Starting stats:
Height- 6'4" / 76"
Weight- 263lbs
BF%- 25-30%
Chest- 48"
Neck- 18"
Arms- 17.75"
Waist- 41.5"
Quads- 25"
Calves- 16.5"
Ending measurements:
Weight: 241lbs
Chest: 45
Arms: 17
Waist: 40
Quads: 24.5
Calves: 16
Total of 22lbs lost in 10 weeks, and I'm pretty sure I out on more than a few pounds of muscle mass at the same time. It doesn't show well in the pics cuz I'm a shit photographer, but my front delts/pec, side delts and arms have improved dramatically. Losing 22 lbs while only losing 3/4 of an inch on my arms tells me I put on some muscle there. My chest has improved to the point that my pubescent gyno is becoming increasingly obvious. And if you look carefully, you'll just be able to see my top abs starting to show up. They may not be really obvious yet, but I'm proud of it. First time I've had abs that could be seen in my life.
You guys are really looking fantastic. There was some serious work put in during this last 10 weeks by everyone. Everyone did a great job as far as I'm concerned. There's been more than a few really impressive transformations during this contest. Congrats to everyone involved.
And one more thanx to Marssel for throwing this contest. And Phoe and Ant for running it. U guys r awesome.