I am leaving the gym today down to the simple fact I can barely walk

I have been 3 days in a row anyway so the cns probably needs a little break. I will train 2moro instead... gonna start training more (5 days every week). Yesterday I trained calves, hams and quads...
Leg Extension- Warm Up
Lying Leg Curl- Warm up
Hip Abductor- Warm up
Rotary Hip Machine= 4 sets of 20 reps going up in weight
Standing Calf Raises in Smith Machine= 3 sets of at least 20 reps pausing at the top. Then I started supersetting these with leg press calf presses about 3 sets of 20 reps on each.
Leg Press Calf Presses... About 4 sets of 15 reps going up in weight and pausing at the bottom.
Seated Calf Raise... 1 set of 50 reps with 3 plates, 2 sets of 100 reps with 2 plates. I failed on the last set so just kept going till I got to 100 reps.
Seated Leg Curl... 6 sets of 20-12 reps going up in weight to full weight rack. Then 2 drop sets with 5 drops in each one. Starting at full weight rack and moving down. On the last drop set when I finished I quickly put the weight to about 70kg and done as many reps as I got (not many) and pausing in the contracted position.
Leg Press... 3 sets of 100 reps... 2 with 100kg and the final 1 with 120kg. I failed early on the last one but kept going till I got to 100 reps.
Walking lunges for 2 large sets with 7.5kg db's. I basically done short stance to concentrate on quads and performed till I failed then carried on with bodyweight till I was on the fall unable to walk
I feel good but struggling to sit down and get up stairs now. I enjoy using lots of lighter weight but high reps for legs. Vascularity is really starting to come out in my legs so pleased with that. Still got a long way to go but getting there