you're coming from.Doubtful she can change There are people that lie just to lie
with no apparent reward /benefit . The lying is the reward. Not her fault just how it is. Take some time to concentrate on you. Don't look and the right one will find the way to you. Can't happen with you tangled in unhappiness.
I too hate when someone looks you in the eye and lies. Good luck, T


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Thank you that means alot. The emotional support really helps. I did try to sit her down and speak like two adults but as usual in a matter of mins she started to behave her typical way. Rolling her eyes telling me to fuck off. Im called everything under the sun. Everything she has done is justified but my doings are wrong. Basically turning the tide onto me in order for her to not accept fault for anything. We lost a baby about 6 months ago and she threw that up in my face saying that was the best thing to happen. I dont deserve happiness etc etc. I truly hate her and just want her gone. I asked her again to move today but she said she will leave when she gets ready. So tomorrow she wont be ablt to get in. Im taking all her things back to her gmothers. Im changing my cell number and my locks and if she xomes here im just not gna open the door and call the police if I have to im physically sick of her and her attitude. I cant even enjoy my days off of work at home bc of this. She constantly tells me she hates me and I say "well leave then no one is making you stay" I get some fk yous, eye rollings, and then "im working on it" her working on it has been 3 months now.

Anybody that would say that to you pretty much sums up their character. She's a bad person that will drag you down.


Registered User
Jan 21, 2012
Be careful. You may need to evict her legally in order to get her out. May need to write a letter and give it to her saying she has 30 days to leave before you remove her things. I speak from experience but there are different laws in different states. Now mind you, this chick I speak of did not live with me. She had some clothes there and a toothbrush and the police told me I need to evict her.

Check your local laws.