Week 5, Update #1
Felt like shit the last few days. Strength has been down, felling tired constantly, lethargic, not sleeping well at night, headaches, stomach constantly feeling irritated, and not having much of an appetite. Still getting as much out of my workouts as I can, even though it's tough when I feel like shit.
Not sure what's causing it. Could be the T3? I upped the dose to 50 mcg/day a few days ago. I know it can cause some of the symptoms I'm experiencing , but i wouldn't think all of them at once.
Yesterday was back and bis. Strength was down, so I went extra light and hit more reps. Took most lifts into the 30-40 rep range when I could. Overall, it was a decent workout. I was exhausted when I got done lifting, and could barely walk on the treadmill at a slow pace without losing my breath. Managed to get in 20 of my usual 40 minutes, before my legs just turned to jello and could barely even walk to my truck.
Scale days no weight loss last few days, but pants are feeling looser, and down another notch on my work belt. I can make out a big vein running up my bicep almost all day now. Noticed it this morning when I had a hand on the counter while brushing my teeth. I even started to notice some vascularity in my calves while I was sitting on the toilet yesterday.
Working today, so cardio and abs only.
Diet has been all over the place since I've not been feeling great. Having a hard time getting food down most days. Couple days ago I drank a shake and ate a chicken breast for the whole day. Even just looking at food makes me a little sick to my stomach. I'm sure the lack of food is a big contributor to my strength being way down, too.