Lantus/Keto Protocol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I could swear elvia spoke about humalog. Glad people are introducing lantus in the game.

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Great thread... CG's threads always are. I pm'ed CG just because he asked in the open if anyone had ever seen anything about high dosed lantus and keto diets to pm him. Before I tried lantus for the first time a few months back I researched it fairly extensively so came across some stuff relating to the subject. What CG is doing is definitely new though but in the same area of what I had seen a guy post about. He used 50iu lantus on Palumbo's keto diet but solely for fat loss.

I have spoken about various forms of slin as I have experimented with them from time to time. Humalog the most as it's my fav in many ways. When I experimented with humalog I really wanted to understand it so would not eat and record times of hypo onset and play about with carbs, aminos and food timing etc just so I recognized all the signs and knew what to do and obviously what to not do! :eek::D

I actually have my own lantus experiment about to start but it's nothing groundbreaking like this. I will be high (nothing crazy) dosing it 2 days (legs and back) per week but consuming plenty of carbs. My approach has been done many times before but I figured 2 days was a nice number for me. I will be able to remain slin sensitive keeping it to 2 days per week and obviously using various aids (metformin, gda's, lr3, melanotan 2 etc) to help in that regard.

Good posts CG, G160 and BBoy :)


Registered User
Feb 12, 2018
I read about lantus and the only issue i see with the 2 days is lantus or toujeo (insulin glargine) require 5 days of consecutive use for dose stabilisation. Im guessing if you dose high it still might not be very active in a countinous way (24hr life)

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Registered User
Oct 26, 2012
For all the questions, doubts, and interests regarding this protocol of CG's you all will find out very soon. I will be starting the CG Recomp with his guidance and coaching. This will be logged on the board for everyone to follow.


Registered User
Feb 12, 2018
I lived this and did it. I speak from 100% experience doing it! I'm the guy that invented it. "The CG Extreme Body re-composition".

Start by following a strict "high protein (KETO) diet for 1 week. Four normal keto meals adding up to 200 grams protein and 4 Hydrolyzed whey protein shakes between the meals adding up to 200 grams protein. Balance the fats by how many more aditional calories you need to reach maintenance calories.
Start the Lantus at 10iu and titrate up 5iu per day. Once you get to 25iu per day your body will start to look full and have veins. As you continue increasing your Lantus into the low forties your body will be extremely full in appearance and your weight loss "on the scale" is almost at a stop. 50iu not exceeding 65iu and you will start gaining "scale" weight AND at the same time your body is (STILL) losing fat on the KETO diet at an accelerated pace. There for losing fat and building muscle at the same exact time my friend. How can this happen without going hypo? In a state of ketosis your body will convert proteins to the carbs the Lantus needs. The Lantus is so stabile and the onset is so slow it gives your metabolism time to adjust to the needs.
The kicker is because your on no ingested carbs your insulin sensitivity remains at an all time peek the entire duration you do this. Do I have to point out how reactive your cells will be in this condition relative to nutrient delivery? That's the reason only 60iu of Lantus will start a forest fire of growth.

Absolutely anyone that's floating at 10 to 15% BF can stand on stage clean, dry and jacked full in 4 to 6 weeks from entering this protocol.

Things to monitor?
-How fast you titrate up the Lantus
-The quality of you Zero carb hydrolyzed whey
-There can be ZERO missed meals.
-Fluids must stay high
-Before training 20grams EAA's and 20grams Glutamine.(this will offset the added need for carbs)

I recommend doing: For Extreme Growth
-3iu GH 3 x's a day
-Water based test 150mgs a day
-EQ 600mgs a week
-A-drol, 100 mgs a day
-Winny 50 mgs a day

How dangerous is this? If you don't stick to the KETO diet and hit each and every meal and shake, this isn't for you. Extreme change demands extreme discipline.

Now I know what you guys are going to do. Your reading this and just shaking your heads in dismay. lol You just don't have an open mind and can't except something you don't understand. That's fine with me. You can stand on the side of the road and watch the cars go by all day long. But then there are the guys that get behind the wheel and have a purpose. Those are the guys I'm targeting with this.

This is really and truly THE way to lose fat and grow significant muscle at the same exact time. PERIOD!
I cant stop but wonder why water based test?

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Donating Member
Dec 6, 2012
I posted this over at pro muscle but this will work. We have been doing this over st the old datbtrue site years ago but a little different. This is what we would usually do. It worked best if you could train mid morning.

Meal1: carbs/protein
Post workout=2iu humulin R and 50g whey isolate
Meal3: protein/fishoil/mct oil
M4: protein/fish oil/
M5: egg whites+25g whey iso+ 2iu humulin R
M6: 4oz meat/1 scoop casein/fishoil

Fibrous veggies scattered in there. We would eat just enough carbs to keep training intensity high, but didn’t want to eat enough to have much liver glycogen left over after a lift

Worked extremely well with ghrps/rhgh added


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Elvia, I hope you plan to log your Lantus experience here in this section. This section has turned out be the "Go Too" for Lantus on the entire internet.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I cant stop but wonder why water based test?

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Nothing I'm doing is random. :)

Testosterone Suspension:
160mlg of testosterone suspension will create a great deal of estrogen since it originates as a non-esterfied AAS. Estrogen up-regulates the muscle cells glucose transporters called GLUT-4 and increases androgen receptor sensitivity. This also means that the administered testosterone is free or unbound from its inactivating protein SHBG. A great deal of the hormone entering the circulatory system is quickly bound, though not before a serious degree of anabolism should take place. But there is a portion left bound and in reserve.
(Insulin) inhibited SHBG should be freed up resulting in a synergistic anabolic response. By freeing the remaining testosterone from SHBG an increase in androgenic activity should take place. Since SHBG is also estrogen binding the protein excretion of estrogens should be dramatically accelerated. This results in rapid estrogen clearing and an increase in GH. Most of you guys now GH and insulin must both be present in the liver to produce IGF-1.

BTW: The gear and amounts I recommend is what I believe is necessary for extreme growth in this chemical environment. Feel free to add or subtract as you see fit. As far as the "water based"? I think it's a necessity for optimum results.>>>

"I see said the blind man"


Registered User
Feb 12, 2018
Nothing I'm doing is random. :)

Testosterone Suspension:
160mlg of testosterone suspension will create a great deal of estrogen since it originates as a non-esterfied AAS. Estrogen up-regulates the muscle cells glucose transporters called GLUT-4 and increases androgen receptor sensitivity. This also means that the administered testosterone is free or unbound from its inactivating protein SHBG. A great deal of the hormone entering the circulatory system is quickly bound, though not before a serious degree of anabolism should take place. But there is a portion left bound and in reserve.
(Insulin) inhibited SHBG should be freed up resulting in a synergistic anabolic response. By freeing the remaining testosterone from SHBG an increase in androgenic activity should take place. Since SHBG is also estrogen binding the protein excretion of estrogens should be dramatically accelerated. This results in rapid estrogen clearing and an increase in GH. Most of you guys now GH and insulin must both be present in the liver to produce IGF-1.

BTW: The gear and amounts I recommend is what I believe is necessary for extreme growth in this chemical environment. Feel free to add or subtract as you see fit. As far as the "water based"? I think it's a necessity for optimum results.>>>

"I see said the blind man"
I guess it makes sense in theory, im just learning, so in this scenario youre not considering the use of anti estrogens during the cutting phase?

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Nothing I'm doing is random. :)

Testosterone Suspension:
160mlg of testosterone suspension will create a great deal of estrogen since it originates as a non-esterfied AAS. Estrogen up-regulates the muscle cells glucose transporters called GLUT-4 and increases androgen receptor sensitivity. This also means that the administered testosterone is free or unbound from its inactivating protein SHBG. A great deal of the hormone entering the circulatory system is quickly bound, though not before a serious degree of anabolism should take place. But there is a portion left bound and in reserve.
(Insulin) inhibited SHBG should be freed up resulting in a synergistic anabolic response. By freeing the remaining testosterone from SHBG an increase in androgenic activity should take place. Since SHBG is also estrogen binding the protein excretion of estrogens should be dramatically accelerated. This results in rapid estrogen clearing and an increase in GH. Most of you guys now GH and insulin must both be present in the liver to produce IGF-1.

BTW: The gear and amounts I recommend is what I believe is necessary for extreme growth in this chemical environment. Feel free to add or subtract as you see fit. As far as the "water based"? I think it's a necessity for optimum results.>>>

"I see said the blind man"

I wonder if a low dose of something like Winstrol, which lowers SHBG, would also be beneficial at the same time.


Registered User
Feb 12, 2018
I wonder if a low dose of something like Winstrol, which lowers SHBG, would also be beneficial at the same time.
Good Winstrol @ 25mg mast p 75mg proviron 50 ed along with test suspension and tren has to be amazing.. im sure the reason hes not using these is to counter flatness tendency winny and tren have

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Registered User
Oct 26, 2012
I wonder if a low dose of something like Winstrol, which lowers SHBG, would also be beneficial at the same time.

Good Winstrol @ 25mg mast p 75mg proviron 50 ed along with test suspension and tren has to be amazing.. im sure the reason hes not using these is to counter flatness tendency winny and tren have

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He is recommending winny in the protocol at 50mg/day


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Good Winstrol @ 25mg mast p 75mg proviron 50 ed along with test suspension and tren has to be amazing.. im sure the reason hes not using these is to counter flatness tendency winny and tren have

Flatness from Tren? How is that even a thing? I’ve run more than my fair share of Tren over the years (not much Winstrol, though) and never once dealt with flatness, even in a severe caloric deficit.


Registered User
Feb 12, 2018
Flatness from Tren? How is that even a thing? I’ve run more than my fair share of Tren over the years (not much Winstrol, though) and never once dealt with flatness, even in a severe caloric deficit.
I have had some flatness with tren along with my older friends, could be cause were old...i have had tendencies to get flat since i passed 20s.. its not like npp tren will get some people flat, i usually run it with other nandrolones cause of it and mind you tren is my favorite compound after masteron then its winny.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Elvia, I hope you plan to log your Lantus experience here in this section. This section has turned out be the "Go Too" for Lantus on the entire internet.

I will do. I will be restarting my syntherol log anyday so will probably just put everything in that. Had a slight issue so have delayed things. I had a big leg workout the other day. Long story short I finished with 2 crazy sets of leg extensions. Tom Platz style but even more mental and after the 2nd one I tried to stand up and my legs completely went and I come crashing down and hit my elbow on the floor. It's been really sore since so I can't train properly. A silly injury and it's a shame I never got that set on video :p

Whilst I am here check this video out. It's got some useful tips for anyone following a keto diet.

The 5 Biggest Ketosis Mistakes - YouTube


New member
Feb 27, 2018
I'm really looking forward to trying this protocol. Does the whey have to be hydrolized? Or can I use someting like impact whey from myprotein.com ?

My fear is just getting hypo creep on me while I'm alseep.