Is it ok to run PCT again?


New member
Mar 25, 2005
I did a 10 week cycle of test e(200mg) and finished clomid and nolvadex 5 weeks ago the problem is I feel really lethargic, sex drive is quite low and I'm loosing weight. Should I run PCT again? Will it make a difference? Thanks for any advice.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2005
More details bro how long was your pct and how much did you take
your signs are quite normal, your gonna lose some weight and feel different.


New member
Mar 25, 2005
PCT was 21 days ten on 100mg clomid and 11 on 50 mg took 20mg a day nolvadex as well.


Sep 19, 2004
My sex drive is in the crapper when I'm not on. Jayson is right,you have to continue eating.


We've got it all!
Apr 22, 2005
jeffa said:
PCT was 21 days ten on 100mg clomid and 11 on 50 mg took 20mg a day nolvadex as well.

Do another PCT with HCG.

Do 5 injections of 1000 IU of HCG every 3 days while using nolva at 40mg for 1 week and 20mg for 2 weeks.


Feb 25, 2005
X-Spectrum said:
Do another PCT with HCG.

Do 5 injections of 1000 IU of HCG every 3 days while using nolva at 40mg for 1 week and 20mg for 2 weeks.

The HCG will totally screw him up at this point. Sounds like he is about 5 weeks off cycle including PCT. the HCG will trash his natural test production. HCG should not be used after the last shot of gear IMO. It does nothing but swell the nuts so when you start putting out your own test, it will be a production run not a test batch.


Feb 25, 2005
I have used HCG before and it is awesome how fast my nuts swelled back up!!!! But dont use it during PCT....Use it right before PCT.


Registered User
Nov 9, 2004
i wouldnt use nolva for pct unless u have gyno signs it will not help restore test levels..... just clomid will do the Trick.... just keep training hardcore..... and besides you will lose a little anyway when off cycle...


We've got it all!
Apr 22, 2005
Jaysonl1424 said:
i wouldnt use nolva for pct unless u have gyno signs it will not help restore test levels..... just clomid will do the Trick.... just keep training hardcore..... and besides you will lose a little anyway when off cycle...

Lots of myths being spread here...

Nolvadex is more effective than clomid, PERIOD!


I'm not gonna point any fingers here, but please know what you're talking about before posting it. Other people will read it and spread the misinformation, and that's not something we need when dealing with steroids.
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We've got it all!
Apr 22, 2005
KILLA said:
The HCG will totally screw him up at this point. Sounds like he is about 5 weeks off cycle including PCT. the HCG will trash his natural test production. HCG should not be used after the last shot of gear IMO. It does nothing but swell the nuts so when you start putting out your own test, it will be a production run not a test batch.

Not true. There is no specific point during or after a cycle that HCG has to be used. HCG will always help. HCG alone won't do the job and neither will nolva or clomid by themselves, but combining HCG with nolva will virtually guarantee recovery.

I'm not going to spend my night looking for evidence to support my point when I've got someone waiting for me in bed ;) , but please read the link I just posted and feel free to explore the PCT boards at elitefitness and read everything posted by Jenetic. Exersci also has good stuff on PCT by Jenetic.

There's plenty of people that have run PCT weeks, and even months, after doing their first PCT. They were supressed, and it took a second PCT to help them recover. What do you think a knowledgeable endocrinologist will do when you come to him and tell him that you did a 1G test cycle 5 months ago without PCT and that you feel severely supressed? Put you on another cycle and then have you do PCT? Of course not! He's going to recommend PCT treatment right away.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2005
no sweat,I hope

From the looks of your cycle I would say you are pretty new to this. Did you follow pct with clomid like you are supposed to,exactly the way you are supposed to. Because you are new to this you are probably not familiar with the crash after a good cycle. Not so much a crash for me but it is harder to drag yourself in the gym when your test isnt as high as it was. And your appetite isnt as high and no you cant shag your girlfrien like a rag doll the way you did for the past two months. Bummer. Try to suck it up and not let it get to you. Keep lifting and eating. Try pct again. Sometimes recouping takes time. Supplement with zma and keep on keepin on. Get everything straight and dream about the next cycle....keeps me going give it a try.


Feb 25, 2005
X-Spectrum said:
Not true. There is no specific point during or after a cycle that HCG has to be used. HCG will always help. HCG alone won't do the job and neither will nolva or clomid by themselves, but combining HCG with nolva will virtually guarantee recovery.

I'm not going to spend my night looking for evidence to support my point when I've got someone waiting for me in bed ;) , but please read the link I just posted and feel free to explore the PCT boards at elitefitness and read everything posted by Jenetic. Exersci also has good stuff on PCT by Jenetic.

There's plenty of people that have run PCT weeks, and even months, after doing their first PCT. They were supressed, and it took a second PCT to help them recover. What do you think a knowledgeable endocrinologist will do when you come to him and tell him that you did a 1G test cycle 5 months ago without PCT and that you feel severely supressed? Put you on another cycle and then have you do PCT? Of course not! He's going to recommend PCT treatment right away.

from bodybuilding.com

For best results, it is best stacked with HCG (Human Chorionic gonadotrophin), which functions as an LH analog and can help bring testicle size back up. HCG use starts the last week of a cycle, and on from there every 5-6 days (usually 1500-3000 IU) and discontinued 1.5 to weeks prior to the cessation of Nolvadex/clomid. The reason being that HCG itself is also suppressive of natural testosterone and should be out of the body before therapy is over, or it will inhibit natural testicle function. But I can not stress enough that HCG possibly plays a more important role in post-cycle therapy than clomid/Nolvadex. For Clomid and Nolvadex, doses are usually tapered down. Its best to start with 40-50 mg of Nolvadex or 150 mg of Clomid for the first week or the first two weeks, and then finish the program with 20-25 mg of Nolvadex or 100 mg of Clomid for an additional two weeks.


OK that says you can take it during PCT......But it does state that HCG supresses natural test. Why would anyone want to supress it anymore than it is.

IMO he needs to tough it out. By now his body is well on its way to producing its own test. But whatever.....I always experiment with my body to see what I like best too, so I am sure I do plenty of things outside the norm.

Does Wolfy care to weigh in?


New member
Mar 25, 2005
Thanks for the replies looks like I will have to just tough it out . I dont have any HCG and arnt going get any I jsut run clomid and nolvadex again. Yeah I'm not eating right and going to gym is a complete drag I've probably only gained in net 3-4 lbs from this cycle. Well anyway thanks again I was already dreaming of my next cycle before this one finished!.


Registered User
Nov 9, 2004
see there is alot of diffrent info out there like if u take a look at this chart someone posted up here a couple wks ago

it says that clomid actually worked better as and anti estrogen and test booster... in which clomid doesnt....... im not saying that anyone is wrong but after reading the two i am confused and im sure the origional poster here IS as well....

what we need is one of the mods to come in here to clearify this all up


Registered User
Nov 9, 2004
i donno if u ever treid this jeffa but i use tribulus and Tongkat Ali year round and i really notice the diffrence during my pct and off cycle


We've got it all!
Apr 22, 2005
KILLA said:
from bodybuilding.com

For best results, it is best stacked with HCG (Human Chorionic gonadotrophin), which functions as an LH analog and can help bring testicle size back up. HCG use starts the last week of a cycle, and on from there every 5-6 days (usually 1500-3000 IU) and discontinued 1.5 to weeks prior to the cessation of Nolvadex/clomid. The reason being that HCG itself is also suppressive of natural testosterone and should be out of the body before therapy is over, or it will inhibit natural testicle function. But I can not stress enough that HCG possibly plays a more important role in post-cycle therapy than clomid/Nolvadex. For Clomid and Nolvadex, doses are usually tapered down. Its best to start with 40-50 mg of Nolvadex or 150 mg of Clomid for the first week or the first two weeks, and then finish the program with 20-25 mg of Nolvadex or 100 mg of Clomid for an additional two weeks.


OK that says you can take it during PCT......But it does state that HCG supresses natural test. Why would anyone want to supress it anymore than it is.

IMO he needs to tough it out. By now his body is well on its way to producing its own test. But whatever.....I always experiment with my body to see what I like best too, so I am sure I do plenty of things outside the norm.

Does Wolfy care to weigh in?

I realize there's plenty of people who are saying that HCG supressed natural testosterone production, but that's not really true. HCG supressed LH; I won't deny that. But the fact is that LH is already near 0 after a cycle, so further supression won't do anything. HCG mimics LH and LH gets your testicles to produce testosterone again. HCG by itself is useless because it doesn't boost LH at all. But that's where nolvadex comes in! Nolvadex does boost LH levels. Therefore, nolvadex+HCG is the magical combination. Nolvadex counteracts the supression of LH as well as possible Leywdig cell desensitation.


We've got it all!
Apr 22, 2005
Jaysonl1424 said:
see there is alot of diffrent info out there like if u take a look at this chart someone posted up here a couple wks ago

it says that clomid actually worked better as and anti estrogen and test booster... in which clomid doesnt....... im not saying that anyone is wrong but after reading the two i am confused and im sure the origional poster here IS as well....

what we need is one of the mods to come in here to clearify this all up

Much of the information on steroids101.com is wrong or terribly incomplete. If you wish to know more thorough nolvadex and clomid, please PM me. I won't post anymore links to other forums, since this is a forum after all and I don't feel right promoting all kinds of other forums.


at this point in time i would recommend that you start taking both tribulus terrestis & avena sativa. these are both natural products that do work at getting your lh & fsh back to normal levels.
i also recommend that you start taking an energy booster especially when going to the gym so you can hammer out a good workout. as soon as you have a few good hard workouts, your attitude will change some and you will start to see a new outlook.
im not going to get into an argument on whether hcg is good or not. i have done plenty of research myself on it when the wife & i were trying to conceive and my sperm count was just about non existant. hcg will TEMPORARILY increase test production, but it is not permanant thus the need for nolva just like spectrum stated. it will increase it rapidly and give ya time for the nolva to do its thing.