I have used 1700mg but it gave me stomach issues so I lowered the dose. I did notice more fat loss but the stomach issues persisted. I believe 1000mg is a good dose and I experience good results and very quickly. Metformin has been shown to enhance fat oxidation and also reduce visceral fat over time.
33% reduction of ALL CANCERS among those who are prescribed metformin. And this is a group (metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetics) who are at greater risk for cancer simply because of the overweight and obesity problems that go hand-in-hand with type II diabetes. Not a substitute for diet and cardiovascular exercise, but the sedentary do say they notice fat loss initially.
+1 on metformin for fat loss. It always wrecks my guts for a few weeks, but I get far fewer dips in energy throughout the day and my dieting goes about 15% faster when I use it @2g/day